• Inesc-ID • Lisweb (SASws) • FCUL • Parallel computing • IBM • IT • APDIO • Sample
Mathematical libraries • ~: makes a graph  • ^: Monte Carlo
My Erdős no.: 4Orcid & Google Scholar Scopus ResearchGate;  (FCRosa: Orcid, G. Scholar)  (JBordado: Orcid, G. Scholar)
To the Students The (solved) problems below comprise: original research questions of mine; and academic exercises. All are freely accessible, but it is the exercises that are meant for student practice. Our style (since 1998) is similar to Prof. Ponce's (since 2000, in Hydraulics), and I know no other similar web sites.
 These exercise problems provide answers to various topics mainly in "Operational Research" and "(Statistical) Quality Control". This material was conceived to be used with my support, in classes, not just as self-study. So, some cases are not easy to understand. I am available to resolve any doubt (here) .
 I suggest that the students also solve any problem by themselves, namely by programming in their preferred language.
 I invite the interested students to contact me, so that we may produce further scientific work, to be published, if possible.
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IST module (disciplina) or subject / Area / Problems (Date given as: yy`m.)
Quality Control  (Controle de Qualidade)
Basic Statistics • Hypergeometric, binomial, Poisson probabilities • Distributions: Gaussian (sigmas); truncated; • ^sums, products • Student's t; chi-square; beta • ~Uniforms ^: sum, product of 2 • Test on μ; goodness of fit • Sampling without replacement • Confidence intervals
Quality tools (Q) • Control chart factors (d2, 3 and others); simulation • X-bar, R charts • Tools: Pareto; variability measures • Histograms (& theory) • RSM • Acceptance sampling: inspection by attributes ('105') sample size; inspection by variables ('414') procedure, sample size, OC curve • Estimated lot percent nonconforming (piv) • Non-central t distr. curves, moments, direct and inverse; non-c. vs. Student's t • Acceptability constant ('414') • Special topics 'Inverse Gaussian' (Wald) distr., sampling plan, Q index, distr. of reciprocal • Lognormal distr. • Gamma function • DOE • Gaussian to a power • Average of exponentials • Gamma distr., sampling plans • Q index • Bags Groups of items weighed together
Operational Research  (Investigação Operacional)
Monte Carlo • Random number generation: uniform; binomial, Poisson; Gaussian, Expon., Beta. • Dice, Monty Hall, fishes on Venus • Transforms [inversion, acceptance-rejection ('AR')]: inversion, some notes; parabolic distr., light bulbs; circles; AR, triangular, parabolic (paradigm), cosine (with optim.); method comparison • ^Bag filling, truck with sacks
Linear Programming (& Algebra) • Matrix inversion • Dantzig's simplex method, canonical form, tabular form (tableaux); submatrix update; "more for less"; Lindo • Transportation Problem • Transshipment • Mixed Integer LP • Travelling salesman probl. • Enumeration • Assignment Problem
Network analysis • Dijkstra's shortest path
Dynamic Programming • $PERT/CPM (• $Shortest path)
Queueing • 08`3.Queue variables • 08`3.~Simulate • 99`5.Find s in an "M/M/s" system
Inventory theory • 08`3.~EOQ, economic order quantity • $Random demand EOQ with holding & shortage costs • EOQ with ~ Random demand with holding & shortage costs
Special topics: facility location (plant location) • Single-facility location (continuous), several distance measures.
Computing  (Computação)
Scientific computing • namely, on the Internet (HTML5, HTML 5); gnuplot (density of water, van der Waals, "big data", ellipse)
Lyceum • U. Texas at Austin project • MIT project (Massachusetts I. of Technology)
Modelling, fitting • Optimization • Regression (linear, non-linear) • SFE, supercritical fluid extraction • Polymer superabsorption, diffusion • Pneumatic transport • Tree growth • AngDist, distance "within an angle" • 10`5.~Equivalent diameter (Sauter) • Pyrolysis
ODE, chemical kinetics, properties (with F90 & upload paradigm) • Numerical integration (trapez., Simpson), Runge-Kutta • Graphing • Catenary • Proper values and vectors (eigenanalysis) • Tubular reactor (Fortran 90 sample), batch reactor, cooled reactor; consecutive reactions, oscillating reactions
Solubility, Hansen

& • Matrix inversion  • 05`8.~Parabola, • ~Resolution of cubic eq. • 05`8.~Sorting • Root-finding • 07`b.Saddle • 05`a.Bivariate linear interpolation.pdf (.xls) • 08`1.~Angle, dist. • 08`3.~Polynomial, bisection • Nonlinear equation(s), solution:  09`1.secant; systems of – (08`c. circular), 09`1. Broyden • 08`5.~Nelder-Mead regr. • Spheroid (ellipsoid of rev.): 09`a.~oblate
• Excel: 'csv' manipulate, to matrix; copy-paste • Shuffling • Extraction without replacement with subgroups

Chemical Engineering Laboratory ("LEQ II") (page address changed) • Alexandra Pato
CISTI'2018 CISTI'2019, CPLEX • 'Base64' (Witch of Agnesi) CISTI'2021, cooling t. (previous)
CISTI'2022, superabsorbent APDIO 2022 (IO2022), maps CISTI'2023, acceptance icSoftComp2023, polygons (#)
ICMASC'2024, Collatz CISTI'2024, fitting, geoareas icSoftComp2024, random Linear Programming BIBM 2024, "ImuLossVac"
CISTI'2025, matrix normalization MadeAI2025
Random, kinetics
Meet2023+ ▸Explore • Regression; kinetics. Geometry.
Python • Sevilla (CISTI) • Pyrolysis • (Crucial) Gaussian
Miscellaneous  (diversos)   ISBN

• Triangle (method: Get) (area, perimeter)  • Loan payment, rate • Cone volume • Link location • Problista
• EuroM • BMI (w, w2) • NIF (Portuguese VAT no.) • Graphs in non-graphical languages • Base64 • Both (graphs+b64)

• Atelier: 19`c Upload (UpLoader.php), 19`c «·2·» (UpLoader2.php), 14`8 «·3·» (UpLoader2.php); 19`c archetype → 19`b prototype (TransfUpLoader.php)

• Comma to point • Kruskal: play • R on the Web • 19`7 §Simple R • 19`7 §With graph • Fonts: local fonts • Internet Who am I
• Linux: Google "linux echo carriage return" ($ echo "... \n ... \n ..." | a.out)
• MS Office (Word, Excel, etc.) • Unconventional dice
• PHP: phpinfo. Gnuplot "terminal". My php, php mail; §2 dice
• Gnuplot 06`2.Basic info, 17`9.ps_guide.pdf (special characters), 08`3.~fonts • JSantos • Sending: post, get
• (Alfa) • HTML: Character encoding: W3C char. entity refer., HTML 5; entity "—", decimal "—", hexa "—".
Utilities  (utilidades)
Mathematics • 17`b.Mathematics for Industry • 09`a.Mathematics education
• "Numerical Recipes" f77 f90 • Cubic equation • triangular distribution
• Euro, € notes, last digit • CD • Banco • 05`2.Pythagorean theorem • What is my IP ? • 05`b.Psychrometry • 09`c. Intel compiler • 11`4.Graphics software
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Created: 1998Last modified: 2025-02-26