Francisco Durão

Software Engineer

Sudoku Solver


Sudoku Solver

My father loves sudokus.

He solved so many of them that it got to a point where it was almost mechanical for him to solve puzzles in minutes. And so, he urged a challenge: “I bet I can solve any sudoku puzzle faster than you!”. He felt great pride with the possibility of solving a sudoku faster than a man on the prime of his life.

“Can you give me a couple of hours first?” - I replied. Given the unsurmountable task at hand I resorted to devious ways. I rushed to my computer and created a little program capable of solving sudokus of any size almost instantly.

One might argue that by creating a program that solves sudokus I am not actually solving them myself... But for me, I am the victor of the challenge!

(Of course my dad has a different opinion though...)


Site designed and developed by Francisco Durão