public lectures
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Invited Speaker
The complexity of human cooperation,
Encontros de Complexidade da Arrabida 2022, Arrabida Convent, Setubal, Portugal, July, 2022.
Invited Speaker
Evolutionary dynamics at different scales,
OLISSIPO 1st Meeting, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, April, 2022.
Invited Speaker
Cooperation and Climate Action in a World of Complex Ties,
NetSci X 2022, University of Porto, Porto, 8-11, Feb 2022.
Invited Speaker
Evolução da cooperação e a complexidade dos julgamentos morais,
CFCUL, Centro de Filosofia das Ciencias, Universidade de Lisboa,
Luso-Brazilian conference on "Evolução Bio-cultural, Moral e Política" (org. J. Pinheiro and S. Di Marco), 15-17 July, 2021, Lisbon, Portugal.
Invited lecture
Climate action, cooperation, and governance of risky commons,
Institute for Analytical Sociology (IAS), Linköping University, IAS Seminar series, Sweden (March 25, 2021).
Invited lecture
Dynamics of cooperation in large-scale multiagent systems,
COMARL: Challenges and Opportunities for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Online Seminar Series, organized by Google DeepMind, TU Delft and Northeastern University (March 18, 2021).
Invited speaker
Climate action, cooperation and institutional governance of risky commons,
Conference on Complex Systems 2020 - CCS 2020 (7-12 Dec., 2020, hosted online), Dec. 10, 2020.
Invited lecture
Cooperando por um bem comum,
High school seminar, Agrupamento de escolas de S. Julião da Barra, Human Rights Day Celebration, Dec. 10, 2020
invited seminar
Social norms and the complexity of human coooperation,
Probability and Statistics Seminar Series, CEMAT and CEAUL joint seminar, Departments of Mathematics of Instituto Superior Técnico and FCUL, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal (Nov. 25, 2020).
invited lecture
Game theory, cooperation, and climate action,
Seminars on Innovation and Sustainable Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal (Nov. 17, 2020).
habilitation public lecture
Algorithms of cooperation,
Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal (September 9, 2020).
keynote lecture
Institutional approaches to cooperative governance of risky commons,
The Second International Workshop on Agent-Based Modelling of Human Behaviour 2020 ABMHuB Workshop (2020 ABMHuB Workshop), held in conjuction with the 2020 Conference on Artificial Life.
July 17, 2020, Montreal / hosted online, 2020
Invited lecture
Climate action and cooperation dynamics under uncertainty,
The IST seminar series on Mathematics, Physics & Machine Learning, 09/07/2020, IST, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Invited lecture
An Introduction to Network Science for Data Scientists,
DELix – Lisbon Winter School on Data Science and Engineering
12-14 February 2020, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal
Invited talk
Climate action and cooperation dynamics in an uncertain world ,
Santa Fe Institute, Jan. 22, 2020, Santa Fe, USA
(link)(twitter thread)
Invited talk
Acção climática num mundo incerto: uma perspectiva evolutiva,
Academia das Ciências de Lisboa, Dec. 17, 2019, Lisbon, Portugal
Invited talk
Climate action in an uncertain world,
Conference on Data and Network Science for social good, Dec. 9, 2019, NOVA-SBE, Carcavelos, Portugal
Invited talk
The climate action game: Cooperation and self-organization in an uncertain world,
Departament of Computer Science, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto, Nov. 28, 2019, Porto, Portugal.
Invited talk
Climate action and cooperation under uncertainty,
11th Lisbon Meetings in Game Theory and Applications, Nov. 7-9, ISEG, Lisbon, 2019.
Invited talk
Evolutionary games for governance,
18th AESOP Meeting on Planning & Complexity,
Games for Cities: Building synergies between games, complexity, simulation, planning and design,
NOVA-FCSH, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Lisbon, Portugal (Nov. 7-8, 2019).
Invited lecture
The origins of cooperation: from cells to societies,
NOVA School of Business and Economics, SBE, Carcavelos, Lisboa (Nov. 4, 2019)
Invited talk
The ecology of Human cooperation: From social norms to climate action,
CIBIO-InBIO, Theoretical Ecology and Biodiversity modelling group, Univ. Porto and ISA, Universidade de Lisboa,
School of Agriculture (ISA), University of Lisbon. Oct. 17.
Invited talk
A Microbiologia encontra a Computaçã0,
International Microorganism Day, Session on Microorganisms and the Society, IST, U Lisboa, Sept. 17.
Keynote talk
Climate action and cooperation in an uncertain world,
INForum 2019, Simpósio Nacional de Informática, Guimarães, Portugal, Sept. 2019.
Keynote talk
Social norms and the complexity of human cooperation,
Lorentz Center Workshop, "The Language of Cooperation: Reputation and Honest Signaling" Workshop, Leiden, Netherlands, Sept. 2019.
Invited talk
Evolution of cooperation and the logic of human social norms,
The 2019 Conference on Artificial Life, 29th July - 2nd August 2019, special session on Agent-Based Modelling of Human Behaviour, Newcastle upon Tyne
Invited talk
Computação Científica e as Origens da Cooperação,
Academia de Verão de Aprendizagem e Olimpíadas Científicas, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa, July 2019
Invited talk
Cooperação e policentrismo em problemas globais: Uma perspectiva computacional,
Encontro com a Ciência e Tecnologia em Portugal 2019,
Painel: Paz, Justiça e Instituições Eficazes,
Centro de Congressos de Lisboa, Portugal, July 9, 2019.
Invited talk
Climate action in an uncertain world,
19th Arrabida meeting on Complexity Sciences.
Invited talk
A multiagent systems look at environmental governance,
Google Deepmind, Paris, June 2019.
Invited talk
The complexity of human social norms,
Google Deepmind, Paris, June 2019.
Invited talk
Self-organization and the complexity of human cooperation,
Vivarium Festival. Creating Concepts, Following Rules: An Unlikely Dialogue Between Deleuze and Wittgenstein.
University of Porto, March 2019. (link)
Invited seminar
Inteligência Artificial, Cooperação e Robótica Social,
Academia das Ciências de Lisboa, March 2019.
Invited talk
Environmental governance and cooperation in an uncertain world,
IGC-ISI workshop, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, March 2019.
Invited lecture
An introduction to complex networks for data scientists,
DELix - Lisbon Winter School on Data Science and Engineering, January 2019.
Invited Speaker
The Complexity of Human Cooperation,
Data Science Seminar Series, Computer Science Department, Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon, (DI/FCUL), Portugal, September 2018.
Invited Speaker
Social norm complexity and the origins of cooperation,
Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, July 2018.
Invited Speaker
Engineering Cooperation,
Advisory Board of Integrated Governance Forum - GovInt, June 2018.
Invited Speaker
Linking individual and collective behavior in adaptive social networks,
GAME-NET Workshop, part of the International Conference on Complex Networks 2018 (NetSci 2018), Paris, France, June, 2018.
Invited Lecture
Cooperation dynamics: from cells to societies,
Complexity Science Workshop 2018, Computer Science Departament of ISCTE-UL, Lisbon, Portugal, June 6, 2018.
Distinguished Lecture
Human Cooperation and the Complexity of Moral Codes,
Computer Science Distinguished Lecture Series, Université Libre de Bruxelles, May, 2018.
(link)invited talk
Social norm complexity and human cooperation,
Google DeepMind, London, UK, March, 2018.invited lecture
Software Engineering, Algorithms and Scientific Computing,
LETI/IST lectures, Instituto Superior Técnico, March, 2018.invited lecture
Algorithms of selfishness,
THOR seminar series on Challenges in Algorithms and Complexity, INESC-ID, Lisboa, Portugal, June, 2017.invited (high-school) talk
Da Cooperacao a Engenharia Informatica,
Colegio Sagrado Coracao de Maria, Lisboa, Portugal, April 3, 2017.prize lecture
Climate Change and Global Governance in an Uncertain World
Prize lecture associted with the 2017 Young Scientist Award for Socio and Econophysics of the German Physical Society (DPG).
This award recognizes outstanding original contributions to a better understanding of socio-economic systems.
YSA Session: Young Scientist Award for Socio- and Econophysics 2017, SOE division, DPG spring meeting, Mar 20, 2017, Dresden, Germanyinvited lecture
Environmental governance and cooperation in an uncertain world,
Department of Computer Science, University of Liverpool, Mar 3, 2017, Liverpool UK (see here for more information).invited (high-school) talk
Cooperating for a common good,
Keynote lecture, Project Odysseus II public session, Feb 17, 2017, Liceu de Oeiras, Oeiras, Portugal.invited lecture
Why we Cooperate? Collective dynamics, from cells to societies,
SISE IST-Deloitte seminars, Instituto Superior Técnico, Jan 2017, Lisboa, Portugal.keynote speaker
Climate Change and Global Governance in an Uncertain World,
Keynote lecture, Satellite session on Evolutionary Game Theory: from Biology to Social Systems , Conference on Complex Systems (CCS), Amsterdam, 20th of September, 2016.keynote speaker
Cooperation Dynamics of Polycentric Climate Governance,
Keynote lecture, 15th International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems, ALIFE XV, Mexico, July, 2016.keynote speaker
Evolutionary dynamics of collective action,
1st International Workshop of Social Learning and Cultural Evolution, a satellite Workshop at the 15th International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems, ALIFE XV, Mexico, July, 2016.keynote speaker
Governance and the evolution of collective action,
School on Physics Applications in Biology, IFT-UNESP, S. Paulo, Brazil, Jan. 2016.invited talk
Why we cooperate? Linking Individual to Collective Behaviors in Complex Networks,
Porto Winter School on Graph Analytics and Applications, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal, Dec. 2015.invited talk
Cooperation Dynamics of Polycentric Climate Governance,
Workshop on Bottom-up evolution of cooperation: linking local and global environmental commons, London School of Economics (LSE), London, UK, 20-30 Oct 2015.invited talk
Climate Change and Global Governance in an Uncertain World,
Cycle of Seminars Matemática Aberta, Universidade Aberta, 1st April, 2015, Lisboa, Portugal.invited talk
Cooperando por um bem comum,
12° Encontro para a Promoção da Saúde na Escola, Centro Cultural Olga Cadaval, Sintra, Portugal (March, 2015).invited talk
Climate Change Governance and Cooperation Dynamics in an Uncertain World,
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, December 2014.invited talk
As origens da cooperação,
Escola Secundária Ferreira Dias, Semana da Ciencia e Tecnologia, Cacém, Nov. 2014, Portugal.invited talk
The evolution of collective Action and climate governance
Workshop on Behavior, Cognition and Evolution: From Non-Human Primates to Homo sapiens, University of Lisbon, July 2014, Portugal.
pleanary talk
Climate Policy: Cooperation Dynamics in an Uncertain World
Fifth Workshop Dynamical Systems Applied to Biology and Natural Sciences | DSABNS 10-12 Feb. 2014, University of Lisbon, Portugal.
invited talk
Diversity, peer-influence and the evolution of cooperation
Workshop on Coupled Cell Networks and Dynamics, University of Porto, Feb. 2014, Portugal.
invited talk
Dos átomos sociais á evolução do bem e do mal
Liceu Camoes, Lisboa, Portugal (Jan. 2014).
invited talk
Cooperando por um bem comum
Semana Cultural da Escola Secundária Ferreira Dias, Semana da Ciencia e Tecnologia, Cacém, Portugal (Nov. 2013).
(poster)keynote speaker
Climate Policy: Cooperation dynamics in an Uncertain World
Simposio Complejidad y Multidisciplina: El Centro de Ciencias de la Complejidad (C3) de la UNAM, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UMAM), Mexico City (November, 2013) (poster of the event).invited seminar
Climate Policy: How to Cooperate in an Uncertain World
Complex Systems Simulation Seminar Series (CS4), Institute for Complex Systems Simulation (ICCS), University of Southampton (Southampton, UK, June 2013).invited seminar
Climate policy and cooperation dynamics under uncertainity
, Computer Science Department of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon (DI,FCUL/UL), April 2013.invited talk
Os átomos sociais e evolução do bem e do mal
Semana Cultural da Escola Secundária D. João II: Um Só Mundo, Estratégias de Cooperação, Setubal, Portugal. (Fev, 2013).invited talk
Behavioral dynamics under climate change dilemmas
ESF workshop on Coordination and Disagreement across Perspectives and 8th graduate workshop in Analytic Philosophy
Faculdade de Letras, University of Lisbon, Portugal (12th September, 2pm, 2012).invited talk/course
Modeling of social and biological networks
5th Escuela Argentina de Matemática y Biología (BIOMAT 2012), La Falda, Cordoba, Argentina (3 days course, August 2012).invited talk
Dynamics of Fairness and Cooperation in Repeated Group Interactions
Centro de Física do Porto, Faculdade de Ciências, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal (July, 2012).invited talk
Cooperando por um bem comum,
10° Encontro para a Promoção da Saúde na Escola, Centro Cultural Olga Cadaval, Sintra, Portugal (March, 2012).invited talk
Os átomos sociais e evolução do bem e do mal,
Escola Sec. Padre Alberto Neto, Queluz, Portugal (March, 2012).seminar
Behavioral dynamics under climate change dilemmas
GAIPS/INESC-ID, IST Taguspark, Porto Salvo, Portugal (Fev, 2012).seminar
Coordinating towards a common good
DMIR/INESC-ID, IST Alameda, Lisboa, Portugal (Fev, 2012)._plenary talk
An evolutionary dynamics approach to global warming
2012 Workshop Dynamical Systems Applied to Biology and Natural Sciences (DSABNS) (Lisbon, Portugal, Feb 8-12, 2012).invited talk
Por que cooperamos? Dos Átomos sociais á Física do Bem e do Mal
Escola Secundária Ferreira Dias, Cacém, Portugal (28th Nov, 2011).invited talk
Why we cooperate?
"All About Science: Philosophy, History, Sociology & Communications", Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal (21-23 Nov, 2011).invited lecture
Games of cooperation
De Kepler aos Fractais 2011 series, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal (Oct, 2011).invited talk
Evolutionary dynamics of Collective Action: an evolutionary dynamics approach to global warming
ESF workshop on Philosophy of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence (Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal, September 2011).contributed talk
Risk of collective failure provides an escape from the tragedy of the commons
European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL) 2011 - European Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems (Paris, August 2011).contributed talk
The co-evolution of signaling and cooperation
European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL) 2011 - European Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems (Paris, August 2011).invited talk
A percepção individual do risco e o problema do aquecimento global
- Portugal's Climate Change Commission (June 2011).invited course
Why we cooperate?
Neuroscience Programme, Champalimaud Foundation, Lisboa, Portugal (May 2011).invited talk
Cancer Games: Cancer phenotype as the outcome of an evolutionary game between normal and malignant cells
Kepler Prize Workshop of the European Academy of Sciences on Complex Living Systems, Heidelberg, Germany (May, 2011).keynote speaker & invited course
Evolutionary dynamics of cooperative behavior
BIOMAT/IMPA 2011, Iguazu Falls, Brazil 2011..keynote speaker
Dos Átomos sociais á Física do Bem e do Mal
50th Aniversary of ESFD, Escola Secundaria Ferreira Dias, Cacém, Portugal, November 2010.invited talk
The role of diversity in the emergence of cooperation.
European Conference in Complex Systems 2010 (ECCS'10) and SCNET-2010, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2010invited talk
Games of cooperation: Coordinating towards a common good
8th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM'10) and Symposium on Mathematical Methods in Biophysics and Genomics, Rhodes, Greece, September 2010.invited talk
The role of diversity in the emergence of cooperation
European Conference in Complex Systems 2010 (ECCS'10) and SCNET-2010, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2010.invited talk
Evolutionary dynamics of cooperation
Cuarta Escuela Argentina de Matematica y Biologia, La Falda, Cordoba, Argentina, August 2010.contributed talk
Behavioral diversity in adaptive social networks
SMB 2010 Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Biology & 10th International Symposium on Mathematical and Computational Biology - BIOMAT 2010, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 2010..keynote/invited talk
Social diversity and the evolution of cooperative behavior
BIFI 2010, IV International Conference on Networks: A framework for cross disciplinary applications, Zaragoza, Spain, Feb 2010. (program)invited talk
Collective dynamics of cooperation
Max-Planck-Institute for Evolutionary Biology, Plön, Germany, January 2010.invited talk
Coordinating towards a common good
ATP-MPI workshop, Lisbon, 2009.invited talk
Dinâmica evolutiva da acção colectiva.
Departamento de Informática & CENTRIA, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal, July, 2009).contributed talk
Evolutionary dynamics of collective action: Social diversity and the evolution of cooperation..
International Workshop on Coping with Crises in Complex Socio-Economic Systems, CCSS-2009, ETH Zurich (Switzerland, June, 2009)contributed talk
Social diversity and the evolution of cooperation .
Workshop on statistical mechanics of game theory, Mariehamn, Finland, 2009. (May, 2009).invited talk
Physics meets sociology: Dynamics of social networks and human behavior .
Institut de Sociologie, Université Libre de Bruxelles,Belgium (May, 2009).invited talk
Evolutionary dynamics of collective action.
European Space Agency, Noordwijk, The Netherlands (Feb, 2009).seminar
Open lecture on Evolutionary game theory.
Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium (Feb, 2009).contributed talk
Social diversity promotes cooperation in public goods games.
American Mathematical Society / Sociedade Brasileira de Matemética First Joint Meeting, June 2008, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.poster pitch
How public are public goods games? .
European Conference on Complex Systems 2007, Dresden, Germany (October, 2007).poster pitch
Evolution of norms in a multi-level selection model of conflict and cooperation.
European Conference on Complex Systems 2007, Dresden, Germany (October, 2007).talk
Cooperation prevails when individuals adjust their social ties.
European Conference on Complex Systems 2007, Dresden, Germany (October, 2007).poster pitch
Evolution of cooperation in populations of selfish adaptive agents.
Ninth European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL 2007), Lisbon, Portugal (September, 2007).contributed talk
A multi-level selection model for the emergence of social norms .
Ninth European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL 2007), Lisbon, Portugal (September, 2007).
PhD public defense, Brussels, Belgium (June, 2007).contributed talk
Cooperation prevails when individuals adjust their social ties.
International Conference on Network Science, NetSci 2007, New York Hall of Science, NYC, USA (May, 2007).contributed talk
A multi-level selection model for the emergence of social norms.
Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft Anual Meeting 2007 (Section: Physics of Socio-economic Systems), Regensburg, Germany (March, 2007).invited talk
Evolution of cooperation in heterogeneous structured populations.
Amorph Group, University of Sheffield, UK.(Jan, 2007).seminar
Games on Graphs.
DEA public defense, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium.(Sept, 2006).talk
A multi-level selection model for the emergence of social norms.
Presented at the BIRS Evolutionary dynamics workshop, Banff, Canada.(Jun, 2006).contributed talk
Emergence of Cooperation in Heterogeneous Structured Populations.
Presented at the 10th Artificial Life Conference, Bloomington, USA.(Jun, 2006).-
How Scale-free Type-based Networks Emerge from Instance-based Dynamics.
Seminar presented at the Machine Learning Group - ULB, Brussels, Belgium.(Nov, 2005). -
Biological networks and graphs: Beyond the gene duplication model.
Seminar presented at the Centre de Physique non linéaire et Mécanique statistique (Cenoli/ULB) Brussels, Belgium.(Set, 2005). -
Beyond the gene duplication model.
Seminar presented at IRIBHM/ULB, Brussels, Belgium.(Set, 2005). -
The role of the network of contacts in the evolution of cooperation.
Seminar presented at IRIDIA (ULB), Brussels, Belgium.(November, 2004). -
Evolution of cooperation.
Poster presented at CNET 2004, Science of Complex Networks: From Biology to the Internet and WWW - University of Aveiro, Aveiro (Portugal) August 29 - September 2, 2004.