Cylindrical can filling
Simulates the filling of a cylindrical can,
2025.Feb.20 19:39:41
Diameter (D)   μ, σ, xa, xb:
Diameter distribution and parameters. •
Height (H)   μ, σ, xa, xb:
Height distribution and parameters. •
Mass (M)   μ, σ, xa, xb:
Mass distribution and parameters. •
Density (ρ)   μ, σ, xa, xb:
Density (vol. mass d.) distribution and parameters. •
Target min. diff. cm Target (minimum) height difference, x = Hh. •
lg N, .seed Lg of n. of trials, and RNG seed. •
tol, classes Tolerance (for inversion), and histogram classes. •
Show values ? Shows the coordinates of the graph. •

Simulates filling a cylindrical can with a liquid, to find the height, h, of the liquid level, and thus the free margin, x = Hh, with H the can height. The can diameter, D, its height, H, the mass of liquid, M, and its density, ρ, are random variables, each with a given distribution: (i) Gaussian, possibly truncated, with μ, σ, and the truncation points, xa and xb; or (ii) (symmetrical) triangular, with μ, and semi-width a given as σ (the remaining two values given but ignored). For the Gaussian, truncation is ignored if xaxb (such as both 0). (See 'simulate several variables'). For the base data, the sought fraction is 33.1 %.

For the Monte Carlo simulation (at least 1000 trials), a random number generator (RNG) seed of 0 (only) makes the simulation irrepeatable. If 'classes' is 0, Sturges' rule is applied (⌈log2 N + 1⌉).

Plots the histogram of the simulated x (f), and its accumulated curve (F).

References: Plate: SimulCanFilling

• Google: Monte Carlo inversion method

• W3C Character entity reference chart

• "Smaller is better" (at 6σStudyGuide.com).

• 1811-10-25: Galois, Évariste (1832-05-31).

Valid HTML 4.01! IST http://web.ist.utl.pt/~mcasquilho/compute/qc/Fx-sim_canfilling.php
Created: 2015-10-25 — Last modified: 2015-10-31