Mental Maps of Lisbon
How do different people 'see' and 'use' a city? Does living there vs. commuting, or being young vs old affect your mental image of a city?
LIFE Format
Designed for lifelogging, the LIFE format allows you to record all location-based personal information.
LIFE Format
LIFE is a data recording format that allows users to record their location and activities in a human readable (and machine-processable!) way. It covers most common use cases, fromm stays at one location to information about the trips between places, semantic annotations, tagging, time zones, etc. Find it at the LIFE Format GitHub page (including a handy Python script to process LIFE files)
Will it Blend?
When mixing two colors, are their relative proportions perceivable? Does it work better for some pairs of colors than for others?
Will it Blend?
Color is a important aspect of visualization. Color scales are common, but often represent only the value of one variable (more saturated for larger values, for instance). If we have two color scales, for two variables, and want to encode both at the same time by mixing them, will it work?
Will users still be able to identify the original colors? And their relative intensity? We performed a study to find out (hint: not really!)
Visualizing Educational Datamining Patterns
Are there dependencies between courses? Which are done in sequence? What are the bottlenecks?
Visualizing Educational Datamining Patterns
It is possible to datamine data on the academic track records of students, to find patterns to in the data. They tell us, for instance, that 1023 students that passed course X went on to pass course Y. We use InfoVis to make sense of thousands of patterns and spot courses that are implicit requirements for others, critical paths, etc. We've also studied how to present dependencies in multi-level data entities
Explore multiple facets of your Personal Information in an infinitely expanding set of interlocked timelines
We focus on facets of our Personal Information such as the People we interacted with, Documents we've handled, and their Subjects, and present them in interactive timelines on an infinitely expandable canvas. Interaction is uniform, regardless of what facet you are looking at. Knowing the subjects you discussd with someone is as easy as knowing the documents on a certain subject.
Let's Game It
We gamified a college course and have fine-tuned the game for four years! Students are more engaged and interest has never been higher!
Let's Game It
We gamified a MSc multimedia engineering course. We've used XP, experience levels, badges, achievements, a skill tree, and a quest. Student motivation, interest and commitment are higher than for the pre-gamified course. We identified different student profiles, and were able to infer a set of guidelines to follow when designing gamified courses.
PAELife - Older Adult Performance Using Body Gesture Interaction
Can seniors use the Kinect to interact with body gestures? What gestures work the best?
PAELife - Older Adult Performance Using Body Gesture Interaction
Gestural interfaces are considered natural and easy to use, and can interesting for older adults. However, motor problems and fadigue can make common gestures inadequate for them. We try to understand how older adults can benefit from gesture based interactions, in terms of suitability and acceptance. It works, and we have design guidelines!
PAELife - Accessible Virtual Keyboard for Seniors
Software keyboards pose challenges and opportunities for senior users. How to tailor them to their needs?
PAELife - Accessible Virtual Keyboard for Seniors
Text-entry on tablet devices is commonly done with a software keyboard. However, its limitations (eg: lack of haptic feedback) can become unsurmountable barriers for users with sensitivity and motor problems such as seniors. We tested and evaluated different keyboard alternatives and devised a set of design guidelines for the design of software keyboards for older users.
Narrative-Based Interfaces for PIM
We're all natural-born storytellers. Tell stories to retrieve your documents and photos!
Narrative-Based Interfaces for PIM
We want a document that we know was created last year around Christmas, was a pdf (or maybe a .doc). It was about potatoes and we sent it to Jack by email. Alas we can remember neither the path nor the filename... If only the computer could undestand that story describing the document... Now we can! We identified archetypical stories and devised an user interface for the user to tell them.
PopCulture - Cultural Differences and Wikipedia
How can different language editions of Wikipedia highlight differences between countries, cultures?
PopCulture - Cultural Differences and Wikipedia
Different language Wikipedia editions are, typically, edited by people of different countries (apart from the English edition, more universal). Looking at what information was added/deleted, the amount and rate of change, and when changes occured, in different language versions of the same article can give us an inkling of how different communities and cultures viewd a subject or issue.
Helping Autism Spectrum Disorder children to intereact with each other and their teacher in the classroom.
Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders sufer from problems that affect multiple behavioural aspects such as communication, emotional awareness, social interaction and lack of attention. The Troc@s Project created a customizable software platform for ASD students to interact with themselves and their teacher in a more effective and engaged way, controlling their attention and increasing social interaction.
Who Have I Been Talking To?
Visualize you email with an emphasis on who you more often sent/receive messages to/from
Who Have I Been Talking To?
Email is one of the most common forms of communication. The sheer amount of messages can make it hard to know with whom we've interacted the most, on which subjects, and how our communication evolved over time. Also, it is hard to compare our communication with two or more people. The WHIBTTO project uses infovis to make all that apparent. You can see how in our AVI'12 paper
A tool for automatically extracting data from the Web and visualize it
The web is no longer a read-only affair. From wikis to blogs and social networks, millions of users create content, daily. The web thus becomes a proxy for what people think. Metabrain is able to perform information extraction on the web to tap into that 'collective unconscious', and integrates an InfoVis design tool to allow its easy visualization and exploration. For more details check out our our AVI'12 paper.