Matrix inversion
  Inverts a general (square) matrix.
2025.Feb.20 19:19:21
n order of matrix (if negative, random). •
A Matrix (ignored if random)¹ •
  Inverts a matrix by the SSP 'minv' routine.
  ¹ Coherent (n × n) values (any) must be inserted.
References: Plate: Matinv081214

• Weisstein, Eric W., "Matrix Inverse", from MathWorld —a Wolfram Web Resource.

• Newton-Raphson.pdf etc. (=), D. Neufeld (Johns Hopkins Univ.).

• Solution of nonlinear algebraic equations.pdf (=), A. Walton (Imperial College).

• Newton's method (X. Gourdon, P. Sebah).

• 1883-06-05: Keynes, John Maynard, birthday.

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Created: 2002-06-05 — Last modified: 2008-12-14