Import data:


Joint Modelling Analysis - LOCF

data.analysis <- data.with.clusts 

# Perform LOCF using the *na.locf* procedure from the **zoo** package
data.locf <- data.analysis %>% mutate(NTX = ifelse(is.missing, NA, NTX)) %>%
  group_by(Patient) %>% mutate(NTX = zoo::na.locf(NTX, na.rm = FALSE)) %>% filter(! %>% filter(! <- data.locf[!duplicated(data.locf$Patient),]

library(survival) <- coxph(Surv(, Death.Status) ~ Age.Diagnosis + 
                                 Sex + Extra.Mets, data =, x = TRUE)

Model 4 - (Rational Model with Last Observation Carried Forward (LOCF))

rational.nlme <- nlme(model = log(NTX) ~ 1/(time + a)^g + i,
                      fixed =  a + g + i ~ 1,
                      random = i ~ 1 | Patient,
                      start = c(a = 1, g = 1, i = 1),
                      data = data.locf)

fixed.rational.locf <- as.formula(sprintf("log(NTX) ~ I(1/(time + %f)^%f) + 1",

random.rational.locf <- as.formula(sprintf("~ I(1/(time + %f)^%f) + 1 | Patient",

rational.random.locf <- lme(fixed = fixed.rational.locf, 
                       random = random.rational.locf,
                       method = "ML", data = data.locf,
                       control = lmeControl(opt = "optim"))

## Linear mixed-effects model fit by maximum likelihood
##  Data: data.locf 
##        AIC      BIC    logLik
##   1900.544 1927.816 -944.2718
## Random effects:
##  Formula: ~I(1/(time + 1.370338)^1.468602) + 1 | Patient
##  Structure: General positive-definite, Log-Cholesky parametrization
##                                 StdDev    Corr  
## (Intercept)                     1.2870805 (Intr)
## I(1/(time + 1.370338)^1.468602) 1.0385953 -0.669
## Residual                        0.7139692       
## Fixed effects: list(fixed.rational.locf) 
##                                    Value Std.Error  DF  t-value p-value
## (Intercept)                     4.261362 0.1214442 569 35.08905       0
## I(1/(time + 1.370338)^1.468602) 0.978851 0.1572206 569  6.22597       0
##  Correlation: 
##                                 (Intr)
## I(1/(time + 1.370338)^1.468602) -0.555
## Standardized Within-Group Residuals:
##         Min          Q1         Med          Q3         Max 
## -9.16561090 -0.42174586  0.05402667  0.37222123  4.73461615 
## Number of Observations: 696
## Number of Groups: 126
model.rational.locf <- jointModel(rational.random.locf,,
                                        timeVar = "time", method = "piecewise-PH-aGH",
                         = 5)

## Call:
## jointModel(lmeObject = rational.random.locf, survObject =, 
##     timeVar = "time", method = "piecewise-PH-aGH", = 5)
## Data Descriptives:
## Longitudinal Process     Event Process
## Number of Observations: 696  Number of Events: 101 (80.2%)
## Number of Groups: 126
## Joint Model Summary:
## Longitudinal Process: Linear mixed-effects model
## Event Process: Relative risk model with piecewise-constant
##      baseline risk function
## Parameterization: Time-dependent 
##    log.Lik      AIC      BIC
##  -1415.341 2862.681 2908.062
## Variance Components:
##                                  StdDev    Corr
## (Intercept)                      1.2891  (Intr)
## I(1/(time + 1.370338)^1.468602)  1.0385 -0.6712
## Residual                         0.7140        
## Coefficients:
## Longitudinal Process
##                                  Value Std.Err z-value p-value
## (Intercept)                     4.2650  0.1215 35.1032 <0.0001
## I(1/(time + 1.370338)^1.468602) 0.9683  0.1572  6.1602 <0.0001
## Event Process
##                 Value Std.Err  z-value p-value
## Age.Diagnosis  0.0186  0.0076   2.4479  0.0144
## Sex            0.3006  0.2176   1.3811  0.1672
## Extra.Mets     0.6687  0.2266   2.9504  0.0032
## Assoct         0.1674  0.0941   1.7776  0.0755
## log(xi.1)     -6.5896  0.6587 -10.0035        
## log(xi.2)     -6.1567  0.6499  -9.4735        
## log(xi.3)     -5.9373  0.6471  -9.1755        
## log(xi.4)     -5.7468  0.6400  -8.9798        
## log(xi.5)     -5.7666  0.6115  -9.4307        
## log(xi.6)     -5.8020  0.5625 -10.3151        
## Integration:
## method: (pseudo) adaptive Gauss-Hermite
## quadrature points: 5 
## Optimization:
## Convergence: 0

Model 5 - (Exponential Model with Last Observation Carried Forward (LOCF))

exponential.random.nlme <- nlme(log(NTX) ~ exp(-time*a) + int,
                               fixed = a + int ~ 1,
                               random = int ~ 1 | Patient,
                               data = data.locf,
                               start = c( a = 1, int = 3))

fixed.exponential.locf <- as.formula(sprintf("log(NTX) ~ I(exp(-time * %f)) + 1",

random.exponential.locf <- as.formula(sprintf("~ I(exp(-time * %f)) + 1 | Patient",

exponential.random.locf <- lme(fixed = fixed.exponential.locf,
                          random = random.exponential.locf,
                          method = "ML", data = data.locf,
                          control = lmeControl(opt = "optim"))

model.exponential.locf <- jointModel(exponential.random.locf,,
                                        timeVar = "time", method = "piecewise-PH-aGH",
                            = 5)

## Call:
## jointModel(lmeObject = exponential.random.locf, survObject =, 
##     timeVar = "time", method = "piecewise-PH-aGH", = 5)
## Data Descriptives:
## Longitudinal Process     Event Process
## Number of Observations: 696  Number of Events: 101 (80.2%)
## Number of Groups: 126
## Joint Model Summary:
## Longitudinal Process: Linear mixed-effects model
## Event Process: Relative risk model with piecewise-constant
##      baseline risk function
## Parameterization: Time-dependent 
##    log.Lik      AIC     BIC
##  -1415.475 2862.949 2908.33
## Variance Components:
##                           StdDev    Corr
## (Intercept)               1.2592  (Intr)
## I(exp(-time * 0.861081))  0.6035 -0.6527
## Residual                  0.7146        
## Coefficients:
## Longitudinal Process
##                           Value Std.Err z-value p-value
## (Intercept)              4.3055  0.1178 36.5377 <0.0001
## I(exp(-time * 0.861081)) 0.5693  0.0919  6.1976 <0.0001
## Event Process
##                 Value Std.Err  z-value p-value
## Age.Diagnosis  0.0186  0.0076   2.4406  0.0147
## Sex            0.3005  0.2175   1.3812  0.1672
## Extra.Mets     0.6673  0.2264   2.9474  0.0032
## Assoct         0.1692  0.0952   1.7784  0.0753
## log(xi.1)     -6.5924  0.6616  -9.9651        
## log(xi.2)     -6.1635  0.6536  -9.4301        
## log(xi.3)     -5.9455  0.6511  -9.1313        
## log(xi.4)     -5.7555  0.6439  -8.9377        
## log(xi.5)     -5.7762  0.6155  -9.3851        
## log(xi.6)     -5.8129  0.5665 -10.2611        
## Integration:
## method: (pseudo) adaptive Gauss-Hermite
## quadrature points: 5 
## Optimization:
## Convergence: 0

Model 6 - (Spline Model with Last Observation Carried Forward (LOCF))

spline.random.locf <- lme(fixed = log(NTX) ~ ns(time,3) + 1,
                          random = ~ ns(time, 3) + 1 | Patient,
                          method = "ML", data = data.locf,
                          control = lmeControl(opt = "optim"))

model.spline.locf <- jointModel(spline.random.locf,,
                                timeVar = "time", method = "piecewise-PH-aGH",
                       = 5)
## Call:
## jointModel(lmeObject = spline.random.locf, survObject =, 
##     timeVar = "time", method = "piecewise-PH-aGH", = 5)
## Data Descriptives:
## Longitudinal Process     Event Process
## Number of Observations: 696  Number of Events: 101 (80.2%)
## Number of Groups: 126
## Joint Model Summary:
## Longitudinal Process: Linear mixed-effects model
## Event Process: Relative risk model with piecewise-constant
##      baseline risk function
## Parameterization: Time-dependent 
##    log.Lik      AIC      BIC
##  -1376.519 2803.037 2873.945
## Variance Components:
##               StdDev    Corr                
## (Intercept)   0.9582  (Intr)  n(,3)1  n(,3)2
## ns(time, 3)1  0.6542 -0.3155                
## ns(time, 3)2  0.9078  0.5543  0.6110        
## ns(time, 3)3  0.5545 -0.1383  0.9777  0.7357
## Residual      0.6508                        
## Coefficients:
## Longitudinal Process
##                Value Std.Err z-value p-value
## (Intercept)   4.8851  0.0634 77.1063 <0.0001
## ns(time, 3)1 -0.2576  0.1191 -2.1629  0.0305
## ns(time, 3)2 -1.0792  0.1454 -7.4211 <0.0001
## ns(time, 3)3 -0.2157  0.0806 -2.6762  0.0074
## Event Process
##                 Value Std.Err  z-value p-value
## Age.Diagnosis  0.0175  0.0077   2.2547  0.0242
## Sex            0.2930  0.2195   1.3347  0.1820
## Extra.Mets     0.6322  0.2265   2.7908  0.0053
## Assoct         0.1353  0.0619   2.1852  0.0289
## log(xi.1)     -6.3419  0.5850 -10.8412        
## log(xi.2)     -5.9094  0.5798 -10.1919        
## log(xi.3)     -5.6709  0.5787  -9.7988        
## log(xi.4)     -5.4442  0.5802  -9.3836        
## log(xi.5)     -5.3798  0.5643  -9.5329        
## log(xi.6)     -5.1128  0.5761  -8.8747        
## Integration:
## method: (pseudo) adaptive Gauss-Hermite
## quadrature points: 3 
## Optimization:
## Convergence: 0