Operational Research / Investigação Operacional
Transportation Problem % = Computation

01' • (Hitchcock) OR notes 1:Intro., 2:TP IO-cad1_2A7.pdf (exa. 1, pp 9–10, 13–14) Degeneracy: Note 3, p 15.

02' • Stepping-stone solution TP_steppst.xlsx  and Solver (intro.LP-TP.StEdw.pps, 4 Mb).

03' • 3:TP-likeIO-cad3A7.pdf: [H&L] production scheduling.Pdf (p 23; below, "N. Airplane"); transshipment (p 18); assignment (AP) (p 24)

04' • Production scheduling [H&L] 'Northern Airplane' prb .ProdSchedNorthAir.xlsx, .ltx, .txt

05' • Transshipment [Bron.] prb9.3.Pdf, 'transshipment→TP' routine.pdf (Peniche or '3:' exa. 2, p 21), transship.xls soln. of Ramalhete+[Bron.] ([Tavares].Pdf 4 pp, 4 Mb)

06' • Facility location... (plant location, |at (J. Buescu) Ingenium.pdf|) • Shortest path at U. Toronto (Java)

• NAG, Fortran library • IMSL lib.s • MILP search (Mixed Integer Linear Programming) • NEOS (Network-Enabled Optimization Sys.) • ANL (Argonne Nat'l Lab.), MCS (Maths. & Computer Sci.) • #QSB • TSP, travelling salesman problem • WolfrMW, Wolfram MathWorld (Mathematica)

• Dictionaries, etc....: optimum (n./adj.), greatest degree / best, most advantageous ← L., neut. s. of optimus (used as superl. of bonus, "good") ← ops, "power" (related to opt ← Fr. opter) • solution (soln.), an action or process of solving a problem; answer to a problem; specifically, a set of values of the variables that satisfies an equation

• Bibliography  H&L [Hillier & Lieberman, 2005]; BronNaad [Bronson & Naadimuthu, 1997]; Chen et al. [Chen et al., 2010 (book !)]
EckerKup [Ecker & Kupferschmid, 1988]; Sultan [Sultan, 1993] • Mathematica, MathWorld, Integrator, Functions Site • NIST/SEMATECH e-Handbook of Statistical Methods • ASQ

(This colour: if in Portuguese) • Math. symbols %, to compute; §, inoper'l; #, unlinked
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Created: ~1999 — Last modified: 2020-10-20