Links: science & technology (mathematics, etc.)
  ANSYS CFX • cern P-Lib • Clay Mathematics Institute
CPLEX (not simplex...) • GAMS (General Algebraic Modeling Sys.)
gPROMS • LINDO Sytems (API.pdf) • Lancelot
Maple (seq. simplex) • MathSoft (Mathcad)
MathWorks (MatLab) • ModeFrontier, with Aspen (BlueCape)
NEOS Guide (Network-Enabled  Optim.  Sys.),
Optimization Technology Center
NIST / Sematech Engineering Satistics Handbook  (IT Lab.,  Stat. Enging. Div., Natnl. Inst. of  Standards and Technology)
Optrak Distribution Software • Paragon Decision Technology
Process Ace • ProSym • StatSoft (Statistica) • WinQSB
SAS Portugal
Wolfram Research (Mathematica)
Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, Integrator
Encyclopaedia of Mathematics (Springer)
Typographical conventions in mathematical formulae
Bulk s.  C. H. Proctor
Goto; ACML; GSL; BLAS; LAPACK; Claremont tutorials; J.-P. Moreau; Ernesto Martins, Fortran codes (UCoimbra); G. A. Gasmerom (MSTree); Jensen MSTree, ShortPath; Moshe Sniedovich Dijkstra
  Chemical Abstracts Service
ISI, Institute for Scientific Information
Scientific societies
  International Assoc. for Statistical Educ.
American Soc. for Engineering Educ.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Res.
SPE, Soc. Port. de Estatística
Philosophy, etc.
  The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy  (The Univ. of  Tennessee at Martin)
The WWW Virtual Library: Philosophy  (Univ. of  Bristol)
Harvard Review of Philosophy
The Canadian Journal of Sociology
Sartre (1905-80)
Engineering, etc.
  IChemE Education Subject Group — Resources Page • Constants, Units, and Uncertainty • Dictionary of units
AspenTech, with Fortran, IMSL, NAG • Barcelona Supercomputing Center
W. Seider • CHE Unit Op. Lab. (U. Florida) • AELEQ
International Commission on GlassSociety of Glass Technology • Cement testing
ISO-A & B (A4) or M. Kuhn (Cambridge) • Allentown S. D. Planetarium • Ishihara test; ColorVision • A dict. of units 
Hot water freezing ? (Mpemba) ← Georgia State Univ. • TCA: in cork; chemical analysis of
Web Dictionary of Cybernetics and SystemsPrincipia CyberneticaVrije Univ. Brussel
  VNC, Virtual Network Computing
AT&T Labs. Cambridge
StatLib, Dept. of Statistics,  Carnegie Mellon Univ.
HSL (◊ rout.s) • StatPages • CERNlib, or
Experimental design
  Web tutorials in Chemistry, experimental design (FNWI, R. Univ. Nijmegen)
Statsoft Statistica; tutorial
Stat-Ease, Inc.SAS (SAS/QC), JMP; ECHIP, Inc.
The R Project for Statistical ComputingCRAN (Comprehensive R Archive Network),, Windows, base (get .exe)
S-Plus (Insightful).  Documentation: user's guide.pdf (570 pp) programmer's g..pdf (870 pp); guide to Statistics vol. 1 (730 pp), vol. 2 (640 pp)
Mathworks D-optimal design • Systat; AnoVa & ExpDes; SAS G. Fernandez
KU Leuven Opt. DOE using spreadsheets, JSE article
Montgomery (book); Karlsruhe Opt. exp. des.
Opt. Des. poster.pdf • Phadke, Madhav S.; Sobol', Il'ya
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Created: 1999 — Last modified: 2014-02-12