Standard deviation of integers
  Examines (via Monte Carlo) the behaviour of the standard deviation of random integers.
2025.Feb.21 18:21:53
mLO, mHI Limits for m (m in mLO..mHI). •
n, Prob % Sample size (n > 1), and probability for crit. s. •
N, .seed 10^ No. of trials, seed for random no. generator. •
klass No. of histo. classes. •
Show values Shows the coordinates of the graph. •

Simulates, via Monte Carlo, a sample of n random integers between mLO and mHI and examines the behaviour of their standard deviation.   Plots the pdf and cdf of the standard deviation.  In a questionnaire, m would be the response in a Likert-type scale (m-point item), and n would be the number of respondents to a certain question.

Notes For m = 1..n, it is s = √[n(n+1) ⁄ 12]. The maximum s is smax = √[n ⁄ (n − 1)] (mHImLO) ⁄ 2, for n even and (same value) for n−1 (odd).   E.g., for m = 1..4 and n = 15,   smax is the value for 16, i.e., √(16 ⁄ 15) (4 − 1) ⁄ 2 = 1.549... . Also [Samuelson's ineq.], it is (xix)² ≤ (n − 1) s²(n).

References: Plate: StandardDeviationInt

• Wikipedia: standard deviation  • Wikipedia: Likert scale  • Google search: "Samuelson's inequality".

• Jensen, Shane, and G. P. H. Styan, 1997, "Some comments and a bibliography on the Laguerre-Samuelson inequality with extensions and applications in Statistica and matrix theory" (=.pdf).

• Mathew, Thomas, and Kenneth Nordström, 1997, "An Inequality for a Measure of Deviation in Linear Models", The American Statistician, 51(4), 344–349 (=.pdf, p 346).

• Samuelson, P. A., 1968, "How deviant can you be ?", Journal of the American Statistical Association, 63, 1522–1525, in Mathew & Nordström.

• 1755-04-27: Parseval des Chênes, Marc Antoine (1836-08-16).

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Created: 2012-04-26 — Last modified: 2012-04-29