Cone bottom cylinder filling
Simulates the height from filling a cone bottom cylinder.
2024.Jul.03 18:16:58
H Cone height. •
D Cylinder diameter. •
Distribution of m   (μ, a|σ): Distribution of (random) mass poured. •
Distribution of ρ   (μ, a|σ): Distribution of (random) density. •
α % Probability of overflow. •
N 10 ^ (≤ 7) No. of random trials. •
.seed, klass Seed for random numbers, and no. of histogram classes. •
Show values Shows the coordinates of the graph. •

Simulates, via Monte Carlo, the height, h, of liquid poured in a cone bottom cylinder. The cone has height H and fits the cylinder, of diameter D (both with vertical axes). In the Figure, is shown a cone bottom cylinder.

Plots the density function (pdf), f(h), and the probability function (cdf), F(h), and estimates the mean and standard deviation of h.

Other suggested data for (distr., μ, a): (Gauss, 46, 1), (Gauss, 1.1, 0.02)

References: Plate: ConeBCylinder

• Dartmouth College, 2014, Chapter 2.pdf, "Continuous probability densities"

• Weisstein, Eric W., "Cone", MathWorld—A Wolfram Web Resource

• 1646-07-01: Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm (1716-11-14).

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Created: 2014-07-01 — Last modified: 2014-07-03