Parallel computing
• IST Cluster • ◊ ExppCluster • Fortran, Numeric Intrinsic Types
• MPI Quick Ref. in C.pdf ← Marcus Wittberger (ICOS, ETH, .ch)
• Book by Snir et al. [1998] (Jack Dongarra) • (Wikipedia) Parallel computing, typical applications •
• IST Cluster: Presentations from the 2.nd tech. meeting online
• Quick reference: Bash.pdf (390 kb, 7 pp); MPI.pdf (45 kb, 2 pp) • Bash Reference Manual (gnu)
• IBM AIX Compilers, XLF (mpxlf[90]) • "RS/6000 SP: practical MPI programming".pdf (=) ← IBM Redbooks®
• OpenMP & MPI: Parallel Computing Software at U-Bourgogne; C, C++, and Fortran bindings for MPI-1.2 (LAM/MPI)

• MPI tutorials:  • Argonne Tutorial material on the Web; Gropp. MPI Routines • L. Livermore MPI tut., routines. Exercise (B. Barney). Linux Clusters Overview • Texas A&M Univ. "Introduction to Parallelization with MPI" (S. Vellas) • "First examples in MPI" (G. Ellis, Nat'l U. Ireland, Galway) • "Multiprocessing by MPI" (Boston U.) • "Examples in MPI/Fortran" (NPAC--'NE Paral. Arch. Center', Syr. U.) • "Intro. to MPI" (U. Cambridge) • "Basic MPI" (CSERD) • "Intro. to MPI" (NERSC) • Parallel progr. with MPI (P. Pacheco, U. San Francisco) • Intro to MPI (Dartmouth) • Running MPI (U. Maryland) • Padua, David (U. Illinois U-C)

• • (Argonne) "Using MPI"
• Milipeia: P. V. Alberto (|Intro to MPI.ppsx|, Fís. Comput.); M. Fiolhais, L. Pinto

• Gropp, William, Ewing Lusk, Anthony Skjellum, 1999, "Using MPI: portable parallel programming with the Message-Passing Interface", 2.nd ed., 371 pp, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA (USA), London (England). ISBN-10: 0-262-57132-3, ISBN-13: 978-0-262-57132-6 (Amazon)

• Snir, Marc, Steve Otto, Steven Huss-Lederman, David Walker and Jack Dongarra, 1998, "MPI: The Complete Reference. Volume 1 — The MPI Core" (Vol. 1), 2.nd ed., 448 pages, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA (USA), London (England). ISBN-10: 0-262-69215-5, ISBN-13: 978-0-262-69215-1 (Amazon)

• Gropp, William, Ewing Lusk and Rajeev Thakur, 1999, "Using MPI-2", 406 pages, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA (USA), London (England). ISBN-10: 0-262-57133-1, ISBN-13: 978-0-262-57133-3 (Amazon)

• MILP.pdf (Montana S. U.) • Our recipe.pdf

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