IndexSpan: Discovery of Large Item-Indexable Sequential Patterns

Method for the efficient discovery of sequential patterns in item-indexable sequences.
An item-indexable sequence does not allow item repetitions and is commonly dense.
The target tasks for databases composed of item-indexable sequences benefit from lengthy patterns and tolerate local mismatches.
A pattern-merging procedure is made available for the efficient discovery of large noise-tolerant sequential patterns.
	author = {Rui Henriques and C. Antunes and Sara C. Madeira},
	title = {Methods for the Efficient Discovery of Large Item-Indexable Sequential Patterns},
	booktitle = {ECML/PKDD New Frontiers to Mine Complex Patterns},
	series = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence},
	year = {2014},
	volume = {8399},
	pages = {94-108},
	publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
Synthetic datasets (non-exhaustive set): Real datasets:

Software: IndexSpan JAR v3.1.0 (06-11-2013, 3.40 MB)

Others: Raw Results and Statistical Sheets
