Linear Programming
  Solves a minimization or maximization Linear Programming problem (via a NAG procedure). (See a refinery optimization problem.)
2025.Feb.18 22:57:18
Max or Min Objective:  minimisation or maximisation.
nConstr, nVar Constraints (rows, as below) and structural variables.
ItMax, MsgLvl Iteration limit and print level.† •
Cvec Coefficients in the objective function. •
Constraints Constraint constants and coefficients (in the form below).
  "<" means "≤"; i means ∞.
  Solves a Linear Programming (LP) problem (or linear program). The algorithm used is not Dantzig's simplex method —pedagogically recommended—, but a black-box NAG implementation based on an "inertia-controlling method" [Gill et al., 1991]. An LP problem consists of a linear function, the objective function, to be minimized or maximized, subject to linear constraints. Here, these are of the form

Li ≤ ∑j=1,n ai,j xi,jUi,   for j = 1..m

where m (nConstr) is the number of constraints and n (nVar) is the number of (non-negative) variables. (General variables may be created as differences of non-negative ones.)
  In the constraint box above, only the L's, the a's and the U's must be supplied. Equality constraints are made by setting the lower bound, L, and the upper bound, U, equal. "Infinity" (∞) is 1020.
† "Iteration limit": 0, no limit (recommended). "Print level": 0, no output; 1, final solution; 5, intermediate solutions; 10, both.
References or suggested reading:

• Dantzig, George (1914–2005)

• Gill, P. E. et al., 1991,  "Inertia-controlling methods for general quadratic programming", SIAM Rev., 33,  pp 1–36.

• Hillier, Frederick S., Gerald J. Lieberman, 2005, "Introduction to Operations Research", 8.th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, NY.

• Hillier, Frederick S., Gerald J. Lieberman, 2004, "Introduction to Operations Research", 8.th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, NY.

• NAG Fortran Library Routine Document: E04MMF/A(.pdf).

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Created: 2005-05-01 (2006.05.01) — Last modified: 2007-10-13