Test source: git
Source: <stdin> ERROR: Unsupported type: x86_fp80 ---------------------------------------- define half @si129tohalf(i129 %a) { #0: %conv = sitofp i129 %a to half ret half %conv } => define half @si129tohalf(i129 %a) { itofp-entry: %#0 = icmp eq i129 %a, 0 br i1 %#0, label %itofp-return, label %itofp-if-end itofp-if-end: %#1 = ashr i129 %a, 128 %#2 = xor i129 %#1, %a %#3 = sub i129 %#2, %#1 %#4 = ctlz i129 %#3, 1 %#5 = trunc i129 %#4 to i32 %#6 = sub i32 129, %#5 %#7 = sub i32 128, %#5 %#8 = icmp sgt i32 %#6, 24 br i1 %#8, label %itofp-if-then4, label %itofp-if-else itofp-if-then4: switch i32 %#6, label %itofp-sw-default [ i32 25, label %itofp-sw-bb i32 26, label %itofp-sw-epilog ] itofp-sw-default: %#9 = sub i32 103, %#5 %#10 = zext i32 %#9 to i129 %#11 = lshr i129 %#3, %#10 %#12 = add i32 %#5, 26 %#13 = zext i32 %#12 to i129 %#14 = lshr i129 680564733841876926926749214863536422911, %#13 %#15 = and i129 %#14, %#3 %#16 = icmp ne i129 %#15, 0 %#17 = zext i1 %#16 to i129 %#18 = or i129 %#11, %#17 br label %itofp-sw-epilog itofp-sw-bb: %#19 = shl i129 %#3, 1 br label %itofp-sw-epilog itofp-sw-epilog: %#20 = phi i129 [ %#18, %itofp-sw-default ], [ %#3, %itofp-if-then4 ], [ %#19, %itofp-sw-bb ] %#21 = trunc i129 %#20 to i32 %#22 = lshr i32 %#21, 2 %#23 = and i32 %#22, 1 %#24 = zext i32 %#23 to i129 %#25 = or i129 %#20, %#24 %#26 = add i129 %#25, 1 %#27 = ashr i129 %#26, 2 %a3 = and i129 %#26, 67108864 %#28 = icmp eq i129 %a3, 0 %#29 = trunc i129 %#27 to i32 br i1 %#28, label %itofp-if-end26, label %itofp-if-then20 itofp-if-then20: %#32 = ashr i129 %#26, 3 %#33 = trunc i129 %#32 to i32 br label %itofp-if-end26 itofp-if-else: %#36 = add i32 %#5, 4294967191 %#37 = zext i32 %#36 to i129 %#38 = shl i129 %#3, %#37 %#39 = trunc i129 %#38 to i32 br label %itofp-if-end26 itofp-if-end26: %#42 = phi i32 [ %#33, %itofp-if-then20 ], [ %#29, %itofp-sw-epilog ], [ %#39, %itofp-if-else ] %#43 = phi i32 [ %#6, %itofp-if-then20 ], [ %#7, %itofp-sw-epilog ], [ %#7, %itofp-if-else ] %#44 = trunc i129 %#1 to i32 %#45 = and i32 %#44, 2147483648 %#46 = shl i32 %#43, 23 %#47 = add i32 %#46, 1065353216 %#48 = and i32 %#42, 8388607 %#49 = or i32 %#48, %#45 %#50 = or i32 %#49, %#47 %#51 = bitcast i32 %#50 to float %#52 = fptrunc float %#51 to half br label %itofp-return itofp-return: %#53 = phi half [ %#52, %itofp-if-end26 ], [ 0x0000, %itofp-entry ] ret half %#53 } Transformation doesn't verify! (unsound) ERROR: Source is more defined than target Example: i129 %a = poison Source: half %conv = poison Target: i1 %#0 = poison UB triggered on br Pass: Command line: '/home/nlopes/llvm/build/bin/opt' '-load=/home/nlopes/alive2/build/tv/tv.so' '-tv-exit-on-error' '-tv' '-S' '-mtriple=x86_64--' '-expand-large-fp-convert' '-tv' '-tv-smt-to=20000' '-tv-report-dir=/home/nlopes/alive2/build/logs' '-tv-smt-stats' ------------------- SMT STATS ------------------- Num queries: 10 Num invalid: 0 Num skips: 0 Num trivial: 0 (0.0%) Num timeout: 0 (0.0%) Num errors: 0 (0.0%) Num SAT: 9 (90.0%) Num UNSAT: 1 (10.0%) Alive2: Transform doesn't verify; aborting!
RUN: at line 2: /home/nlopes/alive2/build/opt-alive.sh -S -mtriple=x86_64-- -expand-large-fp-convert < /bitbucket/nlopes/llvm/llvm/test/Transforms/ExpandLargeFpConvert/X86/expand-large-fp-convert-si129tofp.ll | /bitbucket/nlopes/llvm/build/bin/FileCheck /bitbucket/nlopes/llvm/llvm/test/Transforms/ExpandLargeFpConvert/X86/expand-large-fp-convert-si129tofp.ll + /bitbucket/nlopes/llvm/build/bin/FileCheck /bitbucket/nlopes/llvm/llvm/test/Transforms/ExpandLargeFpConvert/X86/expand-large-fp-convert-si129tofp.ll + /home/nlopes/alive2/build/opt-alive.sh -S -mtriple=x86_64-- -expand-large-fp-convert FileCheck error: '<stdin>' is empty. FileCheck command line: /bitbucket/nlopes/llvm/build/bin/FileCheck /bitbucket/nlopes/llvm/llvm/test/Transforms/ExpandLargeFpConvert/X86/expand-large-fp-convert-si129tofp.ll