2nd EuGSC                                                         October 4-7 | 2015 | Lisbon 

2nd EuCheMS Congress on Green and Sustainable Chemistry


Local Executive Committee (LEC)

The Local Executive Committee of the 2nd EuCheMS Congress is composed by researchers from the Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Lisbon NOVA University) and the Instituto Superior Técnico da Universidade de Lisboa (Lisbon University). The congress venue is at the former of these two institutions.

Congress Chairs:

  Ana Aguiar-Ricardo,  FCT-UNL, Portugal,  air@fct.unl.pt

  José Nuno Canongia Lopes,  IST-UL, Portugal,  zenunoi@me.com


LEC Members

  Teresa Casimiro, FCT-UNL, Portugal, teresa.casimiro@fct.unl.pt

  Karina Shimizu,  IST-UL, Portugal,  karina.shimizu@tecnico.ulisboa.pt


Welcome      The Conference      Program      Venue       Registration        Posters        Abstracts        Accommodation        Sponsors