Transactions standards

Transactions standards

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The transactions standards address the problem of providing well-defined semantics for the combined result of a group of Web Services operations on distributed resources.
The goal semantics can be ACID (where the atomicity, consistency, isolation and durability properties hold) or a more relaxed version of it.
To achieve this kind of solution, the models assume temporary and recoverable fault models for the machines and networks.

Standard Reference Status Standards
WS-Coordination [Feingold05a] proposal -- Microsoft, IBM, Hitachi, IONA , ...
WS-AtomicTransaction [Feingold05b] proposal -- Microsoft , ...
WS-BusinessActivity [Feingold05c] proposal -- Microsoft , ...
WS-CAF (Composite Application Framework) [Little03a] proposal OASIS Fujitsu, IONA, Oracle, Sun Microsystems, Arjuna

There are two frameworks for transactions in Web Services: WS-Coordination and WS-CompositeApplicationFramework.

WS-Coordination serves as basis for two service coordination approaches. WS-AtomicTransaction is suitable for cases where resources can remain locked for the duration of the transaction and assures ACID properties using two phase-commit distributed consensus protocols. WS-BusinessActivity is suitable for longer-lived transactions and relaxes transactional properties, like isolation, to achieve its goals.

WS-CompositeApplicationFramework is structured in three blocks. WS-Context defines simplified context management operations. WS-CoordinationFramework specifies the coordinator to manage the context lifecycle and to assure the message delivery to participants. WS-TransactionManagement specifies several protocols, including: two-phase commit, long-lived transactions, and business process workflows; it also addresses interoperability between different transaction manager implementations.


BibTeX entries

Feingold, M., Web Services Coordination (WS-Coordination) Version 1.0, IBM, Microsoft, Hitachi, Arjuna Technologies, IONA, 2005

Feingold, M., Web Services Atomic Transaction (WS-AtomicTransaction) Version 1.0, IBM, Microsoft, Hitachi, Arjuna Technologies, IONA, 2005

Feingold, M., Web Services Business Activity Framework (WS-BusinessActivity) Version 1.0, IBM, Microsoft, Hitachi, Arjuna Technologies, IONA, 2005

Little, M., Web Services Composite Application Framework (WS-CAF) version 1.0, Sun, Oracle, IONA, Arjuna, Fujitsu, 2003

© 2006 Miguel Filipe Leitão Pardal

Last update on 2009-03-16