Archive for the ‘news’ Category.

Research award by Inesc-ID

I like to think that passion, support and dedication are the pillars that sustained my last five years of commitment to science. My role as researcher is to pursue what I believe to be relevant problems and interfere as less as possible with the scientific process. For this end, I simply attempt to be open to guidance and the intuitive reception of ideas, diligently test them, and do the daily emotional homework to remove any obstacles compromising my productivity. You see, I am merely a facilitator holding a vision.
So what is indeed fueling my work?
Firstly, the people with whom I work with and who inspire and support me.
Secondly, the citizens and institutions that grant me the funds and logistic environment to accomplish my work smoothly.

December 21st, 2016. Five years later. A special day. The warm surprise of being ascribed during a seasonal event with the Best PhD Research Award by Inesc-ID (

Accordingly to the fuel for my work: my heartfelt Gratitude to all the people that enriched my professional and personal life during these years, and to Inesc-ID.
And, if you allow my daring, I want to fully dedicate this award to the person who is the major responsible for this unexpected end: Sara Madeira.
Thank You.

PhD honors by UL: words of gratitude

On 25th January, 2016, I was notified that Universidade de Lisboa ascribed Distinction and Honors to my doctoral dissertation. My humble and sincere acknowledgments for all the contributors that seeded this scientific work possible:

[transcribed from the PhD dissertation]
O presente documento é o resultado de um longo trabalho realizado em circunstâncias únicas, dentro do qual me revejo como humilde facilitador. Ele é primariamente o resultado das pessoas que o inspiraram, das mentes científicas que o precederam e nele cooperaram, e dos seres que comigo partilharam este percurso.

Antes demais, o meu profundo agradecimento aos meus pais, Rui e Elsa. Ao seu incessável apoio, dedicação e contínuo respeito pela forma como conduzo a minha vida. A vocês, o meu Amor.

A minha profunda gratidão a AJ Miller, Mary Luck, Inelia Benz, Almine, Manuela Melo, Luís Morgado e Leslie Temple Thurston pela forma como tocaram e transformaram a minha vida. À minha musa, Maria Flávia de Monsaraz, por me ter revelado a Ordem da Vida. Aos guias que acompanharam o meu percurso, contribuindo também para este resultado.

O meu agradecimento ao primeiro responsável por este trabalho. Sara Madeira. Obrigado. A sua integridade, confiança e compromisso para uma comunicação aberta constituíram, sem dúvida, o pilar do presente trabalho. A sua humanidade e genuína atenção foram o maior segredo para a condução deste trabalho, preenchendo as minhas madrugadas de trabalho com ânimo. Mais, a sua aguda visão científica foi essencial para o desenvolvimento dos conteúdos. Em 2012, os apontamentos gráficos e coloridos do seu moleskine azulão preencheram o meu mundo por breves dias, dando origem (quatro anos mais tarde) à actual tese.

Agradeço às pessoas que contribuíram para a aprimoração desta tese. Aos membros do júri — Professores Mário Figueiredo, Miguel Rocha, Joaquin Dopazo e Francisco Santos — por toda a sua pronto atenção e tempo dedicados, e inúmeras partilhas em prol da qualidade do presente trabalho e da minha formação pessoal. O meu sincero agradecimento a Cláudia Antunes por ter despoletado em mim a genuína paixão pela aprendizagem automática e pelo seu papel nas contribuições dos capítulos IV-3 e VI-7. A sua presença durante os meus primeiros anos de investigação marcou positivamente o meu percurso. Ainda, o meu agradecimento a todos os revisores científicos dos artigos decorrentes deste trabalho. Ao Franscisco Ferreira pelo seu papel na produção das interfaces gráficas do software decorrente desta tese. Aos meus colegas de equipa, Telma Pereira, Sofia Teixeira e Rita Levy, pela sua presença radiosa nos meus dois últimos anos de trabalho.

Agradeço à Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia e aos cidadãos portugueses o financiamento do meu doutoramento, através da bolsa SFRH/BD/75924/2011, que possibilitou a realização harmoniosa desta tese. Acredito que as contribuições decorrentes deste trabalho demonstram o meu empenho para avançar o estado da ciência computacional em Portugal e não só. Quero ainda agradecer às instituições de acolhimento, Inesc-ID, e de atribuição do grau, IST (Universidade de Lisboa), pela plataforma de suporte conduciva à realização dos trabalhos.

A minha gratidão a Marta Oliveira, Pedro Gonçalves, Pedro Cosme, Gonçalo Ferreira, Sílvia Pina, Elsa Torres, Mikel Damon Miller, Alexandre Camões, João Belchior, Samantha Nogueira, Sylvia Alves, Teresa Castanheira, Pedro Policarpo, Maria Júdice, César Moniz, Oet Grebke e António Barreto. Amigos de alma, cujos percursos se cruzaram com o meu de uma forma irreversível. E, claro, ao meu irmão Miguel.

A todos vocês, e ao leitor atento, dedico esta tese com verdade e humildade.

8 de Outubro de 2015,
Rui Henriques

[transcribed from the PhD dissertation]

One year of research in retrospective

My research path has been very fruitful during this last year.
Before all, the collaboration and tutoring initiatives with the members of our project team were beyond rewarding!
Also there have been many advances in our streams of research.
First, we completed the challenging task of adapting generative learners, such as HMMs, to deal with itemset sequences.
And nothing better than obtaining promising results across domains!
Second, multi-period classification is growing mature!
Third, we proposed an effective way of performing classification over complex heritage data by relying on discriminative temporal patterns.
We will present the key implications of this method at the SDM conference in Austin.
Fourth, emotion recognition in affective engagements from physiological signals already led to some publications, being the last contribution presented at the HRI conference in Tokyo.
Fifth, structural revisions of (temporal) pattern mining methods for biomedical data are interestingly showing significant performance improvements.
Sixth, and finally, we have been validating many contributions in the field of pattern-based biclustering.
We are confident that pattern-based biclustering approaches will be a significant mark on how to discover flexible biclustering solutions efficiently.

And, to balance all the dedication to this world of computational inquiry, nothing better than to take some time off for Self-nurturing around US and Mexico! Back to office by middle of May.

Count-down to HIS conference in Beijing

An empty baggage,
a heart full of love to find some of my oriental roots,
a clear and fearless mind to deliver discoveries that may impact healthcare research in our future,
and the Aries great full moon waiting at the sacred Mount Tai.
Lisbon, see you later on.

Joyful welcome to the new members

One of the most rewarding things of being a teacher is to touch and, particularly, to be touched by students.
The simplicity, creativity and warm-spontaneity of Simão Martins, as well as the inquiring and problematization aptness of João Vieira, always captured my attention! Simão will be contributing to the Educare project, while João research on temporal constraints (D2PM) will be strongly connected to Sílvia’s and my research.
Additionally, I am so glad to work directly with Fábio Carvalho (in the scope of dynamic Bayesian networks over multivariate sequences and temporal itemsets). His committal, sense of friendship and natural curiosity are a solid and fertile ground for our present and, hopefully, future collaborations.
Congrats all for your grants! Enjoy your research!

Gracious week

Whether giving or taking, Life has taught me so much. Now, I neutrally contemplate what Life brings in, trusting that hidden purpose behind all that Is. And what a gracious week for my scientific research… a journal (HISS) and a conference (ADMI-AAMAS). Now some time to contemplate the stars and what they seem to evoke in me.

Warm welcome to Sílvia Moura Pina and Pedro Crespo

Oh, I am so grateful to welcome two friends of mine in our D2PM and Educare teams.
Sílvia, a professional psychologist and IS engineer, has been my confidant support to lead NEIIST in the past. I love to work with her and learned a lot with her maturity in the fields of collaboration and grounding. Will she join me in the PhD path? I will support her decision (but I would like to!).
Pedro was one of my best students in ‘Software Architecture’ course. His creative mind had already result in a journal publication (before his third month of research!).
Wish you all the best! And now, the WARM HUG!