σ from unequal sample sizes
Finds σ from bag batches' sums of weights: a conjecture.
2025.Feb.22 08:33:06
n Lot sizes, ni, i = 1..m. •
μ, σ (kg)   (theoretical) Gaussian parameters for the bag weight. •
Criterion c =       (iff given) Criterion for weighting. •
Lg(trials), .seed N. of trials and random n. generator seed. •
Show values Show the graph coordinates.

Tries, from simulated weights of batches of possibly unequal sizes of bags (or other collective items), to determine the mean and standard deviation, μ and σ, of the Gaussian distribution assumed for the weight of the individual bags. The sizes of the m batches (indeed, commercial lots) are ni, i = 1..m, given in the vector n.

The determination of σ is done by a weighting criterion applied to the various lot sizes, a conjecture. The weights are, for i = 1..m, wi = nic ⁄ Σnic. (A criterion of c = 0 leads, of course, to the arithmetic mean, which will also be the case for any c if all the ni are equal.)

Detail...   The best criterion appears to be c = 1.

This is an attempt to estimate σ (estimating μ is trivial) from a set of experimental data that are here simulated but which routinely exist in many industries. (The base data are inspired in real bags of fertilizers.)

As this computation is rather lengthy, if the number of trials is excessive (for the total lot sizes), it is reduced (trials × lot total ≤ 108).

Draws a plot of f, the 'pdf', and F, the 'cdf', of the averages of bags, a (certainly, around μ), only to verify the sufficiency of the Monte Carlo simulation.

References: Plate: SigmaFromSums

• Google search: "different sample size" -unequal; "unequal sample size" -different

• Catálogo de fertilizantes (ADP fertilizantes, SA, "fertilizers"). (SAPEC; Tradecorp)

• 1842-11-12: Strutt, John William (Lord Rayleigh) († 1919-06-30).

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Created: 2017-11-12 — Last modified: 2018-03-25