Square root by the Newton-Raphson method
Computes the square root of a number by the iterative Newton-Raphson method.UNDER CONSTRUCTION
2025.Feb.21 21:28:24
Language Computer language selected. •
x Number whose square root is sought. •
tol Tolerance. •
 Computes the square root of the given number, x, by the Newton-Raphson iterative method, with a tolerance of 'tol'.
References: Plate: F90_version

Compileonline.com, matlab/octave.

• Google: "Newton-Raphson"

• 1838-12-20: Abbott, Edwin Abbott (1926-10-12).

Valid HTML 4.01! IST http://web.ist.utl.pt/~mcasquilho/compute/misc/Fx-languages.php
Created: 2013-12-20 — Last modified: 2016-02-02