Quality Control
 Course syllabus Does this optional course.pps (1 Mb) interest me ? This colour: if in Portuguese.
Part 1 — Quality fundamentals
 ASQ: What is Q ? (Glossary), basic Q concepts (=.pdf); history overview (=.), guilds (=.), Industrial Revolution (=.), early 20.th Cent. (=.), WWar II (=.), Total Q (=.), beyond Total Q (=.)  "Q Press" (Fall/Winter 2003)
 Q gurus.pdf (=, UK gov.)  Q management.pdf (Wiki.), Bisn'b.  "The chem. eng. in QC".pps (’01) (slides 10–12, Gunther, & customer)
 The customer.pps (6 sl.), and(a)   EFQM: European Q Award'01, DHL Pt.pdf; Recognition Book 2006.pdf (2.5 Mb)
Part 2 — Monte Carlo simulation   (^)   (%, computation on this Web site)
 Throwing dice: ^there, ^here  ^Estimate π (Boston Univ.: Java !)  Kruskal: UML (face card = 5), SFU(1),||how*ref it's done||
 ||"The MC meth. in the practice of QC".pps (sl. 19–22) (0.9 Mb, Portalegre)||  Go to Operational Research: 'When not to use simulation'...
 Sum of uniforms % (sl. 32–40 of previous .pps: "...MC meth. ...")  Product of 2 uniforms %  Truck with (many) sacks %
 Formulas to simulate several variables (cosinusoidal, etc.)  Data: classified.xls (indiv., grouped: similar)  Mathematical tools.pdf, ◊||.xls||
 ◊||^Density histograms.xlsx: Gaussian, Exponential, TrGauss.|| ; NIST/S histogram (search "two common ways")
 Go to Operational Research: NY Times; linear congruential; inversion routine; and Exponential, Gauss, triangular.
 ◊||Excel frequency.xls (with remedy). Mid-square.xls||  RNGen %  Common distributions.pdf (R. Jain, =)  Google search: random number generation; linear congruential generator.
Part 3 — Statistical process control, SPC
 Shewhart control charts at the 'Pocket Guide'
 Variables  NIST/S vars. control charts  Construct % X-bar and R charts: ◊||chart1 GL/02.3.xlsx (m = 16.txt), chart2 GL/02.3.xlsx (m = 15.txt). Problems GL/03.pdf* (Probl. 3-3: derivation of X-bar and s charts)  Calculate chart factors.xls from d2 and d3||  ~ calc. % d2,3 (try 6  n  8)  Formulas for all the factors (formulas only !); ~^sim.  ||^+charts.xls (X-bar and R or s)||
 Factors: ◊||Tables C (d2, d3, c2, c4); D (A2, D3, D4); E (A1, A3, B3, B4); F (A, D1, D2, B1, B2, B5, B6)||  NIST/S WECO rules
 Charts for X-bar and R: ◊||analytic & simul. ^parameters.pdf (i.e., factors: d2); ^d2d3.xls obtained by simulation||
 Attributes  NIST/S attr. control charts  "p charts" (ch. "for fraction rejected") ||deduction.pdf  Problems GL/07.pdf  "c charts" (ch. "for nonconformities" or counts)  Problems GL/08.pdf||
Part 4 — Acceptance sampling (AS)
 ||Histo.hypGauss.xls  Q & AS: a MC approach.pdf (Compiègne '02)||  Standards correspondence  (NIST/S) Lot Acceptance Sampling  Search acceptance sampling aql  AS.pdf (UTxD, 55 p; YouTube T. Bagchi).
 Attributes Search "ISO 2859-1" (& 105Schilling, p 236). ◊||04`c.OC.xls  07`5.Problems GL/12.pdf, 07`4.OC curve.xls (for n & Ac)  03`c.OC & LTPD.xls (bin./Poiss.)  OC (N = 200, AQL = 4%) hyp./Poisson.xls (OC-AttrVar.xls)||  ◊||Standards: Z1.4 Table I; Table II||
 Variables Search "ISO 3951-1" (→ 414Schilling). ◊||(standard 1980.pdf, pp 5 15 16 35 41 45) (2 Mb)  Problems GL/17, see Probl. 11, 12, 17  Quality index, Q by simulation  % or .xls  OC curves (n): F, 10, I, 25  Calculate k→M.xls [Alves]  Control by variables, 2 specs: control by vars..pdf  AS by variables.xls: Probl. 11, 12, 17 solved||
 ◊|| Standards: Z1.9 Tables A1 & A2 (n); Example B1 (Form 1); Table B1 (k, acceptability constant); Example B4 (Form 2); Table B3 (M, maximum allowable percent nonconforming), B5 .00–.69, .70–1.09, 1.10–1.49, 1.50–1.89||

(a)In Quality Managementnew_window, see, namely: "Understand customer behavior and complaints"; "Deming and me"; "Your customers are talking..."; "What is Six Sigma ?" (pp 3–9); "Q gurus"; "On leadership"; "Straight Talk From Juran"; "Why Q Gets an 'F'"; "The straining of Q"; "Farewell fusillade".
*References and suggested reading:

 ASQ (.pdf): Glossary A, C, Q, S  Wiki. (.pdf): Q, Q Management  CQ (.pdf): ◊|| Chap. GL/12, 17; Appendix A, B|| .

 Carr, Wendell E., 1992, "Statistical Problem Solving", Marcel Dekker, New York, NY (USA); Google browse: same as Kazmierski.

 Kazmierski, Thomas J., 1995, "Statistical Problem Solving in Quality Engineering", McGraw-Hill, New York, NY (USA); Google browse.

 (Martin) Kruskal count (Simon Fraser Univ. or)  RAND in Excel 2003+.  "NIST/SEMATECH e-Handbook of Statistical Methods", National Institute of Standards and Technology (USA).  Luiz Alves.  SAS/QC pdf.

 GL = Grant, Eugene L., Richard S. Leavenworth, 1988, "Statistical Quality Control", 6.th ed. (1996, 7.th), McGraw-Hill, New York, NY (USA) (1996, '88, '80, '72, '64, '52, '46); Google browse.

 Montgomery, Douglas C., 2009, ◊||"Introduction to Statistical Quality Control".pdf (6.2 Mb),|| 6.th ed., John Wiley (2+xiv+734+4 pp, ISBN: 978-0-470-16992-6; 2013, 7.th ed.).

 Nunnally, Brian K., John S. McConnell, 2007, "Six Sigma in the Pharmaceutical Industry: understanding, reducing, and controlling variation in pharmaceuticals and biologics", CRC Press; Google browse.

 Shewhart, Walter Andrew (biography), 1981, "Economic control of Quality of manufactured product (50.th anniversary), ASQ, Milwaukee, MI (USA). Bowls.

 Wadsworth, Jr., Harrison M., 1990, "Handbook of statistical methods for engineers and scientists", McGraw-Hill, New York, NY (USA), ISBN 0-07-067674-7.

 Walpole, R.E., R. H. Myers, S. L. Myers, K. Ye, 2012, ◊||"Probability & statistics for engineers & scientists".pdf (6.2 Mb),|| 9.th ed., Prentice Hall (1+xx+791 pp, ISBN: 978-0-321-62911-1) (1993, 5.th ed.). ◊||Solutions manual.pdf (1.2 Mb),|| 8.th ed., 285 pp.

Articles  Franklin, LeRoy, B. J. Cooley and Gary Elrod, 1999, "Comparing the importance of variation and mean of a distribution" (.pdf), Quality Progress, October, 90–94.

 GotroSS.pdf  Old files: X-bar and R.xls; ◊ 03`4."Q: classical tools".pps (’99), 14 points.
 (Legacy:) Control by attributes, by variablesacceptability constants (k) and max. allowable % ncf (M)(1); NAG suggestions
||...|| ; Password protected.   § Under construction.
(1)Similar to tables in "ANSI/ASQC Z1.9-1980" (Mil-Std-414).
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Created: 1998-11 — Last modified: 2022-12-29