Test source: git
Comments: LLVM PR50281
Source: <stdin> -- 1. ModuleToFunctionPassAdaptor -- 1. PassManager<llvm::Function> : Skipping NOP -- 2. InstCombinePass ---------------------------------------- define double @t1(float %a) { #0: %#1 = fcmp ult float %a, 5.000000 %#2 = select i1 %#1, float %a, float 5.000000 %#3 = fpext float %#2 to double ret double %#3 } Transformation seems to be correct! (syntactically equal) -- 3. InstCombinePass ---------------------------------------- define double @t1(float %a) { #0: %#1 = fcmp ult float %a, 5.000000 %#2 = select i1 %#1, float %a, float 5.000000 %#3 = fpext float %#2 to double ret double %#3 } => define double @t1(float %a) { #0: %.inv = fcmp oge float %a, 5.000000 %#1 = select i1 %.inv, float 5.000000, float %a %#2 = fpext float %#1 to double ret double %#2 } Transformation seems to be correct! -- 4. PassManager<llvm::Function> : Skipping NOP -- 5. PassManager<llvm::Function> : Skipping NOP -- 6. InstCombinePass ---------------------------------------- define double @t2(float %a) { #0: %#1 = fcmp ult float %a, 5.000000 %#2 = fpext float %a to double %#3 = select i1 %#1, double %#2, double 5.000000 ret double %#3 } Transformation seems to be correct! (syntactically equal) -- 7. InstCombinePass ---------------------------------------- define double @t2(float %a) { #0: %#1 = fcmp ult float %a, 5.000000 %#2 = fpext float %a to double %#3 = select i1 %#1, double %#2, double 5.000000 ret double %#3 } => define double @t2(float %a) { #0: %.inv = fcmp oge float %a, 5.000000 %#1 = select i1 %.inv, float 5.000000, float %a %#2 = fpext float %#1 to double ret double %#2 } Transformation seems to be correct! -- 8. PassManager<llvm::Function> : Skipping NOP -- 9. PassManager<llvm::Function> : Skipping NOP -- 10. InstCombinePass ---------------------------------------- define float @t4(double %a) { #0: %#1 = fcmp ult double %a, 5.000000 %#2 = fptrunc double %a to float %#3 = select i1 %#1, float %#2, float 5.000000 ret float %#3 } Transformation seems to be correct! (syntactically equal) -- 11. InstCombinePass ---------------------------------------- define float @t4(double %a) { #0: %#1 = fcmp ult double %a, 5.000000 %#2 = fptrunc double %a to float %#3 = select i1 %#1, float %#2, float 5.000000 ret float %#3 } => define float @t4(double %a) { #0: %.inv = fcmp oge double %a, 5.000000 %#1 = select i1 %.inv, double 5.000000, double %a %#2 = fptrunc double %#1 to float ret float %#2 } Transformation doesn't verify! (not unsound) ERROR: Timeout -- 12. PassManager<llvm::Function> : Skipping NOP -- 13. PassManager<llvm::Function> : Skipping NOP -- 14. InstCombinePass ---------------------------------------- define double @t5(float %a) { #0: %#1 = fcmp ult float %a, 5.000000 %#2 = fpext float %a to double %#3 = select i1 %#1, double %#2, double 5.001000 ret double %#3 } Transformation seems to be correct! (syntactically equal) -- 15. InstCombinePass ---------------------------------------- define double @t5(float %a) { #0: %#1 = fcmp ult float %a, 5.000000 %#2 = fpext float %a to double %#3 = select i1 %#1, double %#2, double 5.001000 ret double %#3 } Transformation seems to be correct! (syntactically equal) -- 16. PassManager<llvm::Function> : Skipping NOP -- 17. PassManager<llvm::Function> : Skipping NOP -- 18. InstCombinePass ---------------------------------------- define float @not_maxnum(float %x) { #0: %cmp = fcmp olt float %x, 0.000000 %sel = select i1 %cmp, float -0.000000, float %x ret float %sel } Transformation seems to be correct! (syntactically equal) -- 19. InstCombinePass ---------------------------------------- define float @not_maxnum(float %x) { #0: %cmp = fcmp olt float %x, 0.000000 %sel = select i1 %cmp, float -0.000000, float %x ret float %sel } Transformation seems to be correct! (syntactically equal) -- 20. PassManager<llvm::Function> : Skipping NOP -- 21. PassManager<llvm::Function> : Skipping NOP -- 22. InstCombinePass ---------------------------------------- define double @t6(float %a) { #0: %#1 = fcmp ult float %a, -0.000000 %#2 = fpext float %a to double %#3 = select i1 %#1, double %#2, double 0.000000 ret double %#3 } Transformation seems to be correct! (syntactically equal) -- 23. InstCombinePass ---------------------------------------- define double @t6(float %a) { #0: %#1 = fcmp ult float %a, -0.000000 %#2 = fpext float %a to double %#3 = select i1 %#1, double %#2, double 0.000000 ret double %#3 } => define double @t6(float %a) { #0: %.inv = fcmp oge float %a, 0.000000 %#1 = select i1 %.inv, float 0.000000, float %a %#2 = fpext float %#1 to double ret double %#2 } Transformation seems to be correct! -- 24. PassManager<llvm::Function> : Skipping NOP -- 25. PassManager<llvm::Function> : Skipping NOP -- 26. InstCombinePass ---------------------------------------- define double @t7(float %a) { #0: %#1 = fcmp ult float %a, 0.000000 %#2 = fpext float %a to double %#3 = select i1 %#1, double %#2, double -0.000000 ret double %#3 } Transformation seems to be correct! (syntactically equal) -- 27. InstCombinePass ---------------------------------------- define double @t7(float %a) { #0: %#1 = fcmp ult float %a, 0.000000 %#2 = fpext float %a to double %#3 = select i1 %#1, double %#2, double -0.000000 ret double %#3 } Transformation seems to be correct! (syntactically equal) -- 28. PassManager<llvm::Function> : Skipping NOP -- 29. PassManager<llvm::Function> : Skipping NOP -- 30. InstCombinePass ---------------------------------------- define float @fmin_fmin_zero_mismatch(float %x) { #0: %cmp1 = fcmp olt float %x, -0.000000 %min1 = select i1 %cmp1, float %x, float 0.000000 %cmp2 = fcmp olt float %min1, 0.000000 %min2 = select i1 %cmp2, float %min1, float 0.000000 ret float %min2 } Transformation seems to be correct! (syntactically equal) -- 31. InstCombinePass ---------------------------------------- define float @fmin_fmin_zero_mismatch(float %x) { #0: %cmp1 = fcmp olt float %x, -0.000000 %min1 = select i1 %cmp1, float %x, float 0.000000 %cmp2 = fcmp olt float %min1, 0.000000 %min2 = select i1 %cmp2, float %min1, float 0.000000 ret float %min2 } => define float @fmin_fmin_zero_mismatch(float %x) { #0: %cmp1 = fcmp olt float %x, 0.000000 %min2 = select i1 %cmp1, float %x, float 0.000000 ret float %min2 } Transformation seems to be correct! -- 32. PassManager<llvm::Function> : Skipping NOP -- 33. PassManager<llvm::Function> : Skipping NOP -- 34. InstCombinePass ---------------------------------------- define float @fmax_fmax_zero_mismatch(float %x) { #0: %cmp1 = fcmp ogt float %x, 0.000000 %max1 = select i1 %cmp1, float %x, float -0.000000 %cmp2 = fcmp ogt float 0.000000, %max1 %max2 = select i1 %cmp2, float -0.000000, float %max1 ret float %max2 } Transformation seems to be correct! (syntactically equal) -- 35. InstCombinePass ---------------------------------------- define float @fmax_fmax_zero_mismatch(float %x) { #0: %cmp1 = fcmp ogt float %x, 0.000000 %max1 = select i1 %cmp1, float %x, float -0.000000 %cmp2 = fcmp ogt float 0.000000, %max1 %max2 = select i1 %cmp2, float -0.000000, float %max1 ret float %max2 } => define float @fmax_fmax_zero_mismatch(float %x) { #0: %cmp1 = fcmp ogt float %x, 0.000000 %max1 = select i1 %cmp1, float %x, float -0.000000 ret float %max1 } Transformation seems to be correct! -- 36. PassManager<llvm::Function> : Skipping NOP -- 37. PassManager<llvm::Function> : Skipping NOP -- 38. InstCombinePass ---------------------------------------- define i64 @t8(float %a) { #0: %#1 = fcmp ult float %a, 5.000000 %#2 = fptoui float %a to i64 %#3 = select i1 %#1, i64 %#2, i64 5 ret i64 %#3 } Transformation seems to be correct! (syntactically equal) -- 39. InstCombinePass ---------------------------------------- define i64 @t8(float %a) { #0: %#1 = fcmp ult float %a, 5.000000 %#2 = fptoui float %a to i64 %#3 = select i1 %#1, i64 %#2, i64 5 ret i64 %#3 } => define i64 @t8(float %a) { #0: %.inv = fcmp oge float %a, 5.000000 %#1 = select i1 %.inv, float 5.000000, float %a %#2 = fptoui float %#1 to i64 ret i64 %#2 } Transformation seems to be correct! -- 40. PassManager<llvm::Function> : Skipping NOP -- 41. PassManager<llvm::Function> : Skipping NOP -- 42. InstCombinePass ---------------------------------------- define i8 @t9(float %a) { #0: %#1 = fcmp ult float %a, 0.000000 %#2 = fptosi float %a to i8 %#3 = select i1 %#1, i8 %#2, i8 0 ret i8 %#3 } Transformation seems to be correct! (syntactically equal) -- 43. InstCombinePass ---------------------------------------- define i8 @t9(float %a) { #0: %#1 = fcmp ult float %a, 0.000000 %#2 = fptosi float %a to i8 %#3 = select i1 %#1, i8 %#2, i8 0 ret i8 %#3 } => define i8 @t9(float %a) { #0: %.inv = fcmp oge float %a, 0.000000 %#1 = select i1 %.inv, float 0.000000, float %a %#2 = fptosi float %#1 to i8 ret i8 %#2 } Transformation seems to be correct! -- 44. PassManager<llvm::Function> : Skipping NOP -- 45. PassManager<llvm::Function> : Skipping NOP -- 46. InstCombinePass ---------------------------------------- define i8 @t11(float %a, float %b) { #0: %#1 = fcmp fast ult float %b, %a %#2 = fptosi float %a to i8 %#3 = fptosi float %b to i8 %#4 = select i1 %#1, i8 %#3, i8 %#2 ret i8 %#4 } Transformation seems to be correct! (syntactically equal) -- 47. InstCombinePass ---------------------------------------- define i8 @t11(float %a, float %b) { #0: %#1 = fcmp fast ult float %b, %a %#2 = fptosi float %a to i8 %#3 = fptosi float %b to i8 %#4 = select i1 %#1, i8 %#3, i8 %#2 ret i8 %#4 } => define i8 @t11(float %a, float %b) { #0: %.v = fmin fast float %b, %a %#1 = fptosi float %.v to i8 ret i8 %#1 } Transformation doesn't verify! (not unsound) ERROR: SMT Error: smt tactic failed to show goal to be sat/unsat (incomplete quantifiers) -- 48. PassManager<llvm::Function> : Skipping NOP -- 49. PassManager<llvm::Function> : Skipping NOP -- 50. InstCombinePass ---------------------------------------- define i8 @t12(float %a, float %b) { #0: %#1 = fcmp nnan ult float %b, %a %#2 = fptosi float %a to i8 %#3 = fptosi float %b to i8 %#4 = select i1 %#1, i8 %#3, i8 %#2 ret i8 %#4 } Transformation seems to be correct! (syntactically equal) -- 51. InstCombinePass ---------------------------------------- define i8 @t12(float %a, float %b) { #0: %#1 = fcmp nnan ult float %b, %a %#2 = fptosi float %a to i8 %#3 = fptosi float %b to i8 %#4 = select i1 %#1, i8 %#3, i8 %#2 ret i8 %#4 } => define i8 @t12(float %a, float %b) { #0: %.inv = fcmp nnan oge float %b, %a %.v = select nnan i1 %.inv, float %a, float %b %#1 = fptosi float %.v to i8 ret i8 %#1 } Transformation seems to be correct! -- 52. PassManager<llvm::Function> : Skipping NOP -- 53. PassManager<llvm::Function> : Skipping NOP -- 54. InstCombinePass ---------------------------------------- define i8 @t13(float %a) { #0: %#1 = fcmp ult float %a, 1.500000 %#2 = fptosi float %a to i8 %#3 = select i1 %#1, i8 %#2, i8 1 ret i8 %#3 } Transformation seems to be correct! (syntactically equal) -- 55. InstCombinePass ---------------------------------------- define i8 @t13(float %a) { #0: %#1 = fcmp ult float %a, 1.500000 %#2 = fptosi float %a to i8 %#3 = select i1 %#1, i8 %#2, i8 1 ret i8 %#3 } Transformation seems to be correct! (syntactically equal) -- 56. PassManager<llvm::Function> : Skipping NOP -- 57. PassManager<llvm::Function> : Skipping NOP -- 58. InstCombinePass ---------------------------------------- define i8 @t14(float %a) { #0: %#1 = fcmp ule float %a, 0.000000 %#2 = fptosi float %a to i8 %#3 = select i1 %#1, i8 %#2, i8 0 ret i8 %#3 } Transformation seems to be correct! (syntactically equal) -- 59. InstCombinePass ---------------------------------------- define i8 @t14(float %a) { #0: %#1 = fcmp ule float %a, 0.000000 %#2 = fptosi float %a to i8 %#3 = select i1 %#1, i8 %#2, i8 0 ret i8 %#3 } => define i8 @t14(float %a) { #0: %.inv = fcmp oge float %a, 0.000000 %#1 = select i1 %.inv, float 0.000000, float %a %#2 = fptosi float %#1 to i8 ret i8 %#2 } Transformation seems to be correct! -- 60. PassManager<llvm::Function> : Skipping NOP -- 61. PassManager<llvm::Function> : Skipping NOP -- 62. InstCombinePass ---------------------------------------- define i8 @t14_commute(float %a) { #0: %#1 = fcmp ule float %a, 0.000000 %#2 = fptosi float %a to i8 %#3 = select i1 %#1, i8 0, i8 %#2 ret i8 %#3 } Transformation seems to be correct! (syntactically equal) -- 63. InstCombinePass ---------------------------------------- define i8 @t14_commute(float %a) { #0: %#1 = fcmp ule float %a, 0.000000 %#2 = fptosi float %a to i8 %#3 = select i1 %#1, i8 0, i8 %#2 ret i8 %#3 } => define i8 @t14_commute(float %a) { #0: %#1 = fcmp ogt float %a, 0.000000 %#2 = select i1 %#1, float %a, float 0.000000 %#3 = fptosi float %#2 to i8 ret i8 %#3 } Transformation seems to be correct! -- 64. PassManager<llvm::Function> : Skipping NOP -- 65. PassManager<llvm::Function> : Skipping NOP -- 66. InstCombinePass ---------------------------------------- define i8 @t15(float %a) { #0: %#1 = fcmp nsz ule float %a, 0.000000 %#2 = fptosi float %a to i8 %#3 = select i1 %#1, i8 %#2, i8 0 ret i8 %#3 } Transformation seems to be correct! (syntactically equal) -- 67. InstCombinePass ---------------------------------------- define i8 @t15(float %a) { #0: %#1 = fcmp nsz ule float %a, 0.000000 %#2 = fptosi float %a to i8 %#3 = select i1 %#1, i8 %#2, i8 0 ret i8 %#3 } => define i8 @t15(float %a) { #0: %.inv = fcmp nsz oge float %a, 0.000000 %#1 = select nsz i1 %.inv, float 0.000000, float %a %#2 = fptosi float %#1 to i8 ret i8 %#2 } Transformation seems to be correct! -- 68. PassManager<llvm::Function> : Skipping NOP -- 69. PassManager<llvm::Function> : Skipping NOP -- 70. InstCombinePass ---------------------------------------- define double @t16(i32 %x) { #0: %cmp = icmp sgt i32 %x, 0 %cst = sitofp i32 %x to double %sel = select i1 %cmp, double %cst, double 0.500000 ret double %sel } Transformation seems to be correct! (syntactically equal) -- 71. InstCombinePass ---------------------------------------- define double @t16(i32 %x) { #0: %cmp = icmp sgt i32 %x, 0 %cst = sitofp i32 %x to double %sel = select i1 %cmp, double %cst, double 0.500000 ret double %sel } Transformation seems to be correct! (syntactically equal) -- 72. PassManager<llvm::Function> : Skipping NOP -- 73. PassManager<llvm::Function> : Skipping NOP -- 74. InstCombinePass ---------------------------------------- define double @t17(i32 %x) { #0: %cmp = icmp sgt i32 %x, 2 %cst = sitofp i32 %x to double %sel = select i1 %cmp, double %cst, double 2.000000 ret double %sel } Transformation seems to be correct! (syntactically equal) -- 75. InstCombinePass ---------------------------------------- define double @t17(i32 %x) { #0: %cmp = icmp sgt i32 %x, 2 %cst = sitofp i32 %x to double %sel = select i1 %cmp, double %cst, double 2.000000 ret double %sel } => define double @t17(i32 %x) { #0: %sel1 = smax i32 %x, 2 %sel = uitofp nneg i32 %sel1 to double ret double %sel } Transformation doesn't verify! (not unsound) ERROR: Timeout -- 76. PassManager<llvm::Function> : Skipping NOP -- 77. PassManager<llvm::Function> : Skipping NOP -- 78. InstCombinePass ---------------------------------------- define float @fneg_fmax(float %x, float %y) { #0: %n1 = fneg float %x %n2 = fneg float %y %cond = fcmp nnan ogt float %n1, %n2 %max = select i1 %cond, float %n1, float %n2 ret float %max } Transformation seems to be correct! (syntactically equal) -- 79. InstCombinePass ---------------------------------------- define float @fneg_fmax(float %x, float %y) { #0: %n1 = fneg float %x %n2 = fneg float %y %cond = fcmp nnan ogt float %n1, %n2 %max = select i1 %cond, float %n1, float %n2 ret float %max } => define float @fneg_fmax(float %x, float %y) { #0: %cond = fcmp nnan olt float %x, %y %max.v = select i1 %cond, float %x, float %y %max = fneg float %max.v ret float %max } Transformation seems to be correct! -- 80. PassManager<llvm::Function> : Skipping NOP -- 81. PassManager<llvm::Function> : Skipping NOP -- 82. InstCombinePass ---------------------------------------- define <2 x float> @fsub_fmax(<2 x float> %x, <2 x float> %y) { #0: %n1 = fsub <2 x float> { -0.000000, -0.000000 }, %x %n2 = fsub <2 x float> { -0.000000, -0.000000 }, %y %cond = fcmp nnan nsz uge <2 x float> %n1, %n2 %max = select <2 x i1> %cond, <2 x float> %n1, <2 x float> %n2 ret <2 x float> %max } Transformation seems to be correct! (syntactically equal) -- 83. InstCombinePass ---------------------------------------- define <2 x float> @fsub_fmax(<2 x float> %x, <2 x float> %y) { #0: %n1 = fsub <2 x float> { -0.000000, -0.000000 }, %x %n2 = fsub <2 x float> { -0.000000, -0.000000 }, %y %cond = fcmp nnan nsz uge <2 x float> %n1, %n2 %max = select <2 x i1> %cond, <2 x float> %n1, <2 x float> %n2 ret <2 x float> %max } => define <2 x float> @fsub_fmax(<2 x float> %x, <2 x float> %y) { #0: %max.v = fmin nnan nsz <2 x float> %x, %y %max = fneg <2 x float> %max.v ret <2 x float> %max } Transformation doesn't verify! (unsound) ERROR: Target's return value is more undefined Example: <2 x float> %x = < #x80000000 (-0.0), #x7f880000 (SNaN) > <2 x float> %y = < #x00000000 (+0.0), #x7f808000 (SNaN) > Source: <2 x float> %n1 = < #x00000000 (+0.0), #xffc80000 (QNaN) > <2 x float> %n2 = < #x80000000 (-0.0), #xffc08000 (QNaN) > <2 x i1> %cond = < #x1 (1), poison > <2 x float> %max = < #x00000000 (+0.0), poison > Target: <2 x float> %max.v = < #x80000000 (-0.0), poison > <2 x float> %max = < #x00000000 (+0.0), poison > Source value: < #x00000000 (+0.0), poison > Target value: < #x00000000 (+0.0), poison > Pass: InstCombinePass Command line: '/home/nlopes/llvm/build/bin/opt' '-load=/home/nlopes/alive2/build/tv/tv.so' '-load-pass-plugin=/home/nlopes/alive2/build/tv/tv.so' '-tv-exit-on-error' '-S' '-passes=instcombine' '-tv-smt-to=20000' '-tv-report-dir=/home/nlopes/alive2/build/logs' '-tv-smt-stats' Wrote bitcode to: "/home/nlopes/alive2/build/logs/in_gOdtP4zt_W8F6.bc" ------------------- SMT STATS ------------------- Num queries: 132 Num invalid: 0 Num skips: 0 Num trivial: 55 (29.4%) Num timeout: 2 (1.5%) Num errors: 1 (0.8%) Num SAT: 71 (53.8%) Num UNSAT: 58 (43.9%) Alive2: Transform doesn't verify; aborting!
RUN: at line 2: /home/nlopes/alive2/build/opt-alive.sh -S -passes=instcombine < /bitbucket/nlopes/llvm/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/minmax-fp.ll | /bitbucket/nlopes/llvm/build/bin/FileCheck /bitbucket/nlopes/llvm/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/minmax-fp.ll + /bitbucket/nlopes/llvm/build/bin/FileCheck /bitbucket/nlopes/llvm/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/minmax-fp.ll + /home/nlopes/alive2/build/opt-alive.sh -S -passes=instcombine FileCheck error: '<stdin>' is empty. FileCheck command line: /bitbucket/nlopes/llvm/build/bin/FileCheck /bitbucket/nlopes/llvm/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/minmax-fp.ll