Luís O. Silva

I am IST Distinguished Professor, and Professor of Physics at the Department of Physics of Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal, in the Scientific Area of Plasma Physics, Lasers and Nuclear Fusion. I am also Visiting Professor in Physics in the Department of Physics of the University of Oxford.

My research is performed at the Group of Lasers and Plasmas, also known as GoLP, where I lead the epp team. I am the scientific coordinator of the Group of Lasers and Plasmas.
At GoLP we are all committed to continuously raising the bar.

I serve on the Editorial Board of an awesome outlet for papers in Plasma Physics: Journal of Plasma Physics (Cambridge University Press).

I have a broad range of scientific interests that can be closely connected with the interaction of intense fields with plasmas (Extreme Plasma Physics | High Energy Density Science | High Field Science | Ultra Fast Science). My main focus is on the collective/nonlinear processes underlying these interactions, and their relevance in plasma-based accelerators and secondary sources, laser fusion, relativistic (plasma) astrophysics of compact objects, magnetogenesis, QED processes, and fundamental plasma physics.

I am happy to talk with interested undergraduate and graduate students at any time.

News, Media and Contacts

I have collected outreach and other texts about science and universities I have been contributing to different outlets/media in my Medium account (in .pt). Media coverage/updated news about my work can be found in epp on the news, on BlueSky, or here. For media inquiries, please send me an email.
I prefer to be contacted by email. Learn here how.

Recent News

New preprint (with Wenlong Z and Thomas G) - in e-e+ colliders beam pinch at the in (while e-e- diverge), while we find that, with disruption and SF-QED, e-e- also pinch/ compress, B field is amplified, moving into the non perturbative QED regime 👇

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— Luís Oliveira e Silva ( 13 December 2024 at 14:28