Sums, products of Gaussians
  Draws a Monte Carlo simulated curve for a sum or product of several given Gaussian variables.
2025.Feb.20 19:25:09
Operation sum   product Operation. •
μ Vector of means.
σ Vector of standard deviations.
ntrials, .seed Simulation: no. of trials, seed (non-repeatable if 0).
klass, ymax No. of classes, max. y (automatic if 0).
Show values Shows the coordinates of the graph.

Draws a Monte Carlo simulated graph of fZ  for the variable Z = {Σ|Π}iXi.

References: Plate: spGaussians

Mösli, Bernd, 1995, "A Comparison of C++, Fortran 90 and Oberon-2 for Scientific Programming", Arithmetica.

Metcalf, Michael, 1995, "Array handling", CERN CN-AS.

• 1902-10-31: Wald, Abraham (1950-12-31).

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Created: 2004-10-31 — Last modified: 2017-04-09