Laboratório de Engenharia Química   Chemical Engineering Laboratory
“Laboratório de Engenharia Química II” (LEQ II)
(this colour: in Portuguese)
• Course texts: formulas.pdf • Bernardo-Gil, Gabriela: LEQ II course notes.pdf (ex-LEQ IV).
• Como fazer os relatórios.pdf (how to do the reports)
• Be coherent ! For SI units and mathematical symbols, the (NIST) Thompson [2008] guide.pdf is suggested.
• How to write a report (UIUC) • Tech. reports.pdf (Wash. Univ.) • Intro. to Error Analysis for the Phys. Chemistry Lab. (pdf) (Colorado Univ.) • Google: "laboratory experiments for general chemistry"
• Does 2 + 2 really equal 4 ?  ~Sum of two Gaussians; ~tangent (of angle) and error
• ~Errors, outliers calculation [and (next line) see Nepf, recommended, and S. R. Scuro)
• ~Error propagation • In D. C. Baird.pdf (16 Mb), pp 50–, 68–75, [Baird, 1962, pp 51 ff]
• ~Simple linear regression (with frontiers) → There are many regressions (simple or multiple)...
• Experimental design.xls, measuring the cross section of a column (Programação de ensaios)
• Filtration.xls
• Pneumatic transport.xls [Rhodes, 2008]
• Cooling tower.xls
• ftp
• Vocabulary: craveira→ (BrE) vernier callipers (arch. nonius), (AmE) vernier caliper

• For the references, see: Bibliography
~: a Windows compatible graph is produced.
§: if under construction
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Created: 2008-08-01 — Last modified: 2010-11-09