General models
  Shows the graph of a selected model.
2025.Feb.21 18:05:16
Model Selected model.
Model parameters Parameter values (optional) for the model.
xleft, xright Range of x.
Show values ? Shows the graph coordinates.
  Uses the selected mathematical model, y vs. x, to represent some physical, chemical or biological phenomenon. The models presented, to select from, are typical proposals in the literature. (Model formulas.pdf...)
  If no other values are given, pre-defined parameter values are used.
  These models are not applicable if y0 = 0 (exceptionally, the Weibull-type with α = β).
References: Plate: Models090405

• Ratkowsky, David A., 1983, "Nonlinear regression modeling (a unified practical approach)", Marcel Dekker (QA278.2.R37), ISBN 0-8247-1907-7. (See also "The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering".)

• Tjørve, Even, 2003, "Shapes and functions of species-area curves: a review of possible models", Journal of Biogeography, 30, 827–835.

• Khamis, Azme, et al., 2005, "Nonlinear growth models for modeling oil palm yield growth", Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 1 (3), 225–233.

• Romano, A., et al., 2007, "Description of leavening of bread dough with mathematical modelling", Journal of Food Engineering, 83 (2), 142–148.

• 1622-04-05: Viviani, Vincenzo, birthday.

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Created: 2009-04-05 — Last modified: 2011-02-12