Francisco Durão

Software Engineer



Toy Shooter

This is just an Unity tutorial on steroids.

I started with the Unity Survival Shooter tutorial. This is a pretty simple tutorial that shows how to use assets on the editor and some basic scripting.

No artwork here was designed by me, every model/animation comes from the tutorial. After finishing said tutorial I started to add some of my own ideas.

I added the grenade launcher, the ability of monster to become enraged (their eyes turn red and they run faster) but more importantly I added the Traits mechanic.

On the pause menu the player can press the “Roll The Dice” button. This gives the player up to 3 traits he will experience on gameplay.

Some just change stats like speed or rate of fire, but others offer a different visual experience using some shaders I created. The “Drunk” trait makes everything a bit wobbly, “Farsighted” and “Nearsighted” add a blur effect either far or close to the player and “Colorblind” lets us see the world in shades of gray.


Site designed and developed by Francisco Durão