2nd EuGSC                                                         October 4-7 | 2015 | Lisbon 

2nd EuCheMS Congress on Green and Sustainable Chemistry


Scientific Advisory Board

The Scientific Advisory Board of the 2nd EuCheMS is centered on european scientists that are members of the EuCheMS Working Party on Green and Sustainable Chemistry. They were appointed as members of the WP by the Chemicals Societies of each EuCHemMS member country.

Ana Aguiar-Ricardo,  Portugal,  air@fct.unl.pt

José Nuno Canongia Lopes,  Portugal,  zenunoi@me.com

Tundo Pietro,  Italy,  tundop@unive.it

David Cole-Hamilton,  UK,  djc@st-andrews.ac.uk

Constantine Poulos,  Greece,  C.Poulos@chemistry.upatras.gr

Michael North,  UK,  michael.north@york.ac.uk

Katalin Barta,  The Netherlands,  k.barta@rug.nl

Santiago Vicente Luis Lafuente,  Spain,  luiss@qio.uji.es

Manfred Grasserbauer,  Austria,  mgrasser@mail.zserv.tuwien.ac.at

Yoel Sasson,  Israel,  ysasson@huji.ac.il

Luigi Vaccaro,  Italy,  luigi@unipg.it

Charlotta Turner, Sweden, charlotta.turner@chem.lu.se

Rita Foldeny,  Hungary, foldenyi@almos.uni-pannon.hu  

Oreste Piccolo,  Italy,  contact@scsop.it

Nicholas Gathergood,  Estonia,  Nicholas.Gathergood@ttu.ee



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