Computingscientific computing
- Scientific computing • At Universidade Aberta (Open Univ., Portugal): 12`2.Interview (mp4); 12`2.RTP-2 (mp4) (12`2.test:.webm)
- MOOC • "MOOC" at IST: 13`5.Miguel Casquilho
- Google • 12`1."Google chart tools" [B. Franco] • 12`1.Google Cloud Print (gs) [Miguel G. Silva]
- HTML 5 • 12`1.HTML5 for Scientific Computing • 12`1.António Fragoso [MGS] • 10`9.Internet or command line ?
- Virtual memory • 12`2.Vector (measuring) utility
- Conjectures • 13`c.~InvertAdd (x := x + ax)
- Cloud computing • 12`1.Steve Jobs on cloud computing (YouTube video, 5 m.; has sound) [MGS]
- Aeronautics • 11`b.~How wings work (courtesy of student Wim Vandenbossche, TU Delft)
- MPI through Internet • 13`2.~MPI or (courtesy of) Miguel Ferreira (for CISTI'2013, Lisbon .pt)
- Other languages (Internet) • 13`c. 'Square root' here or there
InvertAdd, (...), Distance in circle — with Marco Cunha (for CISTI'2014, Barcelona .es)
- Cadaval • 16`1.~Truncated cone • 16`1.~Ellipse area, perimeter • 16`1.~Falling body • 16`2.~Catenary vs. parabola • 16`2.~Electrical conductivity of saline solution • 08`b.^~Dice throwing

- Gnuplot • splot: 17`1.~Density of water • splot: 17`1.~Ideal and van der Waals
- Big data • Basic 17`2.~statistics
- Bibliography

• Bernardo-Gil, M. Gabriela, Miguel Casquilho, 2007, "Modeling the supercritical fluid extraction of hazelnut and walnut oils", AIChE J., 53, pp 2980–2985 (doi10.1002/aic.11299) (|.pdf|).

• Robinson, E. R., 1975, "Time dependent chemical processes", Applied Science Publishers, Ltd., London (UK). ISBN 0 85334 608 9.

• Curve fitting (Wikipedia).

• SCI-BUS; XSEDE; EGI Sci. gateways; gUSE; P-GRADE

• Google search: model fitting.

• What is my IP ?
gs: Google search ~: makes a graph
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^: Monte Carlo
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Created: 2009-02-21 — Last modified: 2017-03-01