Test source: git
Comments: LLVM PR49080
Source: <stdin> -- 1. ModuleToFunctionPassAdaptor -- 1. PassManager<Function> : Skipping NOP -- 2. InstCombinePass ---------------------------------------- define float @fadd_fpext_op0(float %x, double %y) { %0: %ext = fpext float %x to double %bo = fadd reassoc double %ext, %y %r = fptrunc double %bo to float ret float %r } Transformation seems to be correct! (syntactically equal) -- 3. InstCombinePass ---------------------------------------- define float @fadd_fpext_op0(float %x, double %y) { %0: %ext = fpext float %x to double %bo = fadd reassoc double %ext, %y %r = fptrunc double %bo to float ret float %r } Transformation seems to be correct! (syntactically equal) -- 4. PassManager<Function> : Skipping NOP -- 5. PassManager<Function> : Skipping NOP -- 6. InstCombinePass ---------------------------------------- define half @fsub_fpext_op1(half %x, double %y) { %0: %ext = fpext half %x to double %bo = fsub reassoc double %y, %ext %r = fptrunc double %bo to half ret half %r } Transformation seems to be correct! (syntactically equal) -- 7. InstCombinePass ---------------------------------------- define half @fsub_fpext_op1(half %x, double %y) { %0: %ext = fpext half %x to double %bo = fsub reassoc double %y, %ext %r = fptrunc double %bo to half ret half %r } Transformation seems to be correct! (syntactically equal) -- 8. PassManager<Function> : Skipping NOP -- 9. PassManager<Function> : Skipping NOP -- 10. InstCombinePass ---------------------------------------- define <2 x float> @fdiv_constant_op0(<2 x double> %x) { %0: %bo = fdiv reassoc <2 x double> { 42.100000, -0.100000 }, %x %r = fptrunc <2 x double> %bo to <2 x float> ret <2 x float> %r } Transformation seems to be correct! (syntactically equal) -- 11. InstCombinePass ---------------------------------------- define <2 x float> @fdiv_constant_op0(<2 x double> %x) { %0: %bo = fdiv reassoc <2 x double> { 42.100000, -0.100000 }, %x %r = fptrunc <2 x double> %bo to <2 x float> ret <2 x float> %r } Transformation seems to be correct! (syntactically equal) -- 12. PassManager<Function> : Skipping NOP -- 13. PassManager<Function> : Skipping NOP -- 14. InstCombinePass ---------------------------------------- define <2 x half> @fmul_constant_op1(<2 x float> %x) { %0: %bo = fmul reassoc <2 x float> %x, { 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000, 0.500000 } %r = fptrunc <2 x float> %bo to <2 x half> ret <2 x half> %r } Transformation seems to be correct! (syntactically equal) -- 15. InstCombinePass ---------------------------------------- define <2 x half> @fmul_constant_op1(<2 x float> %x) { %0: %bo = fmul reassoc <2 x float> %x, { 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000, 0.500000 } %r = fptrunc <2 x float> %bo to <2 x half> ret <2 x half> %r } Transformation seems to be correct! (syntactically equal) -- 16. PassManager<Function> : Skipping NOP -- 17. PassManager<Function> : Skipping NOP -- 18. InstCombinePass ---------------------------------------- define float @fptrunc_select_true_val(float %x, double %y, i1 %cond) { %0: %e = fpext float %x to double %sel = select fast i1 %cond, double %y, double %e %r = fptrunc double %sel to float ret float %r } Transformation seems to be correct! (syntactically equal) -- 19. InstCombinePass ---------------------------------------- define float @fptrunc_select_true_val(float %x, double %y, i1 %cond) { %0: %e = fpext float %x to double %sel = select fast i1 %cond, double %y, double %e %r = fptrunc double %sel to float ret float %r } => define float @fptrunc_select_true_val(float %x, double %y, i1 %cond) { %0: %1 = fptrunc double %y to float %narrow.sel = select fast i1 %cond, float %1, float %x ret float %narrow.sel } Transformation doesn't verify! (unsound) ERROR: Target is more poisonous than source Example: float %x = poison double %y = #xd807880008400000 (-115897309710547987106008161555589916982851636319690133799849651562975956947033524299420201423222175980884095613796352) i1 %cond = #x1 (1) Source: double %e = poison double %sel = #x0000000000000000 (+0.0) float %r = #x00000000 (+0.0) Target: float %1 = #xff800000 (-oo) float %narrow.sel = poison Source value: #x00000000 (+0.0) Target value: poison Pass: InstCombinePass Command line: '/home/nlopes/llvm/build/bin/opt' '-load=/home/nlopes/alive2/build/tv/tv.so' '-load-pass-plugin=/home/nlopes/alive2/build/tv/tv.so' '-tv-exit-on-error' '-passes=instcombine' '-S' '-tv-smt-to=20000' '-tv-report-dir=/home/nlopes/alive2/build/logs' '-tv-smt-stats' Wrote bitcode to: "/home/nlopes/alive2/build/logs/in_xGQOWsBc_Ayyf.bc" ------------------- SMT STATS ------------------- Num queries: 6 Num invalid: 0 Num skips: 0 Num trivial: 8 (57.1%) Num timeout: 0 (0.0%) Num errors: 0 (0.0%) Num SAT: 6 (100.0%) Num UNSAT: 0 (0.0%) Alive2: Transform doesn't verify; aborting!
+ : 'RUN: at line 2' + /home/nlopes/alive2/build/opt-alive.sh -passes=instcombine -S + /bitbucket/nlopes/llvm/build/bin/FileCheck /bitbucket/nlopes/llvm/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/fptrunc.ll FileCheck error: '<stdin>' is empty. FileCheck command line: /bitbucket/nlopes/llvm/build/bin/FileCheck /bitbucket/nlopes/llvm/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/fptrunc.ll