Renata Castelo-Branco

Computer Science Ph.D Student at IST.
Junior Researcher at INESC-ID.


As an ever-evolving discipline that seeks to exceed its barriers with every new creation, ARCHITECTURE is now pouring into other domains, particularly, computer science. This synergy can already be seen in many great architectural studios today, however, the full potential we may take from merging these two disciplines is still yet far from achieved. As a strong believer in the fact that PROGRAMMING is going to play a fundamental role in the architectural practice in the years to come, I eager to be part of the new generation of hybrid architects that will succeed at merging the two worlds into a better exercise of our profession.
For this reason, after attaining a MSc in architecture, I am currently steering the course of my education towards computers science, with a PhD program that aims to combine both my passions. I have found in research the opportunity to make my contribution to this undergoing change, integrating computer science in the development of architectural projects. Hence, redefining the practice and taking it to new boundaries. This website contains some of my work, namely the research topics, algorithmic design, architectural studio, and other projects.

Got 5 Minutes?

Here is a sample of what I do, presented at TNC23 in Albania