Tangent: error in angle
  Finds (via Monte Carlo) the error in an angle from its tangent.
2025.Feb.22 21:16:39
Height, hμ, δ Height of right-angled triangle ("opposite" leg).
Base, bμ, δ Base of right-angled triangle ("adjacent" leg). •
Pr(μ ± δ) %   (2σ: 95.45 %, 3σ: 99.73 %) Assigned probability for interval. •
Graph Graph: independent var.s (h, b), angle (β). •
N, .seed (M, million) No. of trials, random seed. •
tol, klass, ymax   ['0' (¬ '.0'), auto.] Tolerance, no. of histo. classes, max. y for graph. •
Show values Shows the coordinates of the graph. •

Finds the value and error of the angle, β, in a right-angled triangle, such that tan β = h ⁄ b, from the measurement of its height, h —the leg (or cathetus) opposite to the angle— and its base, b —the leg adjacent to the angle—, hence, β = arctan(h ⁄ b).

The method is Monte Carlo simulation. The theoretical result.pdf, also given, is: δβ = (sinβ)(cosβ) √[ε²(h) + ε²(b)]. Thus, the theoretical and simulated results can be compared.

(The tolerance is for the numerical inversion of the Gaussian distribution.)

Graphs are shown for the behaviour of: the independent (Gaussian) variables (h and b); or the dependent variable (β). Note that the distribution of β is not Gaussian (though possibly approximately so).

References: Plate: ErrorTangentAngle

• Taylor, 1997 (see Bibliography), or Nepf (already cited).

• 1623-09-11: Angeli, Stefano degli, or 21.st of Sep. (1697-10-11).

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Created: 2010-09-11 — Last modified: 2010-09-14