Quality index for the Weibull
Plots the OC curve for a Weibull variable.
2025.Feb.21 18:15:15
n * Sample size  (*5 only). •
AQL, α (both %) AQL (%) and producer's risk, α (%). •
θ, λ Weibull parameters: θ, shape; λ, scale. •
Estimator Selected estimator: sample mean, median. •
N, .seed 10 ^ Number of Monte Carlo trials and RNG seed. •
tol, maxite Tolerance and max. iterations for convergence. •
Show values ? Shows the coordinates of the graph. •

Deals with Q, the "quality index", for a Weibull variable (graph here...), under "acceptance sampling". The quality index, Q, ism for a Gaussian, QU = (UXbar) ⁄ S, and for a Weibull, QU = (Uδ^) (θ|θ^), with the acceptability criterion Qk.

For the estimation of location and dispersion, for the "total median" and concomitant measures of variability, weights aa (i = 1..n) are applied to the ordered sample, For n = 5, it is a = (.058, .259, .366, .259, .058), b = (-.672, -.240, 0, .240, .672), and c = 1.80062. For details, see, e.g.: Figueiredo [2003] (in →), Figueiredo and Gomes [2016].

The Web environment typically permits only short (~30 s) runs (hence a small N.)

Plots the OC curve, Prac(ω).

Joint research with: Prof. Elisabete Carolino (ESTeSL) and Prof. Rosário Ramos (Universidade Aberta).

References: Plate: Q_Weibull

• Wikipedia: Weibull distributionWeibull.com

• Google: "acceptance sampling"

Cox, Maurice, and Eulogio Pardo Iguzquiza, 2001, "The total median and its uncertainty", Advanced Mathematical and Computational Tools in Metrology, V, ed. P. Ciarlini et al., World Scientific Publishing Company (pp 106–117). (Google booka).

Figueiredo, Fernanda, and M. Ivette Gomes, 2006, "Box-Cox transformations and robust control charts in SPC", Advanced Mathematical and Computational Tools in Metrology, VII, ed. P. Ciarlini et al., World Scientific Publishing Co. (pp 35–46). Table 1, Table 2 (p 38) (Google booka).

Figueiredo, Fernanda, and M. Ivette Gomes, 2016, "The total median statistic to monitor contaminated normal data", Quality Technology & Quantitative Management, 13:1, pp 78–87, DOI:10.1080/16843703.2016.1139840.

Schilling, Edward G. and Dean V. Neubauer, 2009, "Acceptance Sampling in Quality Control", Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, FL (USA).

• 1873-03-29: Levi-Civita, Tullio (1941-12-29).

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Created: 2016-03-29 — Last modified: 2016-08-07