Import data:


Remove Patients without Extra.Mets:

data.analysis <- data.with.clusts %>% filter(! <- data.analysis[!duplicated(data.analysis$Patient),]

model.surv <- coxph(Surv(, Death.Status) ~ Age.Diagnosis + Sex + Extra.Mets,
                    data =, x = TRUE)

Joint Modelling Analysis - OCS

Model 7 - (Rational Model with Optimal Completion Strategy)

rational.nlme <- nlme(model = log(NTX) ~ 1/(time + a)^g + i,
                      fixed =  a + g + i ~ 1,
                      random = i ~ 1 | Patient,
                      start = c(a = 1, g = 1, i = 1),
                      data = data.analysis)

fixed.rational.ocs <- as.formula(sprintf("log(NTX) ~ I(1/(time + %f)^%f) + 1",

random.rational.ocs <- as.formula(sprintf("~ I(1/(time + %f)^%f) + 1 | Patient",

rational.random <- lme(fixed = fixed.rational.ocs, 
                       random = random.rational.ocs,
                       method = "ML", data = data.analysis,
                       control = lmeControl(opt = "optim"))

model.rational.random <- jointModel(rational.random, model.surv, timeVar = "time",
                            method = "piecewise-PH-aGH", = 5)

## Call:
## jointModel(lmeObject = rational.random, survObject = model.surv, 
##     timeVar = "time", method = "piecewise-PH-aGH", = 5)
## Data Descriptives:
## Longitudinal Process     Event Process
## Number of Observations: 698  Number of Events: 101 (80.2%)
## Number of Groups: 126
## Joint Model Summary:
## Longitudinal Process: Linear mixed-effects model
## Event Process: Relative risk model with piecewise-constant
##      baseline risk function
## Parameterization: Time-dependent 
##   log.Lik     AIC      BIC
##  -1395.13 2822.26 2867.641
## Variance Components:
##                                  StdDev    Corr
## (Intercept)                      1.2227  (Intr)
## I(1/(time + 1.351057)^2.049934)  0.5752 -0.9750
## Residual                         0.7125        
## Coefficients:
## Longitudinal Process
##                                  Value Std.Err z-value p-value
## (Intercept)                     4.3451  0.1145 37.9506 <0.0001
## I(1/(time + 1.351057)^2.049934) 0.9768  0.1493  6.5429 <0.0001
## Event Process
##                 Value Std.Err  z-value p-value
## Age.Diagnosis  0.0182  0.0076   2.3998  0.0164
## Sex            0.3048  0.2176   1.4011  0.1612
## Extra.Mets     0.6586  0.2264   2.9091  0.0036
## Assoct         0.1955  0.0966   2.0233  0.0430
## log(xi.1)     -6.6908  0.6691 -10.0002        
## log(xi.2)     -6.2567  0.6596  -9.4860        
## log(xi.3)     -6.0353  0.6561  -9.1981        
## log(xi.4)     -5.8409  0.6488  -9.0025        
## log(xi.5)     -5.8599  0.6212  -9.4328        
## log(xi.6)     -5.8933  0.5729 -10.2876        
## Integration:
## method: (pseudo) adaptive Gauss-Hermite
## quadrature points: 5 
## Optimization:
## Convergence: 0

Model 8 - (Exponential Model with Optimal Completion Strategy)

exponential.random.nlme <- nlme(log(NTX) ~ exp(-time*a) + int,
                               fixed = a + int ~ 1,
                               random = int ~ 1 | Patient,
                               data = data.analysis,
                               start = c( a = 1, int = 3))

fixed.exponential.ocs <- as.formula(sprintf("log(NTX) ~ I(exp(-time*%f)) + 1",

random.exponential.ocs <- as.formula(sprintf("~ I(exp(-time*%f)) + 1 | Patient",

exponential.random <- lme(fixed = fixed.exponential.ocs,
                          random = random.exponential.ocs,
                          method = "ML", data = data.analysis,
                          control = lmeControl(opt = "optim"))

model.exponential.random <- jointModel(exponential.random, model.surv, timeVar = "time",
                            method = "piecewise-PH-aGH", = 5)

## Call:
## jointModel(lmeObject = exponential.random, survObject = model.surv, 
##     timeVar = "time", method = "piecewise-PH-aGH", = 5)
## Data Descriptives:
## Longitudinal Process     Event Process
## Number of Observations: 698  Number of Events: 101 (80.2%)
## Number of Groups: 126
## Joint Model Summary:
## Longitudinal Process: Linear mixed-effects model
## Event Process: Relative risk model with piecewise-constant
##      baseline risk function
## Parameterization: Time-dependent 
##   log.Lik     AIC      BIC
##  -1395.08 2822.16 2867.541
## Variance Components:
##                           StdDev    Corr
## (Intercept)               1.2154  (Intr)
## I(exp(-time * 1.092705))  0.3075 -0.9495
## Residual                  0.7118        
## Coefficients:
## Longitudinal Process
##                           Value Std.Err z-value p-value
## (Intercept)              4.3580  0.1136 38.3766 <0.0001
## I(exp(-time * 1.092705)) 0.5137  0.0783  6.5571 <0.0001
## Event Process
##                 Value Std.Err  z-value p-value
## Age.Diagnosis  0.0181  0.0076   2.3956  0.0166
## Sex            0.3046  0.2175   1.4001  0.1615
## Extra.Mets     0.6575  0.2263   2.9050  0.0037
## Assoct         0.1962  0.0970   2.0233  0.0430
## log(xi.1)     -6.6874  0.6698  -9.9836        
## log(xi.2)     -6.2591  0.6608  -9.4713        
## log(xi.3)     -6.0383  0.6575  -9.1835        
## log(xi.4)     -5.8437  0.6501  -8.9884        
## log(xi.5)     -5.8630  0.6225  -9.4178        
## log(xi.6)     -5.8975  0.5742 -10.2709        
## Integration:
## method: (pseudo) adaptive Gauss-Hermite
## quadrature points: 5 
## Optimization:
## Convergence: 0

Model 9 - (Spline Model with Optimal Completion Strategy)

spline.random <- lme(fixed = log(NTX) ~ ns(time, 3) + 1,
                         random = ~ ns(time, 3) + 1 | Patient,
                         method = "ML", data = data.analysis,
                         control = lmeControl(opt = "optim"))

# Needs more EM iterations to avoid convergence problems
model.spline.random <- jointModel(spline.random, model.surv, timeVar = "time", 
                          method = "piecewise-PH-aGH",
                 = 5, iter.EM = 500)

## Call:
## jointModel(lmeObject = spline.random, survObject = model.surv, 
##     timeVar = "time", method = "piecewise-PH-aGH", = 5, 
##     iter.EM = 500)
## Data Descriptives:
## Longitudinal Process     Event Process
## Number of Observations: 698  Number of Events: 101 (80.2%)
## Number of Groups: 126
## Joint Model Summary:
## Longitudinal Process: Linear mixed-effects model
## Event Process: Relative risk model with piecewise-constant
##      baseline risk function
## Parameterization: Time-dependent 
##    log.Lik      AIC      BIC
##  -1280.885 2611.771 2682.678
## Variance Components:
##               StdDev    Corr                
## (Intercept)   0.9675  (Intr)  n(,3)1  n(,3)2
## ns(time, 3)1  0.4994 -0.4523                
## ns(time, 3)2  0.8039  0.5191  0.5185        
## ns(time, 3)3  0.2122 -0.4303  0.9445  0.4443
## Residual      0.6231                        
## Coefficients:
## Longitudinal Process
##                Value Std.Err z-value p-value
## (Intercept)   4.8073  0.0528 91.0829 <0.0001
## ns(time, 3)1 -0.0960  0.1065 -0.9021  0.3670
## ns(time, 3)2 -1.0021  0.1352 -7.4126 <0.0001
## ns(time, 3)3 -0.1198  0.0694 -1.7255  0.0844
## Event Process
##                 Value Std.Err  z-value p-value
## Age.Diagnosis  0.0170  0.0075   2.2688  0.0233
## Sex            0.3153  0.2188   1.4408  0.1496
## Extra.Mets     0.6681  0.2264   2.9509  0.0032
## Assoct         0.1966  0.0611   3.2200  0.0013
## log(xi.1)     -6.6290  0.6395 -10.3661        
## log(xi.2)     -6.1809  0.6308  -9.7982        
## log(xi.3)     -5.9290  0.6295  -9.4193        
## log(xi.4)     -5.6756  0.6298  -9.0120        
## log(xi.5)     -5.5331  0.5997  -9.2264        
## log(xi.6)     -5.0740  0.5996  -8.4625        
## Integration:
## method: (pseudo) adaptive Gauss-Hermite
## quadrature points: 3 
## Optimization:
## Convergence: 0