Game Engines &
Virtual Reality


Algorithmic Design in Virtual Reality

Architecture - MDPI, 2022

Renata Castelo-Branco & António Leitão

Abstract: Virtual reality has been shown to facilitate perception and navigation inside 3D models, while stimulating creativity and enhancing architect/client interaction. In this scenario, in order to better explore paths along the design space that are suggested from this interaction, it is important to support quick updates to the model while still immersed in it. Algorithmic design, an approach to architectural design that uses parametric algorithms to represent a design space, rather than a single design instance, provides such support. We present a novel architectural design process based on the integration of live coding with virtual reality, promoting an immersive approach to algorithmic design. The proposed workflow entails the use of an algorithmic design tool embedded in a virtual environment, where the architect not only creates the design but also interacts with said design, changing it by live coding its algorithmic representation from within virtual reality. In this paper, we explain the challenges faced and solutions devised for the implementation of the proposed workflow. Moreover, we discuss the applicability of algorithmic design in virtual reality to different stages of the architectural design process and the future developments that may arise from this proposal.

Inside the Matrix: Immersive Live Coding for Architectural Design

International Journal of Architectural Computing - SAGE Publications, 2021

Renata Castelo-Branco & Catarina Brás & António Leitão

Abstract: Algorithmic Design (AD) uses computer programs to describe architectural models. These models are visual by nature and, thus, greatly benefit from immersive visualization. To allow architects to benefit from the advantages of Virtual Reality (VR) within an AD workflow, we propose a new design approach: Live Coding in Virtual Reality (LCVR). LCVR means that the architect programs the design while immersed in it, receiving immediate feedback on the changes applied to the program. In this paper, we discuss the benefits and impacts of such an approach, as well as the most pressing implementation issues, namely the projection of the programming environment onto VR, and the input mechanisms to change the program or parts of it. For each, we offer a critical analysis and comparison of the various solutions available in the context of two different programming paradigms: visual and textual.

Parametric Model Manipulation in Virtual Reality: Lowering the Barriers of Algorithmic Design in Remote Collaboration

ACADIA Conference: Distributed Proximities
Online + Global, 2020

Catarina Brás & Renata Castelo-Branco & António Leitão

Abstract: Algorithmic Design (AD) uses algorithms to describe architectural designs, producing results that are visual by nature and which greatly benefit from immersive visualization. Having this in mind, several approaches have been developed that allow architects to access and change their AD programs from Virtual Reality (VR). However, programming in VR introduces a new level of complexity that hinders creative exploration. Solutions based in visual programming offer limited parameter manipulation and do not scale well, particularly when used in a remote collaboration environment, while those based in textual programming struggle to find adequate interaction mechanisms to efficiently modify existing programs in VR.
This research proposes to ease the programming task for architects who wish to develop and experiment with collaborative textual-based AD in VR, by bringing together the user-friendly features of visual programming and the flexibility and scalability of textual programming. We introduce an interface for the most common parametric changes that automatically generates the corresponding code in the AD program, and a hybrid programming solution that allows participants in an immersive collaborative design experience to combine textual programming with this new visual alternative for the parametric manipulation of the design. The proposed workflow aims to foster remote collaborative work in architecture studios, offering professionals of different backgrounds the opportunity to parametrically interact with textual-based AD projects while immersed in them.

Program Comprehension for Live Algorithmic Design in Virtual Reality

<Programming> Conference: New Interfaces for Programming
Porto, Portugal, 2020

Renata Castelo-Branco & António Leitão & Catarina Brás

Abstract: Algorithmic Design (AD) is a design approach based on the development of computer programs to describe architectural models. The programs’ outputs are digital architectural 3D models, which are visual by nature and, therefore, benefit from immersive visualization. Live Coding in Virtual Reality (LCVR) is a methodology for the interactive development of AD programs while immersed in Virtual Reality (VR), favoring a more intuitive development process for architectural designs. However, complex buildings tend to require complex AD programs and, despite the added visual aid, as programs grow in complexity, it becomes harder to understand which parts of the program were responsible for which parts of the model. Moreover, LCVR introduces a new level of complexity: interaction with both model and program in VR. This research proposes to ease the programming task for architects who wish to code their models in VR, by supporting program comprehension in the LCVR workflow with traceability and refactoring mechanisms. These features will help users interact with their designs from within the virtual environment.

Immersive Algorithmic Design: Live Coding in Virtual Reality

eCAADe & SIGraDi Conference: Architecture in the Age of the 4th Industrial Revolution
Porto, Portugal, 2019

Castelo-Branco, Renata & Leitão, António & Santos, Guilherme

Abstract: As many other areas of human activity, the architectural design process has been recently shaken by Virtual Reality (VR), as it offers new ways to experience and communicate architectural space. In this paper we propose Live Coding in Virtual Reality (LCVR), a design approach that allows architects to benefit from the advantages of VR within an algorithmic design workflow. LCVR integrates a live coding solution, where the architect programs his design intent and immediately receives feedback on the changes applied to the program; and VR, which means this workflow takes place inside the virtual environment, where the architect is immersed in the model that results from the program he is concurrently updating from inside VR. In this paper we discuss the possible impacts of such an approach, as well as the most pressing implementation issues. We offer a critical analysis and comparison of the various solutions available in the context of two different programming paradigms: visual and textual.

Game of Renders: The Use of Game Engines for Architectural Visualization

CAADRIA Conference: Intelligent & Informed
Wellington, New Zealand, 2019

Leitão, António & Castelo-Branco, Renata & Santos, Guilherme

Abstract: Good visualization mechanisms offer architects, and their clients, a better grasp of how their designs are going to turn out when built, and the experience one might have inside the constructions. This also helps the architect orient the design in a more informed manner. However, typically used modeling tools do not offer satisfactory visualization solutions. The operations available to view and navigate through the 3D space are flawed in terms of speed, interactivity, and real-time rendering quality. To solve this issue, we propose the coupling of a portable algorithmic design framework with a Game Engine (GE) to support interactive visualization of architectural models and increase the rendering performance of the framework. We explain in detail this integration, and we evaluate this workflow by implementing a case study and comparing the performance of the GE to architectural modeling tools.