Weibull distribution
Plots the Weibull distribution.
2025.Feb.21 18:17:02
Parameters: θ, δ (θ, dimensionless; δ, [X]) Parameters: θ (shape), δ (scale). •
xmax Max. abscissa for graph (0: auto.). •
p-quantile % Quantile, to compute corresponding x. •
Show values ? Shows the coordinates of the graph. •

Computes and plots the Weibull density (pdf) and cumulative distribution (cdf).

The parameters (θ and δ) must be positive. (Too small θ leads to unreliable results.) The distribution's mean, standard deviation, median and mode are computed.

For θ = 1, the Weibull becomes an Exponential with parameter μ = δ (and, of course, also σ = δ).

Plots the 'pdf' and 'cdf'.

References: Plate: WeibullDistr

• Wikipedia: Weibull distributionWeibull.comWeibull distribution calculator

• NIST/SEMATECH Eng.ing Statistics Handbook, Weibull (& See "Note:".)

• Minitab: Weibull distribution (Why the Weibull distribution is always welcome)

• Nandori Péter, Weibull.pdf (Virtual Labs, Nándori P.P. Nandori at Univ. of Maryland)

• R Documentation: The Weibull Distribution (← Statistical Data Analysis RETH Zürich Seminar for Stat.)

• Google: "acceptance sampling"

Schilling, Edward G. and Dean V. Neubauer, 2009, "Acceptance Sampling in Quality Control", Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, FL (USA).

• 1912-07-26: Nakayama, Tadashi (1964-06-05).

Valid HTML 4.01! IST http://web.ist.utl.pt/~mcasquilho/compute/qc/Fx-Weibull.php
Created: 2016-07-26 — Last modified: 2016-08-13