Tube-style packet filling
  Fills (via Monte Carlo) packets, as tubes, with items.
2025.Mar.07 03:17:15
.L, U g   (specification limits) Lower, upper specs on packet weight. •
μ, σ g Mean and st. dev. for the weight of each item.
a, b g   (0 < a < x < b) Truncation a (min) and b (max) for item. •
Strategy   Strategy: none or FIFO rectify. •
N, .seed No. of items ("lot size"), random no. gener. seed. •
tol, klass, ymax   g−1 ['0' (¬ '.0'), auto.] Tolerance, no. of histo. classes, max. y for graph. •
Show values Shows the coordinates of the graph. •

Simulates, via Monte Carlo, the filling of a packet (or bag) of items, in a tube-style, FIFO (first in, first out) strategy (as in a doubly open tube). The objective is to get a final filling with weight (mass) in (L, U). An example might be to fill a bag of 1 kg of oranges, namely (as in the base data), weighing between L = 1000 and U = 1040 g.

The weight of each item is considered truncated Gaussian. (Tolerance is for the inversion of the Gaussian distribution.)

The computing time for 500 000 items is about 20 s, so, above that value, it may be halted (on the Internet).

Several other, better strategies (worthy of research) would be convenient to try to reach the final weight within the limits.

References: Plate: TubePacketFill1

Rhee, W., M. Talagrand, 1991, A note on the selection of random variables under a sum constraint, J. of Applied Probability, 28(4), 919–923 (vaguely related). (Reserved ISI access. Abstract.pdf).

• "Calibrafruta, Equipamentos Hortofrutícolas, L.da", Souto da Carpalhosa, Leiria (Portugal).

• Google search: "packet filling", "package filling".

Con-Weigh Systems, Delhi (India) (packing & bag handling). "All Packaging Company", Co. (USA) (tube style carton).

• Tube style: coffer dams, wall lamps, nut bags; Ionic Manufacturing, Ltd. (bag closing.pdf).

• 1623-09-11: Angeli, Stefano degli, or 21-Sep (1697-10-11).

Valid HTML 4.01! IST http://web.ist.utl.pt/~mcasquilho/compute/qc/Fx-tubefill.php
Created: 2010-09-11 — Last modified: 2012-01-13