Quality index for the truncated Gaussian
  Simulates (Monte Carlo) Q for a truncated Gaussian.
2025.Mar.07 03:14:45
n Sample size. •
AQL, α % (both) AQL and producer's risk (type I error). •
a, b (= ∞) Truncation bounds, a < x < b. •
lgN  (▪), .seed (▪)Sugg., ≤ ~6 No. (log10) of trials, random no. gener. seed. •
klass No. of histo. classes. •
Graph min, max Limits of Q for the graph. •
Show values Shows the coordinates of the graph. •

Simulates, via Monte Carlo (limited time), the quality index, Q, for a truncated (standard) Gaussian variable, x, with truncation bounds a < x < b for a given sample size, n.

Plots the density function (pdf), f(Q), and the probability function (cdf), F(Q), for Q.

References: Plate: truncGaussQindex

• Google "quality index"

• †1528-04-06: Dürer, Albrecht (*1471-05-21).

Valid HTML 4.01! IST http://web.ist.utl.pt/~mcasquilho/compute/qc/Fx-trGaussQ.php
Created: 2012-04-07 — Last modified: 2012-09-25