Test source: git
Source: /home/nlopes/llvm/llvm/test/Transforms/LoadStoreVectorizer/X86/vectorize-i8-nested-add-inseltpoison.ll ---------------------------------------- define void @ld_v4i8_add_nsw(i32 %v0, i32 %v1, * %src, * %dst) { %bb: %tmp = add nsw i32 %v0, 4294967295 %tmp1 = add nsw i32 %v1, %tmp %tmp2 = sext i32 %tmp1 to i64 %tmp3 = gep inbounds * %src, 1 x i64 %tmp2 %tmp4 = load i8, * %tmp3, align 1 %tmp5 = add nsw i32 %v1, %v0 %tmp6 = sext i32 %tmp5 to i64 %tmp7 = gep inbounds * %src, 1 x i64 %tmp6 %tmp8 = load i8, * %tmp7, align 1 %tmp9 = add nsw i32 %v0, 1 %tmp10 = add nsw i32 %v1, %tmp9 %tmp11 = sext i32 %tmp10 to i64 %tmp12 = gep inbounds * %src, 1 x i64 %tmp11 %tmp13 = load i8, * %tmp12, align 1 %tmp14 = add nsw i32 %v0, 2 %tmp15 = add nsw i32 %v1, %tmp14 %tmp16 = sext i32 %tmp15 to i64 %tmp17 = gep inbounds * %src, 1 x i64 %tmp16 %tmp18 = load i8, * %tmp17, align 1 %tmp19 = insertelement <4 x i8> poison, i8 %tmp4, i32 0 %tmp20 = insertelement <4 x i8> %tmp19, i8 %tmp8, i32 1 %tmp21 = insertelement <4 x i8> %tmp20, i8 %tmp13, i32 2 %tmp22 = insertelement <4 x i8> %tmp21, i8 %tmp18, i32 3 store <4 x i8> %tmp22, * %dst, align 4 ret void } => define void @ld_v4i8_add_nsw(i32 %v0, i32 %v1, * %src, * %dst) { %bb: %tmp = add nsw i32 %v0, 4294967295 %tmp1 = add nsw i32 %v1, %tmp %tmp2 = sext i32 %tmp1 to i64 %tmp3 = gep inbounds * %src, 1 x i64 %tmp2 %0 = bitcast * %tmp3 to * %1 = load <4 x i8>, * %0, align 1 %tmp41 = extractelement <4 x i8> %1, i32 0 %tmp82 = extractelement <4 x i8> %1, i32 1 %tmp133 = extractelement <4 x i8> %1, i32 2 %tmp184 = extractelement <4 x i8> %1, i32 3 %tmp19 = insertelement <4 x i8> poison, i8 %tmp41, i32 0 %tmp20 = insertelement <4 x i8> %tmp19, i8 %tmp82, i32 1 %tmp21 = insertelement <4 x i8> %tmp20, i8 %tmp133, i32 2 %tmp22 = insertelement <4 x i8> %tmp21, i8 %tmp184, i32 3 store <4 x i8> %tmp22, * %dst, align 4 ret void } Transformation doesn't verify! ERROR: Timeout ---------------------------------------- define void @ld_v4i8_add_nuw(i32 %v0, i32 %v1, * %src, * %dst) { %bb: %tmp = add nuw i32 %v0, 4294967295 %tmp1 = add nuw i32 %v1, %tmp %tmp2 = zext i32 %tmp1 to i64 %tmp3 = gep inbounds * %src, 1 x i64 %tmp2 %tmp4 = load i8, * %tmp3, align 1 %tmp5 = add nuw i32 %v1, %v0 %tmp6 = zext i32 %tmp5 to i64 %tmp7 = gep inbounds * %src, 1 x i64 %tmp6 %tmp8 = load i8, * %tmp7, align 1 %tmp9 = add nuw i32 %v0, 1 %tmp10 = add nuw i32 %v1, %tmp9 %tmp11 = zext i32 %tmp10 to i64 %tmp12 = gep inbounds * %src, 1 x i64 %tmp11 %tmp13 = load i8, * %tmp12, align 1 %tmp14 = add nuw i32 %v0, 2 %tmp15 = add nuw i32 %v1, %tmp14 %tmp16 = zext i32 %tmp15 to i64 %tmp17 = gep inbounds * %src, 1 x i64 %tmp16 %tmp18 = load i8, * %tmp17, align 1 %tmp19 = insertelement <4 x i8> poison, i8 %tmp4, i32 0 %tmp20 = insertelement <4 x i8> %tmp19, i8 %tmp8, i32 1 %tmp21 = insertelement <4 x i8> %tmp20, i8 %tmp13, i32 2 %tmp22 = insertelement <4 x i8> %tmp21, i8 %tmp18, i32 3 store <4 x i8> %tmp22, * %dst, align 4 ret void } => define void @ld_v4i8_add_nuw(i32 %v0, i32 %v1, * %src, * %dst) { %bb: %tmp = add nuw i32 %v0, 4294967295 %tmp1 = add nuw i32 %v1, %tmp %tmp2 = zext i32 %tmp1 to i64 %tmp3 = gep inbounds * %src, 1 x i64 %tmp2 %0 = bitcast * %tmp3 to * %1 = load <4 x i8>, * %0, align 1 %tmp41 = extractelement <4 x i8> %1, i32 0 %tmp82 = extractelement <4 x i8> %1, i32 1 %tmp133 = extractelement <4 x i8> %1, i32 2 %tmp184 = extractelement <4 x i8> %1, i32 3 %tmp19 = insertelement <4 x i8> poison, i8 %tmp41, i32 0 %tmp20 = insertelement <4 x i8> %tmp19, i8 %tmp82, i32 1 %tmp21 = insertelement <4 x i8> %tmp20, i8 %tmp133, i32 2 %tmp22 = insertelement <4 x i8> %tmp21, i8 %tmp184, i32 3 store <4 x i8> %tmp22, * %dst, align 4 ret void } Transformation doesn't verify! ERROR: Source is more defined than target Example: i32 %v0 = #x00000000 (0) i32 %v1 = #x00000000 (0) * %src = pointer(non-local, block_id=1, offset=17873661021126656) * %dst = pointer(non-local, block_id=2, offset=2372070177497851760) Source: i32 %tmp = #xffffffff (4294967295, -1) i32 %tmp1 = #xffffffff (4294967295, -1) i64 %tmp2 = #x00000000ffffffff (4294967295) * %tmp3 = pointer(non-local, block_id=1, offset=17873665316093951) i8 %tmp4 = poison i32 %tmp5 = #x00000000 (0) i64 %tmp6 = #x0000000000000000 (0) * %tmp7 = pointer(non-local, block_id=1, offset=17873661021126656) i8 %tmp8 = poison i32 %tmp9 = #x00000001 (1) i32 %tmp10 = #x00000001 (1) i64 %tmp11 = #x0000000000000001 (1) * %tmp12 = pointer(non-local, block_id=1, offset=17873661021126657) i8 %tmp13 = poison i32 %tmp14 = #x00000002 (2) i32 %tmp15 = #x00000002 (2) i64 %tmp16 = #x0000000000000002 (2) * %tmp17 = pointer(non-local, block_id=1, offset=17873661021126658) i8 %tmp18 = poison <4 x i8> %tmp19 = < poison, poison, poison, poison > <4 x i8> %tmp20 = < poison, poison, poison, poison > <4 x i8> %tmp21 = < poison, poison, poison, poison > <4 x i8> %tmp22 = < poison, poison, poison, poison > SOURCE MEMORY STATE =================== NON-LOCAL BLOCKS: Block 0 > size: 0 align: 1 alloc type: 0 Block 1 > size: 17873665316093952 align: 256 alloc type: 0 Block 2 > size: 4611686018427387904 align: 512 alloc type: 0 Target: i32 %tmp = #xffffffff (4294967295, -1) i32 %tmp1 = #xffffffff (4294967295, -1) i64 %tmp2 = #x00000000ffffffff (4294967295) * %tmp3 = pointer(non-local, block_id=1, offset=17873665316093951) * %0 = pointer(non-local, block_id=1, offset=17873665316093951) <4 x i8> %1 = < poison, poison, poison, poison > i8 %tmp41 = poison i8 %tmp82 = poison i8 %tmp133 = poison i8 %tmp184 = poison <4 x i8> %tmp19 = < poison, poison, poison, poison > <4 x i8> %tmp20 = < poison, poison, poison, poison > <4 x i8> %tmp21 = < poison, poison, poison, poison > <4 x i8> %tmp22 = < poison, poison, poison, poison > ------------------- SMT STATS ------------------- Num queries: 4 Num invalid: 0 Num skips: 0 Num trivial: 0 (0.0%) Num timeout: 1 (25.0%) Num errors: 0 (0.0%) Num SAT: 3 (75.0%) Num UNSAT: 0 (0.0%)
+ : 'RUN: at line 2' + /home/nlopes/alive2/build/opt-alive.sh -o - -S -load-store-vectorizer -dce /home/nlopes/llvm/llvm/test/Transforms/LoadStoreVectorizer/X86/vectorize-i8-nested-add-inseltpoison.ll + /home/nlopes/llvm/build/bin/FileCheck --allow-unused-prefixes=false /home/nlopes/llvm/llvm/test/Transforms/LoadStoreVectorizer/X86/vectorize-i8-nested-add-inseltpoison.ll Alive2: Transform doesn't verify; aborting! FileCheck error: '<stdin>' is empty. FileCheck command line: /home/nlopes/llvm/build/bin/FileCheck --allow-unused-prefixes=false /home/nlopes/llvm/llvm/test/Transforms/LoadStoreVectorizer/X86/vectorize-i8-nested-add-inseltpoison.ll