Professional Experience

In this page you will be able to find a brief description of my professional experience as well as a description of projects I've worked on.

Data Science Internship @ INOV, INESC Inovação

As an opportunity that appeared rigth after I finished my last internship this one appeared wasprecisely aligned with some of the work I had been focused on for my Master's degree. Being able to employ data science and visualization techniques was the ideal first test for my fresh-out-of-class knowledge. It was a great project where I learned a lot about new tools and other fields of expertise.

R&D @ INOV, INESC Inovação

This was the first professional internship I had and I started it a few months sooner than my Master Thesis' Project. It was related to its subject and I had the chance to perform a systematic literature review and write an article to submit it to a journal.