Operational Research — Linear Programming: CPLEX
-Linear Programming
• Dantzig's simplex method:  99`8.typical problem; 99`8.canonical form (§05`5: N, or).* (N = with NAG, see below)
• 09`3.Tableaux (tabular form, wide)
• Recommended arrow • 15`3.Revised simplex (matrix form) (10`1.old) • Matrix inversion by 12`3.updating • LP random problem 15`3.generator
• Via 15`c.Lindo
• Transportation Problem • 03`c.Typical problem • 08`3.Transshipment problem (&)
• Mixed Integer LP • 03`2.Typical problem {N} (or {§N})
• Travelling salesman problem • Typical problem: 12`5.Carpaneto et al. • 08`2.via NAG {N} (or 02`6.§{N}) • 02`c.enumeration
• Assignment Problem • 02`7.Typical problem {N} (or 02`7.{§N}) • 10`6.Hungarian method

-Mixed Integer Programming (references)

• Search "Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP)"

• Gurobi: Mixed-Integer Programming (MIP) - A Primer on the Basics (=.pdf, 2 Mb),

• Taylor, Bernard, moduleB.pdf Transp. & Ass., modC.pdf IP: B&B method, modD.pdf NLP, modE.pdf Game Theo., modF.pdf Markov

• MIT: Bradley, Hax & Magnanti, Applied Mathematical Programming, 1977, Addison-Wesley (=.pdf zip, 539 pp, 16 Mb, -Ch6/7/10), Ch. 9.pdf, "Integer Programming", p 272, "Some IP models"

-References, bibliography

• Linderoth, Jeff (Lehigh U.), Noncommercial software for MILP.pdf (=).

• Rodríguez-Carbonell, Enric, Tutorial on CPLEX.pdf LP

• Williams, H. P., 1985, "Model building in mathematical programming", 2.nd ed., Wiley. ISBN: 0-471-90605-0. (1978, ISBN: 0-471-99541-X)

• Hillier, F. S., G. J. Lieberman, 2005, "Introduction to Operations Research", 8.th ed., McGraw-Hill, Boston, MA (USA). ISBN: 007123828X.

• Taha, Hamdy, 1987, "Operations Research: an introduction", 4.th ed., Macmillan, New York, NY (USA). ISBN: 0-02-946750-0.

• Atamtürk (in [Linderoth]), Alper and Martin W. P. Savelsbergh, 2004, "Integer Programming Software Systems", Annals of Operations Research (=).

• Özaltin, Osman Y., B. Hunsaker, T. K. Ralphs, 2007, "Visualizing Branch-and-Bound algorithms".pdf (=).

• Search "more for less"

• Arsham, H., The dark side of LP: "More-for-less & less-for-more situations" (Univ. of Baltimore).

• Luptáčik, Mikuláš: Chap. IV.pdf, (Comenius University in Bratislava) (Inserting Unicode char.).

• Ryan, Michael J. (.pdf), 2000, "The distribution problem, the more for less (nothing) paradox and economies of scale and scope", European Journal of Operational Research, 121:92–104.

• Ryan, Michael J. (.zip, 4 Mb), 2004, "More for Less", on-line book.

• Storøy, Sverre (.pdf), 2007, "The transportation paradox revisited" (Univ. of Bergen, Norway).

• Greenberg, Harvey J. (.pdf), 2000, "Mathematical Programming glossary supplement: more for less paradox", March 2, Univ. of Colorado at Denver.

* Remember: § (not working)

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Created: 2016-03-27 — Last modified: 2016-03-27