João Miranda
Short Biography
João Miranda was born in Lisbon, Portugal. He graduated from Instituto Superior Técnico (IST, Lisbon) with a degree in Computer Science and Engineering in 2007. From 2007 to 2015, he was a member of the Portuguese Web Archive team (, a project of the Foundation for National Scientific Computing, now part of the Foundation for Science and Technology. During this period, he presented at international conferences, co-authored over ten scientific publications, and received two best paper awards. His accolades include winning the Create 2009 National Contest of Creative Ideas during the European Year of Creativity and Innovation, the 2012 Short Story Contest organized by eight Cervantes Institutes, and receiving a scholarship from the Spanish Language Foundation to study Spanish in Valladolid, Spain in 2012. He works at the Eaton European Innovation Center in Prague, Czech Republic, an engineering and innovation center specializing in electrical, vehicle, aerospace, and energy management applications.
- E-mail:
- Personal web page:
- Linkedin:
Skills and Technologies
- Agile, AI, Alexa, Apache, APN, AWS, Bash, Bash Programming, Continuous Integration, Databases, Design Thinking, Dynatrace, FCM, Home Automation, HTML, Inno Setup, IoT, Java, JavaScript, Jira, Lingobit Localizer, Linux, Maven, Mercurial, Mobile Apps, mPRM, MQTT, MRF, MySQL, OAuth 2.0, Polarion, Prompt Engineering, Python, REST, Selenium, Sensors and Actuators, Smart Home Controller, Software Development, Software Engineering, SQL, SQLite, Technical Support, TLS, Tomcat, UI/UX, Usability, User Acceptance Tests, Web Development, World Wide Web, Wireshark, xComfort, XML, XSL, zshark
- Accessibility, Alfresco, Ant, Artificial Intelligence, Assembly, AWStats, Big Data, C, C++, Cacti, CentOS, Computer Science, CSS, Data Warehouse, Design Patterns, Digital Preservation, Distributed Systems, DSpace, Eclipse, Enterprise Application Integration, ETL, Eventbrite, Git, Google Analytics, Google Code, Hadoop, Heritrix, Jenkins, Joomla, JSP, Lex, Lisp, Lucene, Mantis, MapReduce, MediaWiki, Middleware, Nagios, NAS, Natural Language Processing, NutchWAX, OJS, OOP, PHP, PLC, Plone, PostgreSQL, Puppet, Qore, Qorus, Redmine, RHEL, Robotics, SAS, Scheme, Shell Scripting, Solr, SVN, Tango, Test-driven development, UML, Unix, VM, Wayback, Web Archiving, Web Crawling, Web Mining, Web service protocols, WordPress, Yacc, Zope
Awards and Scholarships
- [2012] - Scholarship from the Fundación de la Lengua Española (Spanish Language Foundation) to attend a two-week Spanish course in Valladolid, Spain.
- [2012] - Winner of the Short Story Contest aÑo12 mApA21285 (Advanced Level - C) organized by the Cervantes Institutes of Lisbon, Paris, Brussels, Berlin, Beijing, Tel Aviv, Rome, and Marrakech. Awarded a scholarship to attend a course at the Instituto Cervantes in Lisbon in the following academic year.
- [2009] - Winner of the Create 2009 - National Contest of Creative Ideas, organized by the Cabinet of the National Coordinator for the Lisbon Strategy and the Technological Plan. This contest aimed to encourage and reward creative ideas during the European Year of Creativity and Innovation. (Submitted video, Iniciativa TV Programme)
- [2009] - Best Paper Award for "Trends on Web Characteristics", awarded as the second best paper presented at the LA-WEB 2009 Conference in Mérida, Mexico, November 2009.
- [2008] - Best Paper Award for "Arquivo e Medição da Web Portuguesa", recognized as one of the three best papers presented at the Conferência Ibero-Americana IADIS WWW/Internet 2008 in Lisbon, Portugal, December 2008.
- [2006] - Merit-based scholarship to support extracurricular activities, awarded by the Department of Information Systems and Computer Engineering of IST and the Organizing Committee of the XIIth Computer Science Week of IST.
- [2006] - Winner of the Creative Writing Contest, organized by the Student Support Unit of IST - NAPE.
- [2005] - Outstanding results in the Challenges of the Week during the Spring Semester of 2004/2005, organized by the Puzzle and Games Group of the Student Support Unit of IST - NAPE, with a final score of 53/54.
- [1996] - First place in the Nihon Bu-Jutsu Ryu tournament, in the Yatso Kumite component, 2nd Kyu category, organized by the Portuguese Association of Karate Bu-Jutsu - Nihon Bu-Jutsu Ryu as part of the Peace Games (Jogos da Paz) event from Câmara Municipal de Loures.
Work Experience
- [2017-...] - Eaton European Innovation Center - an engineering and innovation center specializing in electrical, vehicle, aerospace, and energy management applications. Member of the home automation and connected energy management team. Responsibilities include:
- developing, testing, maintaining, managing translations for product interfaces, and providing third-level support for IoT smart home devices;
- managing hybrid and cloud infrastructure, third-party integrations, and mobile application testing;
- liaising between external framework and mobile application providers, internal IT teams, purchasing and financial departments, suppliers, and managing interns;
- ensuring EHS and safety regulations compliance in the lab;
- conducting demos for business partners and visitors;
- organizing support meetings with product managers, quality managers, and support engineers;
- collaborating with teams in Austria, Netherlands, Hungary, USA, India, Mexico, and others.
- managing more than 12 000 xComfort Smart Home Controller systems throughout the product lifecycle;
- striving for maximum availability of remote servers, ensuring users can always control their systems remotely;
- successful migration of servers and applications with zero system downtime for users;
- maintenance and development of more than 180 000 lines of code;
- more than 9000 lines of documentation produced.
- [2016-2017] - Qore Technologies - an enterprise integration solutions provider that developed its own programming language. Member of the middleware development and system integration team. Highlights and achievements include:
- mission-critical project involving the development of middleware interfaces, system integration, and migration for a telecom client serving over 46 million end customers in four countries, collaborating with international teams from India, Vienna, Budapest, Milan, and Prague;
- maintenance and development of more than 20 000 lines of code;
- high-volume international data integration;
- fostering of the development of the user community in order to increase the company's visibility and technology adoption;
- creation of the Qorus Introduction Training and the Qore Introduction Training, two introductory training guides for the language and the system developed by the company.
- [2015-2016] - ELI Beamlines - a European project with the goal of creating the latest laser equipment in the world. Member of the Control System Group. Highlights and achievements include:
- 85 services and 22 machines monitored automatically to ensure maximum availability;
- successful collaborative administration of the systems and platforms used by the control system team (e.g. SVN, Git, Redmine, MediaWiki, Alfresco), striving for top quality assurance;
- 22 machines (NAS server, 2 physical Linux servers, 19 virtual machines) used by the control system team administered successfully with tight teamwork;
- authored reports on:
- Automatic Tango Code Generation;
- Control System's Coding Conventions for C++, including Tango recommendations for programmers;
- C++ Generic Interface for Spectrometers, including an assessment of spectrometer interface requirements;
- more than 3000 lines of documentation produced using either the Wiki, the written reports or the comments in the code implemented;
- 1 spectrometer Narran HR8 interfaced in C++.
- [2007-2015] - Portuguese Web Archive - a state-of-the-art project of the Foundation for National Scientific Computing (FCCN), now part of the Foundation for Science and Technology. It aims to preserve for future access the information published on the Web of clear interest for the Portuguese community. Initially responsible for the crawler, storage and web publishing systems of the project; in a later period, also responsible for the operation, management and administration of the Portuguese Web Archive's machines, and the indexing of the contents downloaded from the Portuguese web. Highlights and achievements include:
- co-authoring more than 10 scientific publications;
- 2 best paper awards;
- more than 50 TB and 1.8 billion contents in 15 broad crawls and 1400 daily crawls of the Portuguese web;
- full automation of the daily crawls eliminating the need for human interaction to perform them;
- collaborative operation, management and administration of more than 60 physical machines from the Portuguese Web Archive's hardware;
- savings of 46% in disk space for daily crawls and 30% for broad crawls using the DeDuplicator plugin for Heritrix, reducing the number of duplicated content, the disk space occupied, and index size (average reduction of 22% in the indexes), making the search system more efficient and requiring less memory;
- increase of more than 72% of followers of the project on the social web with the internationalization and bilingual maintenance (English and Portuguese) of all the content published on the project's informational website and on social networks.
- [2011-2013] - Jornadas FCCN - an annual meeting of the institutions that make up the national higher education and research community, bringing together also archivists, librarians and the staff in charge of the IT services. Responsible for the website platform, including back-end and front-end, and its updates. Highlights and achievements include:
- savings of 87% in the time spent by the web development team in content updating and management for the Jornadas FCCN event website by promoting the adoption of WordPress and Eventbrite cloud services, allowing the event team to be fully autonomous and freeing the development team for other tasks.
- [2011-2013] - b-on - Online Knowledge Library - a service providing unlimited, permanent access to full texts from thousands of international scientific publications for research and higher education institutions through national subscriptions. Responsible for the website platform, including back-end and front-end, and ensuring full certified accessibility for the website. Highlights and achievements include:
- maintaining AAA certified accessibility for 100% of the Online Knowledge Library (b-on) website pages.
- [2012-2013] - RCAAP - Open Access Scientific Repository of Portugal - a service that collects, aggregates, and indexes Open Access scientific content from Portuguese institutional repositories. Provides a single entry point for searching, discovering and recalling thousands of scientific publications, including journal articles, conference papers, theses, and dissertations, distributed by several Portuguese repositories. Responsible for the RCAAP platform, both back-end and front-end, its gradual improvement, maintenance, updates, bug fixes, and ticket resolution for the 30 existing repositories assigned to the team. Highlights and achievements include:
- improving the Open Access Scientific Repository of Portugal (RCAAP) platform, raising its availability to 99.62%, reducing downtime by 68%, and solving tickets assigned to the engineering team.
Skills and technologies: Agile, Alexa, APN, AWS, Continuous Integration, Design Thinking, Dynatrace, FCM, Home Automation, HTML, Inno Setup, IoT, Java, JavaScript, Jira, Lingobit Localizer, Linux, Maven, Mercurial, Mobile Apps, mPRM, MQTT, MRF, MySQL, OAuth 2.0, Polarion, Selenium, Sensors and Actuators, Smart Home Controller, Software Development, Software Engineering, SQL, SQLite, Technical Support, TLS, Tomcat, User Acceptance Tests, Wireshark, xComfort, zshark
Skills and technologies: Agile, Enterprise Application Integration, ETL, Git, Linux, Middleware, OOP, Qore, Qorus, REST, SQL, Test-driven development
Skills and technologies: Linux, Bash programming, Tango, SVN, Git, Redmine, MediaWiki, Alfresco, Nagios, NAS, VM, Jenkins, C++
Skills and technologies: Linux, Java, Heritrix, PostgreSQL, Apache, Tomcat, Plone, Zope, HTML, CSS, Google Code, Hadoop, NutchWAX, Maven, Wayback, Shell Scripting, CentOS, RHEL, Puppet, Selenium, Python, Jenkins, Google Analytics, AWStats, MapReduce
Additionally, as a member of the web development and engineering team of the Foundation for National Scientific Computing:
Skills and technologies: PHP, MySQL, CSS, Linux
Skills and technologies: Joomla, WordPress, Eventbrite, Linux, CSS
Skills and technologies: DSpace, OJS, CSS, PostgreSQL, Solr, Linux
- [1999-2007] - Graduated in Computer Science and Engineering (5-year full-time degree), Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Technical University of Lisbon. Majored in Artificial Intelligence, minored in Systems and Robotics. Final average of 13 (0-20).
- [1999] - Completed Secondary school at Escola Secundária Pedro Alexandrino, with a final mark of 17 (0-20) (secondary school average for university access purposes).
Most Relevant Academic Projects
- [2006-2007] - Final Year Project - "Sinónimos só Atrapalham", with Fernando Ribeiro, under the guidance of Professor Pável Pereira Calado, at INESC-ID. The aim was to improve search engine results by eliminating the problems caused by textual word comparison. Final mark of 17 (0-20).
- [2006] - RECOLHA-IST - Tested the RECOLHA system from the Biblioteca Nacional Digital - BND (Digital National Library) by harvesting all IST sites under * The project was performed within the scope of the course Bibliotecas Digitais (Digital Libraries), under the guidance of Professor José Luis Borbinha and with the support of Engineer João Luzio from the BND RECOLHA project, with system installation on a server at INESC-ID (Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering: Research and Development).
Scientific Conferences and Workshops
- [2013] - Miguel Costa, João Miranda, David Cruz, Daniel Gomes, Query suggestion for web archive search, iPRES 2013, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2013. (bibtex)
- [2013] - Daniel Gomes, David Cruz, João Miranda, Miguel Costa, Simão Fontes, Acquiring and providing access to historical web collections, iPRES 2013, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2013. (bibtex)
- [2013] - Daniel Gomes, Miguel Costa, David Cruz, João Miranda, Simão Fontes, Creating a Billion-Scale Searchable Web Archive, TempWeb 2013, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 2013. (bibtex)
- [2013] - Daniel Gomes, David Cruz, João Miranda, Miguel Costa, Simão Fontes, Search the Past with the Portuguese Web Archive, WWW 2013, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 2013. (bibtex)
- [2011] - Daniel Gomes, João Miranda, Miguel Costa, A survey on web archiving initiatives, TPDL 2011, Berlin, Germany, September 2011. (presentation, poster, bibtex, video)
- [2009] - João Miranda, Daniel Gomes, Trends on Web Characteristics, LA-WEB 2009, Mérida, Mexico, November 2009. Awarded as the second best paper presented at the conference. (presentation, bibtex, video)
- [2009] - João Miranda, Daniel Gomes, An Updated Portrait of the Portuguese Web, EPIA 2009, Aveiro, Portugal, October 2009. (presentation, bibtex)
- [2009] - João Miranda, Daniel Gomes, How are Web characteristics evolving? (poster), Hypertext 2009, Turin, Italy, June 2009. (bibtex)
- [2008] - Daniel Gomes, João Miranda, Arquivo e Medição da Web Portuguesa, Conferência Ibero-Americana IADIS WWW/Internet 2008, Lisbon, Portugal, December 2008. Awarded as one of the three best papers, in no specific order, presented at the conference. (presentation, bibtex)
- [2008] - Daniel Gomes, André Nogueira, João Miranda, Miguel Costa, Introducing the Portuguese web archive initiative, 8th International Web Archiving Workshop (IWAW08), Aarhus, Denmark, September 2008. (presentation, bibtex)
Thesis, Technical Reports and Journals
- [2015] - Daniel Bicho, João Miranda, Daniel Gomes, A first attempt to archive the .EU domain, Technical Report, Lisbon, Portugal, January 2015. (bibtex)
- [2012] - Daniel Gomes, David Cruz, João Miranda, Miguel Costa, Simão Fontes, Creating a searchable web archive, Technical Report, Lisbon, Portugal, May 2012. (bibtex)
- [2012] - João Miranda, Desafios na recolha de informação baseada na Wikipédia portuguesa com o Págico, Linguamática, 4(1), April 2012. (bibtex)
- [2012] - Miguel Costa, João Miranda, David Cruz, Daniel Gomes, Query Suggestion for Web Archive Search, Technical Report, Lisbon, Portugal, January 2012. (bibtex)
- [2007] - João Miranda, Fernando Ribeiro, Sinónimos só atrapalham, Graduation Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, 2007.
- [2006] - João Miranda, RECOLHA - IST, Bibliotecas Digitais, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, 2006.
- [2006] - João Miranda, Web Harvesting and Archiving, Bibliotecas Digitais, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, 2006.
Other Publications
- [2014] - Daniel Gomes, João Miranda, encontre informação que já desapareceu da Internet, Portal Zwame, 10 November 2014.
- [2012] - João Miranda, "Dueña del Mundo". In aÑo12 mApA21285 - Concurso de Cuentos • Lisboa • París • Bruselas • Berlín • Pekín • Tel Aviv • Roma • Marrakech, Instituto Cervantes, Madrid, June 2012. NIPO: 503-12-045-7.
Scientific Reviewing
- [2013] - Scientific reviewer for JWE - Journal of Web Engineering.
Complementary Education
- [2023] - Design Thinking Methods, taught by Sara Knox and Ali Karsh.
- [2020] - History of Bohemia and Moravia, taught by Martina Malechová de Andrade.
- [2020] - History of Czechoslovakia, taught by Martina Malechová de Andrade.
- [2020] - Czech Writers, taught by Martina Malechová de Andrade.
- [2012] - Scientific and Nature Photography Course, taught by Gonçalo Barriga, at We Value.
- [2011] - Proofreading Course - Levels I and II, taught by Manuel Monteiro, at Escrever Escrever.
- [2010] - Paleography I, Summer School of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, New University of Lisbon, taught by Professor Maria Filomena Borja de Melo.
- [2010] - European First Aid Training Course at the Portuguese Red Cross, ID no. 5/373/CEPS/2010.
- [2009] - Lexicon, Dictionaries and Teaching Course, Summer School of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, New University of Lisbon, taught by Professor Teresa Lino.
- [2009] - Communication of Science, Technology and Innovation Course, taught by Professors Nuno Crato, Ana Correia Moutinho and Ana Godinho, at Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão (ISEG).
- [2005] - Basic Life Support and First Aid Training Course at the Portuguese Red Cross, ID no. 5/127/FOR/2005.
- [2003-2004] - Financial Management Course at CaFe - Centro de Apoio e Formação Empresarial, Lda, an entity accredited by INOFOR (Portuguese Institute for Innovation in Training) and recognized by IEFP (Portuguese Institute of Employment and Professional Training).
- [2003] - Introduction to Astronomy Course - Level I, taught by Professor Máximo Ferreira at the Museum of Science, University of Lisbon.
- [2001] - Visual Basic Programming Course, at CaFe - Centro de Apoio e Formação Empresarial, Lda, an entity accredited by INOFOR (Portuguese Institute for Innovation in Training) and recognized by IEFP (Portuguese Institute of Employment and Professional Training).
- [1995-1999] - Attended the Piano Course at the Conservatório Regional de Loures (Loures Regional Conservatory), performing in several concerts and musical auditions.
Workshops and Training
- [2024] - Eaton Cybersecurity Workshop at the Eaton European Innovation Center.
- [2023] - Climate Fresk Workshop, with István Neuburger-Czimmermann.
- [2023] - Design Thinking Workshop, taught by Sara Knox and Ali Karsh.
- [2019] - CWE SANS Top 25 Software Errors, by Eaton University.
- [2019] - Creating Secure C and C++ Code, by Eaton University.
- [2014] - Ecommerce Analytics: From Data to Decisions, at Google Analytics Academy.
- [2010] - Introduction to Photography, by Bruno Pelletier Sequeira, at Atelier de Lisboa - Escola de Fotografia e Centro de Artes Visuais.
- [2010] - Advanced Workshops - Information Architecture: Just the Essentials, by Donna Spencer, and Copywriting for the Web, by Eric Reiss, at UX Lx - User Experience Lisbon 2010.
- [2008] - IPv6 Protocol, taught by Engineer Carlos Friaças at the Foundation for National Scientific Computing.
- [2005] - Second Journalism Workshop conducted by Diferencial - Jornal dos estudantes do IST (IST Students' Newspaper).
- [2004] - Case Study Resolution in the Security Workshop conducted by Unisys, as part of the VI Career Workshop, organized by BEST-Lisbon (Board of European Students of Technology).
- [1996] - Seminar "The Pianist and the Interpreter", taught by pianist Elsa Cabral at Conservatório Regional de Loures (Loures Regional Conservatory).
- [2020-...] - Czech Time Conversation Club, with Lenka Suchomelová at Czech Time.
- [2023] - Mluv česky! (Speak Czech!), by Lenka Suchomelová at Czech Time.
- [2022] - 21-Day Grammar Challenge, by Eliška Kryslová at Slowczech.
- [2022] - Czech Prefixes with Stories, by Eliška Kryslová at Slowczech.
- [2021] - Uč se česky s českými filmy II! (Learn Czech with Czech Films II!), by Lenka Suchomelová at Czech Time.
- [2020] - Uč se česky s českými filmy! (Learn Czech with Czech Films!), by Lenka Suchomelová at Czech Time.
- [2014] - Czech Beginner Intensive Course at Czech Language Training.
- [2008-2014] - German Course - Level C1.3 - at the Goethe-Institut.
- [2013] - Spanish Translation, Summer School of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, New University of Lisbon, taught by Professors Marco Neves and Isabel Araújo Branco.
- [2012] - Diploma of Spanish as a Foreign Language (DELE - Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera) - Diploma de Español Nivel C2 from Instituto Cervantes.
- [2012] - Spanish Course - Advanced Level, corresponding to the reference levels for Spanish C1-C2 of the Curricular Plan of Instituto Cervantes, in Valladolid, with the Fundación de la Lengua Española (Spanish Language Foundation).
- [2012] - Diploma of Spanish as a Foreign Language (DELE - Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera) - Diploma de Español Nivel C1 from Instituto Cervantes.
- [2011] - Diploma of Spanish as a Foreign Language (DELE - Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera) - Diploma de Español Nivel B2 from Instituto Cervantes.
- [2006-2012] - Spanish Course - Level C at the Instituto Cervantes.
- [1998] - First Certificate in English from the University of Cambridge, with a high level of performance in 'Use of English' and 'Speaking'.
- [1993-1996] - Basic knowledge of French from Basic Education French classes.
- [1989-1997] - English General Course at Communicate Language Institute, Centro de Ensino Prático de Línguas e Literatura, Lda.
Extracurricular Activities
- [2005-2006] - Member of the editorial staff of Diferencial - Jornal dos estudantes do IST (IST Students' Newspaper).
- [2004-2005] - Vice-President of Núcleo Estudantil de Informática do IST (Information Systems Student Group of IST).
- [2003-2004] - Installation Committee Member of Núcleo Estudantil de Informática do IST (Information Systems Student Group of IST).
- [2003] - Founding member of Núcleo Estudantil de Informática do IST (Information Systems Student Group of IST).
- [2002-2003] - Member of the Organizing Committee of X Semana Informática do IST - Sinfo 2003 (Xth Computer Science Week of IST).
- [1997-1999] - Staff member of Rádio ESPA - Rádio da Escola Secundária Pedro Alexandrino (secondary school's radio).
- [2002] - Seminar in Goshin Ho, taught by Luís Moreira and Mónica Couto, technical officers of Nihon Bu-Jutsu, at Póvoa de Santo Adrião - Pavilhão 25 de Abril - APOB.
- [2002] - Seminar in Tambo, taught by sensei Fernando Batista and conducted by the Portuguese Federation of Bu-Jutsu - Nihon Ju-Jutsu Seibukan (Federação Portuguesa de Bu-Jutsu - Nihon Ju-Jutsu Seibukan), at Judo Clube de Portugal.
- [1996] - Seminar in Shime Waza, taught by sensei Fernando Batista and conducted by the Portuguese Association of Karate Bu-Jutsu - Nihon Bu-Jutsu Ryu, at the Judo Clube de Portugal.
- [1996] - Seminar in Bokken, taught by sensei Fernando Batista and conducted by the Portuguese Association of Karate Bu-Jutsu - Nihon Bu-Jutsu Ryu, at the Judo Clube de Portugal.
- [1995-1996] - Associated member of the Fédération Française de Karaté et Arts Martiaux Affinitaires.
- [1993-1995] - Associated member of the União Portuguesa de Jujutsu/Kobujutsu (Portuguese Union of Jujutsu/Kobujutsu).
- [2011] - Selected creative message for Nicola sugar packets - Collection Nicola "Hoje é a Noite 2".
- [2010] - Driving License - B category.
- Vim Cheat Sheet - Portuguese translation - Code - Fork
- The Unofficial Tinycards Deck Exporter
- Spell checker - Wordlist and possible corresponding errors - Linguateca, interface, paper, technical report
- Portuguese Web Archive - PWA-Technologies open source project at Google Code