From kinetics data to rate equation.
2025.Mar.07 04:22:23
File to upload (Optional) Such as Kinetics.xlsx
Data sheet (Of uploaded file.)
Screen 'csv' data In 'csv' (Am or Eu) format,
ignored if a file is uploaded
Method     Regression method. •
Guesses Initial guesses for the parameters: A, k. •
Computing option   Verify with guesses or adjust them. •
xtol, ftol, maxiter (-1: see below) Tolerances for x, y; max. iterations.
Show values Show graph coordinates.

Performs a linear regression on the logarithm of the rate data and (optional) general regression on the raw data. ('maxiter' = -1 ⇒ 1000 × #Guesses)

A plot is drawn of the experimental and calculated values.

References: Plate: DLV-Kinetics

 • (Wikipedia) PHP (from Personal Home Page)  • (Wikipedia) Python (programming language)

 • (Wikipedia) Chemical kinetics

 • Soong, T. T., 2004, Fundamentals of Probability and Statistics for Engineers, Wiley. ISBN: 9780470868157 (pp 336–8)

 • (Wikipedia) Coefficient of determination

 • Crop image...  • Symbols: Unicode.pdf (charts); arrows.

 • Program by: Diogo Vilela, IST Chem. Eng. MSc student.

 • 1901-12-05: Heisenberg, Werner Karl (†1976-02-01, 74 yrs.).

Valid HTML 4.01! IST http://web.ist.utl.pt/~mcasquilho/compute/vilela/P-kinetics.php
Created: 2021-12-05 — Last modified: 2021-12-12