Density of water vs. p and t
Plots the density of water vs. pressure and temperature.
2025.Feb.21 21:22:35
p1, p2 bar Pressure range (for plot). •
t1, t2 °C Temperature range (for plot). •
p0, t0 bar, °C Particular point to compute density. •
E Pa Bulk modulus (Pa = N/m²). •
N No. of points for each axis of graph. •
Show values ? Shows the graph coordinates.

Computes the density of water as a function of pressure and temperature, using various empirical correlations ([Chaplin, 2000+]).

This page is essentially a template for 3-D plots via 'gnuplot' command splot.

The 'expansion coefficient', β, needed in the computation, is given by (empirical) β = -6.31543e-08 t² + 1.436466e-5 t - 8.7013237e-5 (°C−1), admitted valid in -10 to 100 °C. These coefficients were simply computed (here.xlsx) through the analysis of the Excel 'trendline'. (To this end, in the case of the European 'locale' setting, see the critical detail in [Excel, European locale].)  The given 'bulk modulus', E, corresponds to (fixed) t = 20 °C ([TETB]). [For the particular point (p0, t0) = (100 bar, 20 °C), this reference gives 1002.7 kg/m3, but here interpolations from [Chaplin, 2000] were used.]

Plots ρ (kg/m3) versus p (bar) and t (°C).

References: Plate: DensityVsPT

• TETB, Density of liquid vs. pressure and temperature (The Engineering ToolBox).

• Chaplin, M., 2000–2016, Water Structure and Science (Martin Chaplin, London South Bank University). Water data (supplementary).

• Google: Excel polynomial trendline coefficients.

• Excel: European locale (crucial) detail (=.pdf).

• 1945-12-31: Adleman, Leonard (—) (1894-12-31, Thomas Jan Stieltjes).

Valid HTML 4.01! IST http://web.ist.utl.pt/~mcasquilho/compute/com/Fx-densityVsPT.php
Created: 2016-12-31 — Last modified: 2017-01-08