Training School / Pharmaceutical Supply Chains 2
ESTG (IPP), Portalegre, 03–07 July, 2017
(|...|: with password; this colour: in Portuguese)

• Computational issues: Inventory management; Linear Programming (LP & MILP)
• Inventory management
• (W) Inventory management • Costs: ordering, setup, holding, shortage
• EOQ (economic order quantity): ~classical model and (← there or →) see Arsham (data.pdf); ~model with random demand

• Linear Programming (LP & MILP)
• The Supply Chain is related to Linear Programming (LP), typically including integer and binary variables, i.e., Integer Programming (IP). This is usually called Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP). In this context, 'binary' means discrete 0, 1 variables.
 Software to solve LP or MILP is, among other, CPLEX (IBM ILOG CPLEX), named from the C programming language plus PLEX in the "Simplex Method" by George B. Dantzig (1947):  The best of the Century.pdf

• LP here: ~Linear Programming (my solver) • LP via CPLEX
• Typical LP: diet problem: text (from SAS), Excel solution.xlsx (here) (Search: SAS/OR), copy/paste (or data.txt) in canonic form (solve).
 Example: SAS_diet.lp (for NEOS or my "LP via CPLEX"), xlsx
• Supply chain: Problem 19, "Distribution 1", by H. P. Williams, pp 249–251 (positions, 1968, IBM).
Distribution.pdf. See page (versions of Apr-2017)...

• MILP here: MILP CPLEX (or "MIP")
• Typical MILP: blending problem: text.pdf (from J. E. Beasley), blend.lp ('LP here' or at NEOS); with (new) conditions blend_bin.lp ('MIP here' or at NEOS), e.g., x1 can be only 0.3 or 0.4:  x1 = 0.3 y1 + 0.4 y2, with (binary) y1 + y2 = 1 (very important trick).

• NEOS Server State-of-the-Art solvers: submit a job to NEOS (LP: CPLEX, Gurobi, Mosek)

• Consider also Excel ("Solver") — nice example (ellipse) — and Lindo (stand alone, and API)

• Some suggestions — For SI units and mathematical symbols: the (NIST) Thompson [2008] guide.pdf.

~: a Windows compatible graph is produced.   ^: done via Monte Carlo.   §: if under construction
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Created: 2017-04-01 — Last modified: 2017-07-05