Ana Gualdina Almeida
By topic:
- Information Flow in a
Distributed Security Setting. With J.
Cederquist. Submitted, 2019. [PDF]
- From atomic variables to data-centric concurrency
control. With H. Paulino, D. Parreira, N.
Delgado and A. Ravara.
- Presented at SAC'16, 2016. [PDF]
- Mashic Compiler: Mashup Sandboxing using
Inter-frame Communication. With Z. Luo, J. Fragoso Santos, and T. Rezk.
- Journal of Computer Security, 2016. [PDF]
- Modular Monitor
Extensions for Information Flow Security in
JavaScript. With J. Fragoso Santos, and
T. Rezk.
- An Information Flow
Monitor for a Core of DOM - Introducing
references and live primitives. With J. Fragoso Santos and T. Rezk.
- Distributed Noninterference. With J.
- Informative Types and Effects for Hybrid
Migration Control. With J. Cederquist.
- Presented at RV'13,
2013. [PDF]
- Full version included in Information
Flow in a Distributed Security Setting,
- Typing Illegal Information Flows as Program
Effects. With J. Fragoso Santos.
- Non-disclosure for distributed mobile code.
- Full version with J. Cederquist. In special issue
of Mathematical Structures in Computer Science on
Programming Language Interference and Dependence,
2011. [PDF]
- Presented at FST-TCS'05,
2005. [Bookmark]
[PDF] [BibTex]
- Flow policy awareness for distributed mobile code.
- Presented at CONCUR'09,
2009. [Bookmark]
- Full version with J. Cederquist included in Information
Flow in a Distributed Security Setting,
- On declassification and the non-disclosure policy.
With G. Boudol.
- Typing noninterference for reactive programs.
With G. Boudol and I. Castellani.
- Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming, a
special issue on Theory and Foundations of
Programming Language Interference and Dependence,
2007. [PDF]
- Presented at FCS'04,
2004. [PDF][BibTeX]
- Typing secure information flow: declassification
and mobility.
- Lexically scoped distribution: what you see is
what you get. With A. Ravara, V. T.
Vasconcelos and L. Lopes.
(last update January 2019)