
Scientific Activity


Data Science / Knowledge Discovery from Databases
Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems

Domain of specialization

Research interests

Application Domains

Sequential pattern mining
Temporal data mining
Feature Engineering
Ethical Concerns
Data Science Engineering
Temporal data

Scientific Profiles

Google Scholar
Microsoft Academic Search

Cláudia Antunes has concluded her PhD in the data science domain, known as machine learning and data mining at the time. She proposed new methods and methodologies for dealing with temporal data, in particular for mining event sequential patterns. In her thesis, she argued that “It is possible to efficiently use constrained sequential pattern mining algorithms over nominal temporal data to discover unknown information, keeping the process centered on the user.” For proving her claim, she introduced the concept of constraint relaxation and proposed methods for mining frequent patterns in the presence of domain knowledge, represented as a context-free language.

Along time, Cláudia has kept her focus on two major directions: dealing with temporal data and incorporating domain knowledge into the discovery process. These interests materialized on the exploration of feature engineering as a natural way to explore both of them in the classification process.
The continuous challenges faced by data science industry led Cláudia to address the field from an engineering perspective, in particular from a computer science and engineering one.
On top of all, data science plays one of the most important roles in digital transformation, and consequently its responsabilities are huge. Ethical concerns and efficient but clear ways to deal with them are mandatory.

Research Projects

2019-2022 VizBig Project funded by FCT, under the grant PTDC/CCI-CIF/28939/2017
Consortium between IST-ID, INESC-ID and WEBDETAILS - CONSULTING, led by Prof. Daniel Gonçalves (INESC-ID)
2019-2022 GameCourse - Project funded by FCT, under the grant PTDC/CCI-CIF/30754/2017
Consortium between IST-ID, INESC-ID and INSTITUTO DE EDUCAÇÃO DA UNIVERSIDADE DE LISBOA, led by Prof. Daniel Gonçalves (INESC-ID)
2011-2014 D2PM - Domain Driven Pattern Mining Scientific coordinator
Project funded by FCT, under the grant PTDC/EIA-EIA/110074/2009
2011-2014 educare - visualization and mining of behavior models in education Scientific coordinator
Project funded by FCT, under the grant PTDC/EIA-EIA/110058/2009
Consortium between IST-ID and INESC-ID
2010-2012 EuDML - The European Digital Mathematics Library Project funded by the European Commission (CIP-ICT-PSP.2009.2.4) led by Prof. José Borbinha
2008-2009 TELplus Project funded by the European Commission under the eContentplus Program (ECP-2006-DILI-510003) led by Prof. José Borbinha