Bookmark dump

This is my bookmark dump. Over time, I will try to organize and clean up this links. Enjoy!

Lang & Tools/Coding

General Tips and Tricks

Hungarian notation - Wikipedia

Coding Techniques and Programming Practices

Indent style - Wikipedia

30 Handy Bash Shell Aliases For Linux / Unix / Mac OS X

Line of sight in code – Medium

Rob Pike: Notes on Programming in C

vi - What is your most productive shortcut with Vim? - Stack Overflow

Bit Twiddling Hacks


Understanding Git Conceptually

Git - Working with Remotes

joelparkerhenderson/git_commit_message: Git commit message: how to write a good git commit message

Aha! Moments When Learning Git – BetterExplained

Pretty git branch graphs - Stack Overflow

A successful Git branching model »

git ready » learn git one commit at a time

subsurface-for-dirk/README at 0f58510ce0244513521296b75281fcc32f72a931 · torvalds/subsurface-for-dirk

How to Write a Git Commit Message

Git - Setting Up the Server

On undoing, fixing, or removing commits in git


Reading C type declarations

Clockwise/Spiral Rule

This has been posted before[1], and the "spiral rule" is a load of hooey. The c... | Hacker News

How to C (as of 2016)

Learn C the Hard Way

Modern C

Reference - C++ Reference

cdecl: C gibberish ↔︎ English

POSIX Threads Programming

GDB CheatSheet


Dynamic linker tricks: Using LD_PRELOAD to cheat, inject features and investigate programs | Rafał Cieślak's blog


Henry Spencer's 10 Commandments for C Programmers

Fonts & Terminal

arialdomartini/oh-my-git: An opinionated git prompt for bash and zsh

gabrielelana/awesome-terminal-fonts: Tools and instructions on how to have awesome symbols in a terminal with a monospace font


Installing from PPA (Ubuntu Personal Package Archive)

Prolog Problems - Prolog Site

SWISH -- SWI-Prolog for SHaring

Peter Selinger: LaTeX macros for Fitch style natural deduction

The Power of Prolog

Using Prolog in Windows NT Network Configuration

AUG94: Extending C with Prolog


GNU make

GNU Make - Writing Rules

GNU make

Linux make command information and examples

Makefile to put object files from source files different directories into a single, separate directory? - Stack Overflow

Rules of Makefiles | GNU make

Multi-Architecture Builds | GNU make

How Not to Use VPATH | GNU make

makefile - How to place object files in separate subdirectory - Stack Overflow

Notes for new Make users



unix - How can I profile C++ code running in Linux? - Stack Overflow

jrfonseca/gprof2dot: Converts profiling output to a dot graph.



abseil / Tip of the Week

abseil / Abseil Blog

Stroustrup: C++ Style and Technique FAQ

C++11 FAQ

C++ Frequently Questioned Answers


About pwntools — pwntools 3.10.0 documentation

Dash, Bash & Co.

text processing - Why is printf better than echo? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange

Bourne Shell Tutorial

Copy-Paste from Website to Terminal


The Original LISP

The Roots of Lisp

McCarthy Math

Video Lectures | Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | MIT OpenCourseWare

defmacro - The Nature of Lisp

PicoLisp FAQ

Common Lisp

Python for Lisp Programmers


Fear and Loathing with APL |

Papers from the Lost Culture of Array Languages


Readings | Mathematics for Computer Science | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | MIT OpenCourseWare

Mathematics for Computer Science: Readings | Hacker News

Infinite Descent – A book and a blog


A Programmable Programming Language | March 2018 | Communications of the ACM

Beautiful Racket by Matthew Butterick


Introduction · mostly-adequate-guide


Schneier on Security


The Digital Antiquarian

rachelbythebay : Writing

Jessie Frazelle's Blog: Home

import BlogKit

Joel on Software

Dan Luu

Julia Evans - Julia Evans

Eric S. Raymond's Home Page

Krebs on Security

The HFT Guy – A developer in London

Steve's Tech Talk – Software meanderings

Coding Horror

The Daily WTF: Curious Perversions in Information Technology

Eric Raymond blog


Troy Hunt: Troy Hunt

Project Zero

Clients From Hell

Sudo Satirical

CCC | Home


The Programming Journal

(Historical) Source Code

MS Word Source Code

Computer History Museum Makes Historic MS-DOS and Word for Windows Source Code Available to the Public | Press Releases | Computer History Museum

Microsoft MS-DOS early source code | Computer History Museum

Lions book on UNIX

Adobe Photoshop Source Code | Computer History Museum


Ask HN: What is your favorite CS paper? | Hacker News

Free: You Can Now Read Classic Books by MIT Press on | Open Culture

Teach Yourself Computer Science

A Commentary on the Sixth Edition Unix Operating System | Hacker News

Hacker Culture


Open Source

The Hacker Community and Ethics - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation

Index of /mit

Locus Online Perspectives » Cory Doctorow: Demon-Haunted World

Hacker Comunity Content

Jargon File Resources

jargon, node: Top

What Colour are your bits? - Ansuz - mskala's home page

Lockdown: The coming war on general-purpose computing / Boing Boing

Should illegal numbers be possible? @ Things Of Interest

On Ethical Hacking

On Encryption

So Much for Savages: Navajo 1, Government 0 in Final Moments of Play

On Privacy/Surveilance

Data Mining for Terrorists - Schneier on Security

The Crypto Anarchist Manifesto

Taco Bell Programming

Alan Kay Thesis: The Reactive Engine

Stories and Culture

Origins and History of the Hackers, 1961-1995

A Brief History of Hackerdom

How To Become A Hacker

The case of the 500-mile email

The Net Wars Trilogy

Eternal September - Wikipedia

E.W. Dijkstra Archive: How do we tell truths that might hurt? (EWD498)

How To Criticize Computer Scientists

X and NeWS history | Hacker News

[TUHS] X and NeWS history (long)

Geeks, MOPs, and sociopaths in subculture evolution | Meaningness

Knuth versus Email

Hacker's Wisdom

QDB: Quote #244321: hunter2

How I do my Computing

A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace | Electronic Frontier Foundation

[silk] Barlow's principles of adult behaviour

The Ultimate in Garbage Collection (1995) | Hacker News


WebAIM: History of the browser user-agent string

Sprites mods - Hard disk hacking - Intro

Origins of the finger command - Grupos do Google


Poe's law - Is he joking or serious?

Conway's Law - People reflected on product

Finagle's Law - True Murphy's Law

Gates's Law - Moore's Law for Software

Godwin's Law - Comparison to Hitler

Lubarsky's Law of Cybernetic Entomology - Bugs

Parkinson's Law of Data - Data Expands

Ninety-Ninety Rule - 90% of Time for 10% of Work

Muphry's law - Do not Correct Grammar

Sayre's law - Less important, more discussion

Law of triviality - Similar to Sayre's law

Stigler's law of eponymy - If it has a name, it wasn't the author

Wadler's Law - Nothing is more important than comment syntax

Hofstadter's law - It will take more time than you think

Student syndrome - Procrastinators by Nature

Bullshit Asymmetry Principle - Eliminating Bullshit

Betteridge's law of headlines - The answer to a headline is always no

Sturgeon's law - 90% of everything is crap

Sure-thing principle - Wikipedia

Coding & Co.

Big Ball of Mud

[TUHS] The evolution of Unix facilities and architecture

The Boy Scout Rule - Programmer 97-things

Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs

RE: What's so cool about Scheme?


International Journal of Proof-of-Concept or Get The Fuck Out (PoC||GTFO)

The Stack Clash | Hacker News

.:: Phrack Magazine ::.

Uninformed - vol 10

Gene Cooperman's Computer Science Information

One Div Zero: A Brief, Incomplete, and Mostly Wrong History of Programming Languages

Random Stuff

Short Stories

Short Story - Superiority - by Arthur C. Clarke

Standard Ebooks: Free and liberated ebooks, carefully produced for the true book lover.

Insignificant Little Vermin

In the Beginning was the Command Line

John Gordon: The Alice and Bob After Dinner Speech

The Diamond as Big as the Ritz and Other Stories


C64 TrueType (TTF) Fonts

Interface font family

Fira Sans Font Free by Mozilla » Font Squirrel

Input: Fonts for Code


ryanoasis/nerd-fonts: Iconic font aggregator, collection, and patcher: 34 patched fonts (77k+ variations). Includes popular glyph collections such as Font Awesome & fonts such as Hack

The Ultimate Oldschool PC Font Pack: Home


Space Colony Artwork 1970s

make 8-bit art!

Logo Rank - Check your logo design with deep learning

#bashfill > art for your terminal

Chemical Wallpapers

Death Note manga | Read Death Note manga online in high quality

Show HN: Momixa – Custom playlist mixes using machine learning | Hacker News

Made a wallpaper out of the Planetary Travel posters! : RetroFuturism

Text to ASCII Art Generator (TAAG)

ASCIIFlow Infinity

Streaming | CPR

Add this to your Pandoc HTML documents using `--css pandoc.css` to make them look more awesome. (Tested with Markdown and LaTeX.)

How I stopped worrying and started using Markdown like TeX | Random Determinism

SpaceX | Flickr


buttondown. CSS

Pandoc - Demos

Death to Bullshit we can't both be right.

Better Motherfucking Website

Essays -

Show HN: Trickle/tritty, a 600 baud pipe/terminal | Hacker News


Tech Tip: Extract Pages From a PDF | Linux Journal

How Can I Reset My Windows 7 Password?

So You Want To Abolish Time Zones @ Things Of Interest

CodePen - Chill the lion

About - Project Euler

Cello • High Level C