Absorption: inflection point
  Finds the inflection point in the diffusion-relaxation absorption model.
2025.Feb.21 18:05:16
xF Weight of Fickian diffusion (fraction, in [0–1]).
kF, kR s−1 Diffusivity rate, relaxation rate (both [T]−1). •
timef, step (min)   (s) Final time, graph step. •
Transform     Transform function. •
tol, .prt Tolerance, print intermediate results. •
Show values Shows the graph coordinates.

Computes the absorption curve with “Fickian diffusion” and “relaxation” contributions, following the Berens-Hopfenberg model, to find its inflection point.

Plots three curves versus √t (option) for: the function, s (fraction swelling), and its 1.st (D1) and 2.nd (D2) derivatives. In the transform option, it is: D1 = 2 √t ds(t)⁄dt and D2 = 2 ds⁄dt + 4ts⁄dt². (.xls) As xF (φ in the program) tends to 0, the inflection point, tinflect, tends to 1⁄(2 kR).

References: Plate: AbsorInflect

• Rosa, F., J. Bordado, M. Casquilho, 2002, "Kinetics of water absorbency in AA/AMPS copolymers: applications of a diffusion-relaxation model", Polymer, 43, pp 63-70 (doi:10.1016/S0032-3861(01)00596-1).

• Fick, Adolf Eugen (1828-04-01–1901-08-21): Fick's law of diffusion Wikip., Google search...

• 1704-07-31: Cramer, Gabriel (1752-01-04).

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Created: 2010-07-31 — Last modified: 2010-08-20