Links: Fortran, etc.

• "Intel® Fortran Compiler Professional Edition 11.1 for Linux* OS Documentation" (here)

• "Intel® Fortran Compiler for Linux and Mac OS* X" forum

• Comparison of F. 77, C, C++, and F. 90 (Oak Ridge N. Lab.)

• Fortran Company (The) • • • F. Resources, source check (Lahey) • Sourceforge G95 • SGI F95 Lang. Ref. Manual (.pdf  =, 1 Mb, 356 pp) • FAQs, FANs, & Other Compiled Sources, Directory, • ftp Pearson Educ. (Prentice-Hall) Nyhoff • SourceForge gnuplotfortran • J. Mahaffy F 90 lectures

• Softw., Alan J. Miller • F90 for the F77 Programmer, intrinsics, Contents, F90/95 texts (Bo Einarsson, NSC, U. Linköping) • F90 (M. Olagnon) • Modular Programming (A. C. Marshall) (U. Liverpool) • Mistakes in F90, Object-Oriented Prog. with F90 (B. K. Szymanski, Rensselaer Poly Inst.) • Advanced Fortran 90 (T. Kaiser, San Diego S. C. at UCSD) • Burkardt, John (Fl St. Univ.) • T. Pang (U. Nevada LV) • 'Star', U. Leicester • Clive Page • D. C. Smolarski (St. Clara Univ.) • Fortran source codes (J. Burkardt)

• †F. & Num. Analysis (Michigan Tech) • F90 Dynamic arrays, and... (Queen's U. of Belfast) • Intro. to F90, Contents or (Queen Mary Univ. of London) • †Index for F90 ( • WWW Sites for F90 Info. & Softw., Fortran as a Higher-level Language †(McMaster Univ.) • Digital F90 'User Manual, Signal Handling (Helsinki Univ.) • Modules (SEP, Stanford Univ.) • Portland Group Compilers (TACC, Tx. Adv. Computing Center, U. Tx. Austin), Reference manual, Fortran statements, contents • F Resources (H. D. Knoble, Penn State U.)
• → IBM XL Fortran 8.1 (ncsa.uiuc); see Language reference • HPFortran (U. Rice) • Naval Oceanog. Resource Center

• †Array valued functions (   (search) • Ibits.pdf

• Installation Guide ← Compilers, Customer technical support ← Products, softw. ← Intel • Shene, CK (F & CSci, Mich. Tech. Univ.) • Rosetta Code • ChERIC, Taechul Lee

• IBM Cluster information center

• Fortran and C/C++ Mixed Programming

• LINDO; LINDO API.pdf (4.2 Mb, 632 pp)

• Matlab, MathWorks documentation • Tutorials Ed. Neuman, South. Illinois Univ. Carbondale • Getting started, Indiana Univ. • Mohid Wiki, Matlab

• Ellis, T. M. R., Ivor R. Philips, Thomas Lahey, 1994, "Fortran 90 programming", Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-54446-6.

†: broken link
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